@luvche21 There was flourescent yellow tape outlining it. They just had to look around, collect some information and then make an informed choice, executing on a strategic plan for success.
Fuck it. Critical thinking is too hard. Just bump into shit and “fake it 'til you make it.” Or die tryin’.
@DennisG2014 the part that got me was when she walked over the shoes to try to exit. Why would anyone fill a doorway and make it difficult for the flow of traffic?
Three bumps and she still leads with her head. She just got lucky the last time.
If that’s an optometrist’s office, they’re badly shirking their responsibilities.
If at
firstsecondthirdfourth, you don’t succeed …The struggle is real.
I wish there was a better shot of the space, but that just looks like horrible design to me… The doorway looked the same as the wall
@luvche21 There was flourescent yellow tape outlining it. They just had to look around, collect some information and then make an informed choice, executing on a strategic plan for success.
Fuck it. Critical thinking is too hard. Just bump into shit and “fake it 'til you make it.” Or die tryin’.
@luvche21 @mike808 Naw, visuals are unnecessary; it works by sound. When you don’t hear anymore “thunks” you have found the door.
Horrible design definitely gets the most blame here though.
Always lead with your face.
I have a hard time believing anyone could be that dumb…
But I also have a hard time believing anyone not that dumb would intentionally bang their head with that much force just for a faked video…
@DennisG2014 the part that got me was when she walked over the shoes to try to exit. Why would anyone fill a doorway and make it difficult for the flow of traffic?
@DennisG2014 r/talesfromtechsupport/ says otherwise.
@DennisG2014 @narfcake if you have ever worked retail or food service, you know better. Oh, the stories I could tell!
Or tech support as the link suggests! You can’t make this stuff up!
@DennisG2014 @ybmuG Sadly, nope.
@DennisG2014 @narfcake @ybmuG finally, being stupid IS painful
To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Three bumps and she still leads with her head. She just got lucky the last time.
If that’s an optometrist’s office, they’re badly shirking their responsibilities.