Merry Month of Meh-Mas The Festivus edition


This year Festivus falls on Monday December 23 also known as tomorrow. With that in mind and because @mike808 asked me to say what really grinds my gears this is the Festivus edition of my goathood.


Let’s get the Festivus pole out
(As an aside whatever gif shows up it’s random)

/giphy Festivus Pole

/giphy Festivus Dinner

/giphy Airing of Grievances

“ I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re going to hear about it!” - Frank Costanza

So let’s hear about your grievances. You have till dinner time December 23 and then it’s time for Feats of Strength. If only I can find a Meh staffer who wants to play online trivia till one of us quits. Anyone game? Anyone know how to set that up? @Chadp @Thumperchick @snapster let’s play for all the Meh marbles control of one @mediocrebot for 1 week or something else I don’t know surprise me. I’ll offer a set of tickets to next years home opener for the Maryland Terps football game.