Mozilla is saying goodbye to Firebug
7Mozilla has announced that Firebug will be officially retired with the release of Firefox 57.
There’s a wonderful article on the hacks.mozilla blog here:
Not being a web developer, I’ve only heard of Firebug by reputation, but I always heard great things about Firebug.
@shawn @katylava and other web folk, any stories or memories about it?
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So I haven’t read TFA, but Firebug saved my bacon more than once back in the mid-aughties (yes, it’s been around that long) while doing development with YUI v1. I think we had JSP pages generating the XML that the front-end would process
There was a point when “view source” stopped being useful due to the rise of Ajax, dynamic HTML, etc., and being to inspect the DOM in Firebug was indispensable. But I moved on to Chrome and Chrome devtools a long time ago. Firebug lives on, in other tools.

/giphy fire bug
They also got rid of fireftp. I guess the donations aren’t coming in as well as hoped.
firefox needs an update badly
@davechait Firefox Quantum, release version 57, is supposed to be just that. Beta versions are testing to be faster then Chrome with an entire new engine. Seems like they are casting off old products shortly before its release. Will it be what they claim, who knows, but there is some buzz being generated before its release. Can only wait and see, release is coming shortly.