My car accident update
4So the insurance appraiser came out and looked at my car and it’s totaled. And come to find out it had previously been a branded title ((salvaged)twice, I think). I didn’t even know a salvaged title could get a green title again but apparently after 6 years and it’s been fixed, the dealership can apply for a new one and that’s how my car ended up with one.
I don’t know if I’m happy or sad. I finally had a nice car and one people would say “that’s your car” (a Volvo S60 with some kind of special paint) instead of the crap ones I drove for years. I’m sad to see my nice car go but then I’m happy I don’t have to pay for premium gas anymore or pay up the ass for repairs. I have the worst luck with cars, worst luck ever! Things go wrong that shouldn’t (and that aren’t my fault) and I put more money into them then the average person.
So I’m on the hunt for something new. I hate being low to the ground and would like a small to mid size suv. I also LOVED my turbo engine in my Volvo and had an LHS that was really fast. I just like fast cars. I’m gonna buy used again, I never cared for the idea of a lease. I want something reliable and that repairs aren’t as expensive as my Volvo was. Anybody have any suggestions for me?
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We have loved our Toyota Highlander Hybrids (on #2).

In-laws like their RAV4 (I think they have 2 now); my parents are happy with their Subaru Crosstrek.
None of the are speedsters, tho. Not gonna consider a BMW or Porsche, are you?
/image BMW vs. Porsche SUV
@compunaut There are no German words for “Reliable” or “Cheap to repair”.
I believe Ford and GM both offer small-ish SUVs with turbo engines in them now. You may be able to get a good used one from a rental car place (they sell them off once they reach a certain number of miles, often far less than the average driver would put on a car in its lifetime).
I’ve been very happy with my Mazda CX-5. My Toyota Highlander was too big. If I had to get a new one, I’d stay with Mazda but get the next one up.
@OldCatLady Absolutely love my CX-5 and can’t recommend it enough.
I (still) have a 2003 Mazda Tribute, which kinda/sorta was the prequel to the CX-5… and I also love mine. So much so that I would buy another in a heartbeat. IRRC, it was a shared mechanical design with Ford (their version is the Ford Escape), which may be why Mazda stopped making it after. a few years. So I’d recommend checkout the Ford Escape as well… it is a compact SUV like the Tribute.
I have a friend whose ‘hobby’ during the pandemic has been to sloooowly research cars and test drive them, and he’s told me a few times that the CX-5 has consistently stood head and shoulders above the rest.
Should add that once my Tribute finally does die, I will very likely get a CX-5.
You want a fast vehicle that has fewer things that can go wrong? Tesla Model 3 or Model Y.
I have a Chevy Equinox that I love. Mid sized with v6
Might want to read consumer reports about reliability/what tends to break more often of the ones you are interest in.
I started doing that.
Whatever else you decide to do- pay for a Carfax analysis of your next prospective used car- it will show if it has had major repairs, ever been salvaged, and other useful history. Ours even gave it’s oil change history.
Can’t believe I’m saying this but consider a Hyundai Santa Fe, Tuscon, whichever fits your needs. Do NOT get the 2liter turbo engine! Bad engine, BAD! V6 is gooder. A lot of value for the price.
@G1 we love our Santa Fe. I drive a sonata and love the "sport(turbo) mode! Santa Fe’s is just as good but I fear a rollover on the steep curvy hills. Guess I’m getting old, turning into a pussy.
@AuntMean67 According to (and lots of places), the 2.0 liter turbo engine will need to be replaced at least once, and the warrantee has been extended to 120 k miles, or some-such.
I don’t have the 2.0l-turbo, so I may have lots of facts wrong, so PLEASE look this one up for details!
There’s not much you can do about the flaw. Watch your oil consumption VERY closely (EVERY WEEK).
The problem is, you start losing a little oil every week, and even when you keep it topped off and fresh, one day, it will just dump and seize the engine.
Check for recalls! I think the engine needs to be losing a certain amt. per week, and the recall will go into effect (new engine), but the new engine will still have the same flaw, maybe a small fix that helps.
@AuntMean67 @G1 Both Hyundai and Kia have come a long way from what they were in the 90s. I looked at the Sante Fe and Sorento and ended up choosing the Kia because of the V6 and price. The Hyundai dealers around me were selling at above MSRP because of the low supply and high demand during the pandemic. What you get for the money is far above what the domestic and Japanese makers are offering and I’ve bought Subarus for the past 25+ years.
@AuntMean67 @kuoh “Both Hyundai and Kia have come a long way from what they were in the 90s.”
I agree, just stay away from the turbo. It’s a specific engine model, but there are jillions of them out there.
@G1 My Sonata is a 2017 and I haven’t had any problems with it. One of my friends has a 2016 and it’s a real lemon. That said, the fords my father-in-law used to buy was hit or miss also. I do keep an eye on my car and if my husband’s Santa Fe starts he’ll do something about it. He’s more uptight about sounds and feels from a vehicle than I am!
@AuntMean67 @kouh These links will give you an idea of what I mean. The wording of the recalls seems unusual to me. They got SLAPPED in court.
(This page reads with newest info first.)
@G1 Do you remember the Toyota recalls a several years back? It was pretty bad, too. I remember ford and chrysler recalls when I was younger, too. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of the automotive (and for that matter any) business. Ups and downs. I still love my Sonata and the issues will not prevent me from buying another when the time comes.
@AuntMean67 Yep.
I would buy another one, when the time comes.
A used AWD BMW wagon. I love them so much. I hate that crossovers have killed the station wagon. Again, repairs aren’t cheap, but you said you liked fast?
Fast SUV, you say?

1200hp enough?