@luvche21@Moose Bad timing for Moose but good timing for you. Definitely go to the International Spy Museum. They’re in the process of moving to a brand new facility that looks amazing. It should be reopened in May. It’s one of the coolest museums I’ve ever been in.
@luvche21@Moose I lived just north of DC for several years. I moved away a couple of years ago, and don’t regret it. Still, it is a nice area to visit.
Adams Morgan is full of good international restaurants. Just walk around and pick something exciting. There’s a place that used to be called “Little Havana,” but I think is now called “Havana Village” that has Salsa dancing lessons that are fun. Their website is kind of wonky, though.
They also have a Mellow Mushroom. This is a pretty big chain, but I like them a lot and, if you’ve never eat at one it is worth the stop.
For a more local pizza chain that’s pretty good, look for a Ledo Pizza. It’s a little weird, and not to everyone’s taste, but I liked it a lot.
Ben’s Chili Bowl is generally considered a “must eat” place in DC. It’s historically very important, but it was also super crowded and I didn’t think the food was particularly special. I’m not sure if they’ve rescinded their policy that Bill Cosby eats free…
Others have mentioned, the Smithsonian museums are all very good. You can spend days at them. The National Zoo is also very, very good, and worth a day of your time.
I don’t know what your travel plans are, but absolutely do not try to drive in DC if you can at all help it. I’m serious. Also, rush hour in DC is approximately 7-10am and 3-8pm M-F and it’s not much better on weekends.
I’ll respectfully dissent on the International Spy museum. I thought it was pretty cheesy. That said, if you can make it to the National Crytologic Museum halfway between DC and Baltimore, it’s worth a visit. It’s literally next door to the National Security Agency, has old, declassified supercomputers, and has a couple of Enigma machines you can play with.
If you make it up to Baltimore, the National Aquarium is really good. They also do haunted pub crawls in Fells Point which are a lot of fun, and there’s a great, free art museum right next to Johns Hopkins University main campus.
@luvche21@Moose Also, don’t forget the Smithsonian American Art Museum. It’s easy to miss since it’s not on the National Mall. It’s a few blocks away, next to Capital One Arena.
Also, I should clarify about the International Spy Museum. I don’t really recommend against it. It’s fun, but it is cheesy. It’s not a “serious” museum like the Smithsonian museums, or the National Cryptologic Museum.
@Limewater@luvche21@Moose Yeah the don’t drive in DC (don’t use a taxi either, great public transportation)… I used to live in the greater Norfolk area of VA and had to drive through there to get to OH. That took me straight through DC. The traffic jams around holidays started around 60 miles south of Alexandria and continued up until you reached the PA turnpike. I am serious. Once it took me once 17+ hours to drive an otherwise 9 hour drive. Driving through there it doesn’t matter what I tried - cross the Potomac river to drive up one side or the other, go on the inner belt or the outer belt - always traffic jams (not to mention you are 100% guaranteed to run into construction. I would imagine that when they finished on a highway it was time to start all over again). It is usually pretty wall to wall traffic jam during rush hour (which as was said is most of the morning, afternoon and evening). I finally settled on driving up one side or the other of the river. Then if the other side of the river seemed like it had less traffic, cross it. I’d imagine though doing that tends to resemble thinking that changing lanes a lot is going to somehow get you out of a traffic jam sooner.
@Limewater@luvche21@Moose I also confess I didn’t care for the spy museum over other options like air and space. Our kids did love it, however, and seeing them enjoy it that much made it well worth it. I recall there was a generic pass - maybe a smithsonian thing, but I also recall there was reciprocal passes given if you had membership in one of hundreds of societies. I think there may be a us mint there, I might be getting confused with philly-but go if you can. The war memorials are humbling and the mlk and Elenor Roosevelt quote are worth the time.
@Kidsandliz ooh, I’ll be in Norfolk too in I believe 2021 for a different conference. It looks like a fun town! Also, I almost took a job there a few years back but turned it down since the past wasn’t liveable for my family.
@luvche21 It is a town geared for tourists but nothing really is outstanding. The focus is mainly the beach - as in Virginia Beach or the seaside park just past the town of Sandbridge on that spit (south of Virginia Beach). The aquarium is OK. If they are running there are multiple ships running Elizabeth River 2 and 3 hour sails (one tall ship does that too).
