Laundry days, as I revisit which shirts I’ve worn in the past week(s).
(I stagger the hung dried “care” loads by color group, so it can be several weeks before some get washed. The “care less” loads are usually weekly and those go in the dryer.)
@llangley - the sandwich ones that are shaped like a peanut. I can try to revisit the wafers; see what I think. I don’t have a sweet tooth. So the cookies are my only sweets.
We’ve got three and a third acres of varied terrain. All told, I mow about half of it, plus a lot of little paths through the woods and the areas that we’re letting go wild. They’re being taken over by walnut and catalpa and mulberry surprisingly quickly (plus a lot of invasive honeysuckle, which I love, but really need to start fighting), and in less than ten years those paths will be through woods too.
Anyway, it’s the three hours of work I look forward to the most every week.
(Side note: anyone in northeast Indiana want some free saplings? I hate to kill them, but we’ve got a few growing in places where they’re eventually going to be a problem. I’ll even deliver if you’re in the Fort Wayne-Warsaw-Huntington triangle.)
laundry is definitely not relaxing as i have to go to a laundromat to do it.
dishes could be relaxing but our old farmhouse sink is a weird height so it can quickly go from zen to searing lower back pain and spasms if you don’t hurry up about it.
i guess no chore is ‘relaxing’ but some are more satisfying and less horrifying than others. dusting/cleaning and reorganizing my big collection of little art toys, or making the bed, or watering the plants for instance.
i suppose some people might consider grocery shopping or cooking a chore, but i enjoy those. relaxing though? ehhhh…
@MomDK You’re lucky. My son was sent to NICU, an hour away, as soon as he was born, a Sunday morning. I got to see him Wednesday, tried.
Sadly I was not able to do this.
@MomDK Sorry, should have said, “baby” is now 25. I was an old, first timer, doc let me go 11 days late.
I told the doc something was wrong. Emergency C, he was so old in the womb, he had a “bm.” As the jerk doc pulled him out, he took a breath and injested the maconium. Had to have antibiotics a week, then came home. 8lb 11oz healthy
I am truly blessed, babies, years ago did not have a good outcome from this.
Did not go back to that doc.
Tending to my Koi pond. Those guys just love the attention and I end up feeling like I’ve done something that was appreciated. Those fish are very expressive. Or, maybe I need to get out more.
Chopping wood. Easy choice.
@melonscoop amen to that!
Spivvining the flaxwhoosle.
Shewn giffily:
/giphy spivvining the flaxwhoosle
UncleVinny has a sad countenance this day, friends.
A relaxing chore is oxymoronic, like giant shrimp.
Starting the dishwasher and then taking a nap.
@awk you sleep to the sound of empty dishwashers?
@awk that is indeed a good one.
Telling the wife: “Beer me, Hon”.
The chore part is having to tell her in the first place. The relaxing part is beer in hand, job well done.
Watching the TV.
Well, somebody has to do it or it won’t get done!
Laundry days, as I revisit which shirts I’ve worn in the past week(s).
(I stagger the hung dried “care” loads by color group, so it can be several weeks before some get washed. The “care less” loads are usually weekly and those go in the dryer.)
Dogecoin mining.
Eating nutter butter cookies
@meh427 the sandwich ones or the wafers (my personal favorite)??
@llangley - the sandwich ones that are shaped like a peanut. I can try to revisit the wafers; see what I think. I don’t have a sweet tooth. So the cookies are my only sweets.
Binge-watching on Netflix while the teenager next door mows your lawn for a Jackson.
I love mowing the lawn.
We’ve got three and a third acres of varied terrain. All told, I mow about half of it, plus a lot of little paths through the woods and the areas that we’re letting go wild. They’re being taken over by walnut and catalpa and mulberry surprisingly quickly (plus a lot of invasive honeysuckle, which I love, but really need to start fighting), and in less than ten years those paths will be through woods too.
Anyway, it’s the three hours of work I look forward to the most every week.
(Side note: anyone in northeast Indiana want some free saplings? I hate to kill them, but we’ve got a few growing in places where they’re eventually going to be a problem. I’ll even deliver if you’re in the Fort Wayne-Warsaw-Huntington triangle.)
Walking into the house after the cleaning lady has made her bimonthly visit.
laundry is definitely not relaxing as i have to go to a laundromat to do it.
dishes could be relaxing but our old farmhouse sink is a weird height so it can quickly go from zen to searing lower back pain and spasms if you don’t hurry up about it.
i guess no chore is ‘relaxing’ but some are more satisfying and less horrifying than others. dusting/cleaning and reorganizing my big collection of little art toys, or making the bed, or watering the plants for instance.
i suppose some people might consider grocery shopping or cooking a chore, but i enjoy those. relaxing though? ehhhh…
Breastfeeding my baby
@MomDK You’re lucky. My son was sent to NICU, an hour away, as soon as he was born, a Sunday morning. I got to see him Wednesday, tried.
Sadly I was not able to do this.
@Calabama oh no! I am sorry! I will pray for you and your baby! Did they have some suggestions for you so that you would be able to bf??
@MomDK Sorry, should have said, “baby” is now 25. I was an old, first timer, doc let me go 11 days late.
I told the doc something was wrong. Emergency C, he was so old in the womb, he had a “bm.” As the jerk doc pulled him out, he took a breath and injested the maconium. Had to have antibiotics a week, then came home. 8lb 11oz healthy
I am truly blessed, babies, years ago did not have a good outcome from this.
Did not go back to that doc.
@Calabama Well I am glad he he turned out okay

Vacuuming, thanks to my neato from meh.
Best (and luckiest) $50 ever spent.
I love power washing!
Love to see the difference.
I especially like my electric power washer.
Organizing the cupboard. Starting with finding a place to put those pistachios. One pistachio at a time.
@demonbane Try naming them and then sorting them in alphabetical order.
Dusting my electronics. Seeing the layers of dust disappear with one easy swipe of the cloth is cathartic.
Tending to my Koi pond. Those guys just love the attention and I end up feeling like I’ve done something that was appreciated. Those fish are very expressive. Or, maybe I need to get out more.
Mowing the lawn is relaxing… for about the first third of the season… at which point it turns back into “chore.”
Here in FL it’s shoveling snow.
Relaxing chore??? By definition chore = “an unpleasant but necessary task”. I do not find “unpleasant” = relaxing.

/giphy nope to chores
making more hummer nectar and refilling the feeders…

/giphy hummingbird love