@gogrrl I see some dissenting votes in there. I just think they shouldn’t get away with ducking the same laws that any of us would be goosed with by our kindly neighborhood judge/police for just waddling by without noticing the petty city ordinance sign that’s most likely there to collect money from people instead of just. You know. Taxing correctly.
“Listen here, officer, I know there are archaic laws on the books against snake oil vending, general charlatans, and yes, also quackery… But I think that you might have misunderstood the term!”
“Dispatch, I got 2 perps coming in. Soliciting and abetting illegal distribution of popcorn on the sidewalk. That’s a code 404, isn’t it? They swallowed the evidence.”
@rockblossom look like American ducks to me. I don’t think they can make it over the pond. House arrest seems reasonable. I’m sure there’s a coop with a run somewhere close
@Kidsandliz ooh. Good point. Somebody messed up. That is 100% not a transport car. Unless it’s the clearest plexiglass I have ever seen. Definitely doesn’t have a cage and they could peck through those gaps if it did
But…we can’t read.

@gogrrl This only works if they are geese and not ducks. Wasn’t sure from the picture.
@gogrrl M R Ducks.
@gogrrl Definitely geese!
(I don’t know, but I like your joke, so …)
@gogrrl @werehatrack Ok ok, I’ll do it.
M R not.
@gogrrl ignorance of the law is not an excuse.
https://njsbf.org/2018/04/23/ignorance-of-the-law-is-not-an-excuse/#:~:text=Thomas Jefferson said%2C “Ignorance of,it can always be pretended.”
@gogrrl I see some dissenting votes in there. I just think they shouldn’t get away with ducking the same laws that any of us would be goosed with by our kindly neighborhood judge/police for just waddling by without noticing the petty city ordinance sign that’s most likely there to collect money from people instead of just. You know. Taxing correctly.
@gogrrl @stinks @werehatrack
M R 2. C D E D B D Is.
“They… They just popped out from under the cardboard box and tranquilized me.”
“Listen here, officer, I know there are archaic laws on the books against snake oil vending, general charlatans, and yes, also quackery… But I think that you might have misunderstood the term!”

“Dispatch, I got 2 perps coming in. Soliciting and abetting illegal distribution of popcorn on the sidewalk. That’s a code 404, isn’t it? They swallowed the evidence.”
Arrested for murder most fowl…
/image guilty crowes

A Top Gun officer, code named Maverick 2, one ups Maverick 1 with not one, but two “goose” RIO (radar intercept officer) in the back seat.
These perps will never make bail. They’re a flight risk.
@rockblossom look like American ducks to me. I don’t think they can make it over the pond. House arrest seems reasonable. I’m sure there’s a coop with a run somewhere close
@unksol Destined to be jailbirds.

Hey officer - you’d better duck before they try to goose you.
@Kidsandliz ooh. Good point. Somebody messed up. That is 100% not a transport car. Unless it’s the clearest plexiglass I have ever seen. Definitely doesn’t have a cage and they could peck through those gaps if it did
I loved the original ads, before they made them less funny.