If they still have the NASA training area open to tourists (I took high school students through there with a summer Electron Beam Accelerator summer program partnered with Oak Ridge I was running so don’t know if that was a special just for us or not and that was years ago so who knows what is the case now) that was kind of cool to look at. If you are lucky and the Virginia Beach boardwalk art show is there at the time that is nice.
Williamsburg is about an hour and a half maybe (from Norfolk) away and that is far more interesting to visit (eg the historic area - you can walk around without a ticket, but you can’t go in many of the buildings without one) than most of the crap in the Norfolk area (will require a car to get there). For entertainment value going over the bridge tunnel that goes to the MD eastern shore is a hoot (tolls and it closes in high winds - bridge sways even in not high winds). Again need to rent a car to do that.
Oh also to the west of Williamsburg (not by much as you hit the James River shortly west of that) is Jamestown foundation (costs money to get in) and Jamestown as in the town, free but everything is gone but signs to tell you what was there. Some golf course that many presidents use is right by there too.
Of course a tour of the Navy base (a ton of military installations there) can be interesting (I never did it since I sailed by it sailing in the summer, and sailed my tiny sailboat in the small bay on the northern side of it).
In Newport News (other side of the James River Bridge on the north) is a kind of nice boat museum if you like that kind of stuff. They have a fantastic collection of ship models made by some famous guy whose name escapes me. Incredible detail on them. It is just south of Christopher Newport College along the James River there)
You will be about 90 miles from Richmond VA, about 3.5 hours from DC, about 3.5 hours from New Orleans, maybe 50 or so (well from the Newport News side which is where I lived) from Williamsburg.
Boush Gardens amusement park and a water park are near Williamsburg.
Hi, @OldCatLady! - Mueller report is apparently not too revealing, but rest assured he has farmed out lots of cases to other courts. The process continues.
Be prepared for some sick megalomaniacal gloating from dolt 45 though.
@Kidsandliz@phendrick I’m not sure about this. I think Fox News is, in general, sensationalist and ridiculous, but I think this might actually just be factually correct.
The whole purpose was to see if there was evidence that specific crimes occurred, not to take the place of the actual court proceedings that have followed indictments coming out of the investigation.
If it doesn’t even look like a crime was committed, there’s not much point in gathering exculpatory evidence…
@Kidsandliz@Limewater It was one of Dershowitz’ points that it is NOT the job of the prosecutor to find exculpatory evidence, so you wouldn’t normally find such in a prosecutorial report.
@Barney Thanks. Yeah, there is some good company here. That’s probably why I spend a lot more time looking at this site than I should. (And buying more stuff than I should.)
I chuckle when I think of the huge garage AND yard sale my son and his family will have on my passing. Pennies on the dollar. Or, maybe they could just try to find uses for it all.
I believe the gopher was in reference to O Brother Where Art Thou, which is one of my favorite movies of all times. That line made me literally lol.
I just wanted to toss in my two cents, which I don’t usually do, and say that you took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with your assessment, and appreciate the civil way you phrased it. Kudos.
@punkynpye Thanks for the cultural tie-in. I’ve seen trailers for that movie many times and keep telling myself to watch it, but have yet to do it. I think the first time was during a critic’s show from Siskel and Ebert. Yep, it was that long ago. IIRC, they gave it two thumbs up.
OK, so now I’m telling myself once again I need to watch it.
@Kidsandliz Wow! What a turn this thread took! I just came back for two things:
To congratulate you on actually watching/reading Fox News. I’m not sure if you remember but we’ve had some interactions politically and we do not necessarily agree on much. My personal feelings on that point is, “So?” While I don’t share your view of Fox I apparently share your view on staying informed. I try to watch CNN just to get the other slant. I’ve often found the truth to lie somewhat in-between Fox and CNN. A lot closer to Fox (IMHO) but still in the middle.
@f00l they’re excluding the part that involves discussion where the secret services interfered with a shipment of toothbrushes from an unnamed vendor due to its part in an international scandal.
@phendrick Damned gov’t efficiency, or lack thereof! I finally found time to begin giving this report a reading and was quite dismayed to find that this PDF is NOT SEARCHABLE! (The student in me hates to have to take notes as I go along.)
Anybody got the time to print this to an OCR app and post that somewhere and link here to it?
Or maybe post a link here to a found searchable copy?
Some of them are supposedly available today, but are still showing as pre-orders.
You do have to pay for the “available today” ones. The “supposedly today” stress seem to be $6-10 range.
Cheaper editions might show up quickly. Dunno.
The ones that are currently priced under $2 are showing as pre-orders, available near the end of the month.
Within Congress (where any issues regarding alleged Presidential misconduct by the current incumbent would fall), issues and behaviors mean, over time, what the combined political judgement and will of the Congress, and of the people at large whose views one hopes Congress takes note of) conclude they mean.
Any prosecutorial viewpoints must be filtered thru Congress and must survive the filtering process (including all the grandstanding, and all the spin efforts, and all the pressure and deal-making attempts, all the potential lies, and all the honorable soul-searching, and everything else) before any of that becomes legally true.
Until then it is all just individual and collective opinion.
That said, I’m eager to know the salient details.
So far, historically speaking, i would say, the US had been lucky in the character of many of our political leaders during crisis and controversy. Lucky in that we have survived. Lucky in that it is still possible to have ideals about the future of this nation, after 200 years or stress and challenge.
Lucky, because it is pretty easy to imagine that, along the way, demagoguery or stupidity or corruption or venality could have won the powers over, and become the accepted long-term norms.
I have not read this release. Nor reached any final private conclusions about any possible impeachable activities, at this time. Or whether, if a strong case can be made, impeachment should follow.
But let’s be lucky this time, whatever that will mean, once more.
I thought the second video above (the “long” one) contained her entire statement to the committee at the time.
It doesn’t; it seems to cut off a little early.
Perhaps due to YouTube video length constraints at the time the video was uploaded? Or other technical issues?
The first video above (the “short” one) starts near where the second video cuts out; finishes the first video and takes the viewer to the conclusion of her statement.
BN also has the WP and Dershowitz versions and some other versions. Some of these are available now.
(Free and $) https://m.barnesandnoble.com/s/Mueller
I presume there are matching releases available on other e-book sites.
The scribd auto-bot is sending out automated copyright violation takedown messages to other doc providers, whether those providers are offering the scribd originated version of the report or not. Scribd has confirmed this and is trying to fix it.
And now we wait for the dominoes to fall.

What good timing, I’m visiting DC next week. I’ll see if I can find him and ask what it says.
@Moose While you’re there, get those four sealed indictments he filed last week. Maybe @kdemo has some suggestions, too.
@Moose @OldCatLady - I believe there are over 50 sealed indictments, but can’t tell if they’re all related to Mueller.
@Moose I’ll be there in June, I’d love to hear if you have anything on your must do list
@luvche21 @Moose I grew up there and the Air and Space museum is must! All the Smithsonian museums rock, but that ones the best IMO.
@luvche21 @Moose Bad timing for Moose but good timing for you. Definitely go to the International Spy Museum. They’re in the process of moving to a brand new facility that looks amazing. It should be reopened in May. It’s one of the coolest museums I’ve ever been in.
@Gypsigirl213 well that didn’t take much to convince me! I think my hotel is pretty close actually! Any food recommendations?
@cinoclav that sounds fascinating! Definitely looking that one up. Do you think it will be moved by June?
@luvche21 According to their website it’s supposed to reopen May 12th.
@luvche21 Sorry, I haven’t been back in over a decade so no food recommendations as I’m sure a lot has changed!
@luvche21 @Moose I lived just north of DC for several years. I moved away a couple of years ago, and don’t regret it. Still, it is a nice area to visit.
Adams Morgan is full of good international restaurants. Just walk around and pick something exciting. There’s a place that used to be called “Little Havana,” but I think is now called “Havana Village” that has Salsa dancing lessons that are fun. Their website is kind of wonky, though.
They also have a Mellow Mushroom. This is a pretty big chain, but I like them a lot and, if you’ve never eat at one it is worth the stop.
For a more local pizza chain that’s pretty good, look for a Ledo Pizza. It’s a little weird, and not to everyone’s taste, but I liked it a lot.
Ben’s Chili Bowl is generally considered a “must eat” place in DC. It’s historically very important, but it was also super crowded and I didn’t think the food was particularly special. I’m not sure if they’ve rescinded their policy that Bill Cosby eats free…
Others have mentioned, the Smithsonian museums are all very good. You can spend days at them. The National Zoo is also very, very good, and worth a day of your time.
I don’t know what your travel plans are, but absolutely do not try to drive in DC if you can at all help it. I’m serious. Also, rush hour in DC is approximately 7-10am and 3-8pm M-F and it’s not much better on weekends.
I’ll respectfully dissent on the International Spy museum. I thought it was pretty cheesy. That said, if you can make it to the National Crytologic Museum halfway between DC and Baltimore, it’s worth a visit. It’s literally next door to the National Security Agency, has old, declassified supercomputers, and has a couple of Enigma machines you can play with.
If you make it up to Baltimore, the National Aquarium is really good. They also do haunted pub crawls in Fells Point which are a lot of fun, and there’s a great, free art museum right next to Johns Hopkins University main campus.
@luvche21 @Moose Also, don’t forget the Smithsonian American Art Museum. It’s easy to miss since it’s not on the National Mall. It’s a few blocks away, next to Capital One Arena.
Also, I should clarify about the International Spy Museum. I don’t really recommend against it. It’s fun, but it is cheesy. It’s not a “serious” museum like the Smithsonian museums, or the National Cryptologic Museum.
@Limewater @luvche21 @Moose Yeah the don’t drive in DC (don’t use a taxi either, great public transportation)… I used to live in the greater Norfolk area of VA and had to drive through there to get to OH. That took me straight through DC. The traffic jams around holidays started around 60 miles south of Alexandria and continued up until you reached the PA turnpike. I am serious. Once it took me once 17+ hours to drive an otherwise 9 hour drive. Driving through there it doesn’t matter what I tried - cross the Potomac river to drive up one side or the other, go on the inner belt or the outer belt - always traffic jams (not to mention you are 100% guaranteed to run into construction. I would imagine that when they finished on a highway it was time to start all over again). It is usually pretty wall to wall traffic jam during rush hour (which as was said is most of the morning, afternoon and evening). I finally settled on driving up one side or the other of the river. Then if the other side of the river seemed like it had less traffic, cross it. I’d imagine though doing that tends to resemble thinking that changing lanes a lot is going to somehow get you out of a traffic jam sooner.
@Limewater @luvche21 @Moose I also confess I didn’t care for the spy museum over other options like air and space. Our kids did love it, however, and seeing them enjoy it that much made it well worth it. I recall there was a generic pass - maybe a smithsonian thing, but I also recall there was reciprocal passes given if you had membership in one of hundreds of societies. I think there may be a us mint there, I might be getting confused with philly-but go if you can. The war memorials are humbling and the mlk and Elenor Roosevelt quote are worth the time.
@Limewater thanks for all the tips! I’ll be downtown for 6 days, and will ditch out on my conference as much as possible to see as much as possible!
@Kidsandliz ooh, I’ll be in Norfolk too in I believe 2021 for a different conference. It looks like a fun town! Also, I almost took a job there a few years back but turned it down since the past wasn’t liveable for my family.
@luvche21 It is a town geared for tourists but nothing really is outstanding. The focus is mainly the beach - as in Virginia Beach or the seaside park just past the town of Sandbridge on that spit (south of Virginia Beach). The aquarium is OK. If they are running there are multiple ships running Elizabeth River 2 and 3 hour sails (one tall ship does that too).
If they still have the NASA training area open to tourists (I took high school students through there with a summer Electron Beam Accelerator summer program partnered with Oak Ridge I was running so don’t know if that was a special just for us or not and that was years ago so who knows what is the case now) that was kind of cool to look at. If you are lucky and the Virginia Beach boardwalk art show is there at the time that is nice.
Williamsburg is about an hour and a half maybe (from Norfolk) away and that is far more interesting to visit (eg the historic area - you can walk around without a ticket, but you can’t go in many of the buildings without one) than most of the crap in the Norfolk area (will require a car to get there). For entertainment value going over the bridge tunnel that goes to the MD eastern shore is a hoot (tolls and it closes in high winds - bridge sways even in not high winds). Again need to rent a car to do that.
Oh also to the west of Williamsburg (not by much as you hit the James River shortly west of that) is Jamestown foundation (costs money to get in) and Jamestown as in the town, free but everything is gone but signs to tell you what was there. Some golf course that many presidents use is right by there too.
Of course a tour of the Navy base (a ton of military installations there) can be interesting (I never did it since I sailed by it sailing in the summer, and sailed my tiny sailboat in the small bay on the northern side of it).
In Newport News (other side of the James River Bridge on the north) is a kind of nice boat museum if you like that kind of stuff. They have a fantastic collection of ship models made by some famous guy whose name escapes me. Incredible detail on them. It is just south of Christopher Newport College along the James River there)
You will be about 90 miles from Richmond VA, about 3.5 hours from DC, about 3.5 hours from New Orleans, maybe 50 or so (well from the Newport News side which is where I lived) from Williamsburg.
Boush Gardens amusement park and a water park are near Williamsburg.
They preempted Judge Judy for this???
@therealjrn Noooo! I love that broad.
Hi, @OldCatLady! - Mueller report is apparently not too revealing, but rest assured he has farmed out lots of cases to other courts. The process continues.
Be prepared for some sick megalomaniacal gloating from dolt 45 though.
Most rational thing I’ve read so far about The Report:
Of course, we’ll get lotsa knee-jerk opinions from people who haven’t read the report. You can verify this on the various news outlets already, both on the left and on the right.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick I’m not sure about this. I think Fox News is, in general, sensationalist and ridiculous, but I think this might actually just be factually correct.
The whole purpose was to see if there was evidence that specific crimes occurred, not to take the place of the actual court proceedings that have followed indictments coming out of the investigation.
If it doesn’t even look like a crime was committed, there’s not much point in gathering exculpatory evidence…
@Kidsandliz @Limewater It was one of Dershowitz’ points that it is NOT the job of the prosecutor to find exculpatory evidence, so you wouldn’t normally find such in a prosecutorial report.
@Barney Thanks. Yeah, there is some good company here. That’s probably why I spend a lot more time looking at this site than I should. (And buying more stuff than I should.)
I chuckle when I think of the huge garage AND yard sale my son and his family will have on my passing. Pennies on the dollar. Or, maybe they could just try to find uses for it all.
@Limewater @phendrick
I believe the gopher was in reference to O Brother Where Art Thou, which is one of my favorite movies of all times. That line made me literally lol.
I just wanted to toss in my two cents, which I don’t usually do, and say that you took the words right out of my mouth. I agree with your assessment, and appreciate the civil way you phrased it. Kudos.
@punkynpye Thanks for the cultural tie-in. I’ve seen trailers for that movie many times and keep telling myself to watch it, but have yet to do it. I think the first time was during a critic’s show from Siskel and Ebert. Yep, it was that long ago. IIRC, they gave it two thumbs up.
OK, so now I’m telling myself once again I need to watch it.
@Kidsandliz Wow! What a turn this thread took! I just came back for two things:
No one is going to the corner for a timeout, but …
@narfcake I think you are forgetting that you are moderating Meh, not Woot.
And I meant every word that I said, especially my last deleted comment.
@Barney @narfcake What the actual fuck… What last deleted comment? Please, @Barney, whisper it to me so I can sleep!
@Barney If this was Woot, this whole thread probably wouldn’t even exist anymore. Days ago.
This chain was going way down the wrong path starting with one of the early replies, hence the zapping of those along with much of the follow-ups.
@narfcake I think I got my point across.
@Barney Cheshire needs more purple.
@narfcake I’m in a blue mood today.
What a reality show.
I now await the results from the SDNY
/giphy “reality show”

When findings are made public, audible will record and release them for free.
Audible has a history of providing this service for official reports of great public interest.
@f00l Whaaaaa!!! Thanks!!!
@f00l - Niiice!
@f00l as read by Samuel L. Jackson?
Samuel L Jackson might be a great choice to read a report written by Hunter S Thompson.
But I rather doubt they will get a celebrity narrator.
The audible version is currently slated as to be released on 04-30-2019.
No info yet on narrated time length or identity of narrator.
@f00l Sigh. I guess deep down I knew that. The will to believe is very strong, and I need a good book to read for my birthday.
@f00l Okay, this is getting odd. Do you suppose Audible gave Barr an offer he couldn’t refuse?
Not the raw report, of course.
@f00l they’re excluding the part that involves discussion where the secret services interfered with a shipment of toothbrushes from an unnamed vendor due to its part in an international scandal.
The full redacted report (448 pages) direct from the justice dept.
I will not listen to your opinions on this until you confirm that you read it all.
@phendrick Damned gov’t efficiency, or lack thereof! I finally found time to begin giving this report a reading and was quite dismayed to find that this PDF is NOT SEARCHABLE! (The student in me hates to have to take notes as I go along.)
Anybody got the time to print this to an OCR app and post that somewhere and link here to it?
Or maybe post a link here to a found searchable copy?
A Kindle version would be searchable.
I presume similar with other e-book version providers.
Kindle versions
Some of them are supposedly available today, but are still showing as pre-orders.
You do have to pay for the “available today” ones. The “supposedly today” stress seem to be $6-10 range.
Cheaper editions might show up quickly. Dunno.
The ones that are currently priced under $2 are showing as pre-orders, available near the end of the month.
@phendrick Here is a searchable (in a clunky HTML sort of way) post:
This is my favorite so far. Yeah, that sure sounds like someone who’s innocent.

Within Congress (where any issues regarding alleged Presidential misconduct by the current incumbent would fall), issues and behaviors mean, over time, what the combined political judgement and will of the Congress, and of the people at large whose views one hopes Congress takes note of) conclude they mean.
Any prosecutorial viewpoints must be filtered thru Congress and must survive the filtering process (including all the grandstanding, and all the spin efforts, and all the pressure and deal-making attempts, all the potential lies, and all the honorable soul-searching, and everything else) before any of that becomes legally true.
Until then it is all just individual and collective opinion.
That said, I’m eager to know the salient details.
So far, historically speaking, i would say, the US had been lucky in the character of many of our political leaders during crisis and controversy. Lucky in that we have survived. Lucky in that it is still possible to have ideals about the future of this nation, after 200 years or stress and challenge.
Lucky, because it is pretty easy to imagine that, along the way, demagoguery or stupidity or corruption or venality could have won the powers over, and become the accepted long-term norms.
I have not read this release. Nor reached any final private conclusions about any possible impeachable activities, at this time. Or whether, if a strong case can be made, impeachment should follow.
But let’s be lucky this time, whatever that will mean, once more.
From another era
@f00l God, I miss Barbara Jordan. I really do.
Yes. And Ann Richards as well.
Note re the Rep Barbara Jordan videos above
I thought the second video above (the “long” one) contained her entire statement to the committee at the time.
It doesn’t; it seems to cut off a little early.
Perhaps due to YouTube video length constraints at the time the video was uploaded? Or other technical issues?
The first video above (the “short” one) starts near where the second video cuts out; finishes the first video and takes the viewer to the conclusion of her statement.
Rep Jordan was and is worth the watching.
The Washington Post’s Kindle store release of the Mueller Report is available now.
(Some editions, including this one, include commentary by those whose specialize in constitutional law.)
The Dershowitz commentated version is supposed to be out sometime today.
So far, most of the other versions I see in the Amazon Kindle store are listed as intended for release in 3-10 days.
Barnes and Noble has a free copy, prob with no commentary, here
It appears to be available immediately.
BN also has the WP and Dershowitz versions and some other versions. Some of these are available now.
(Free and $)
I presume there are matching releases available on other e-book sites.
/image “Mueller Report”

@phendrick, you wanted a searchable version?
The free BN nook e-version linked above and here should offer that.
Well, I’m annoyed.
I just loaded that version into the Nook app (iOS) and tried searching for words I first checked were within the early part of the document.
Zero results for a variety of words.
I guess BN didn’t index the doc.
/giphy “no go”

@f00l @phendrick
@Ignorant @phendrick
Here is a capture of the WP version on Kindle, after searching for the word "release”.
@Ignorant @phendrick
Here are the corresponding search results from the free BN Nook version.
: (
@Ignorant @phendrick
Re scribd version
Here is the link, for those whose browser settings are like mine.
I couldn’t see it until I went to another browser, I’ve got Twitter blocked on my usual one.

Thanks. That Scribd version looks the be$t I’ve seen for searching, so far.
The scribd auto-bot is sending out automated copyright violation takedown messages to other doc providers, whether those providers are offering the scribd originated version of the report or not. Scribd has confirmed this and is trying to fix it.
The doc itself is public domain.
/giphy wonderful!

I thought this was a pretty good read about the audiobook recording(s) of the report.