Merry Month of Meh-Mas Impeachment Part 2
7So for the third time in the history of our country a president has been impeached. Johnson for his supposed violation of the Tenure of Office Act, Clinton for perjury about Monica and obstruction of justice, and now Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Pretty fun time we live in. In addition the former CEO of Worldcom got out of prison 12 years early. So I know people hate talking politics because everyone starts calling everyone else names like snowflake, libtard, and a slew of others. So whether you are a trump supporter or a never Trump person or anyone in between or father left or right, let’s talk let’s leave this place better than we find it, let’s set an example for kids on how to lead by talking things out. Let’s be emblematic of Winthrop’s City on a Hill. With that happy monumental day in American history.
In any case Republican, Democrats, and independents feel free to have an open honest conversation with no name calling. And if politics isn’t your thing fine, I understand.
So what show do you wish they hadn’t cancelled in the last 3 years? My kids some how are upset that Fuller house is ending. Personally I want a remake of Urkle.
/giphy Urkle
Happy Thursday
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I think we need to impeach the scapegoat. He’s abusing the power of his office to win a gigantic fish tank. “No squid pro quo”, he says, but we know better! #notmygoat #resisttheclovenhoof!
@ybmuG absolutely
@ybmuG funny thing is that if I win the bigger tank I decided to donate my 50 gallon to my wife elementary school so they can raise fish through a DNR program and release them in the spring. Either way I just set up a tank in my wife’s classroom so the kids could learn about fresh water fish plus there are some kids who find it very helpful to stay calm and concentrate. But yeah definitely blame me.
/giphy and Pelosi

/giphy and Trump

/giphy and singing fish

/giphy and Big mouth Bass

@bleedmichigan doesn’t drink during Robanukah, like a heathen.
@mediocrebot I actually don’t drink unless it’s a Long Island then I drink those like your maker regrets their choices in life.
@bleedmichigan @ybmuG DNR – do not resuscitate – fish?
@bleedmichigan @phendrick @ybmuG I tried to resuscitate a fish once. Was not a positive experience. From now on it’s DNR for fish.
@phendrick @ybmuG Dept of natural resources
@phendrick my first thought exactly. (Kind of a good thing since the defib paddles arc like crazy in water… )
@chienfou Oops, sounds like the voice of experience talking there.
@chienfou @phendrick

Bro, you gotta try this! Check it out, …
/giphy cross the streams
Bojack Horseman. It isn’t even over yet, but I’m not ready for it to end.
/giphy what you talking about

“So what show do you wish they hadn’t cancelled in the last 3 years? My kids some how are upset that Fuller house is ending. Personally I want a remake of Urkle.”
Bojack has been canceled. That’s one I wish they hadn’t. Or maybe I’m really confused. It’s a little late for me, and my brain is foggy. Should I say something about Trump instead?
@LaserEyes I have no clue what that show is that’s what I meant.
@bleedmichigan OH! Netflix original animated series about a horse who used to be a star of a 90s sitcom and how he’s dealing with life now. It seems a little wonky and silly. But they get into some really heavy topics. I definitely recommend it.
/giphy heavy

10 years? You said 10 years right? Ok good.
Pushing Daisies
/giphy perfect strangers

Let’s make it 30 years well more like 26
Hi @shrdlu thanks for all the likes but feel free to say Hello as well
/giphy face palm

@bleedmichigan I’m easy. Sure, here’s one just for you…

/giphy hi

@bleedmichigan I don’t type that fast, you know, and then there’s all the work of finding something funny that’s fitting… Sort of.
@bleedmichigan Oh, god, this one’s even better…
@bleedmichigan I need to move on to other things, but one last smile for the invalid (that’s you, of course).

@Shrdlu better is not the word I would use to describe this
@Ignorant Ned The Pie Man, the later years:
@Ignorant Six Feet Under
ok, that’s 20 years
I wholeheartedly believe Turner and [adult swim] made a mistake when they canceled Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
I hardly ever watch TV. I’m still steamed that MASH got cancelled.
@mehcuda67 but what EXCELLENT final episode…
@mehcuda67 MASH was canceled? It’s on WGN every night.
/giphy MASH

OK… I’m not going to talk politics because I am pretty sure I am the odd man out in this group, but… since you brought up remakes… STOP WITH THE REMAKES!!! Seriously… all of these remakes do two things. 1) They prove that hollyweird is out of ideas and that they couldn’t come up with an original idea to save their lives. 2) They completely ruin excellent movies and shows. The originals were either good - leave them alone - or bad - in which case we don’t need to see it again.
@rebeltaz Indeed; it’s like a quick and easy way to a “new” movie. No need to figure out a plot because it’s all been done before.
@narfcake @rebeltaz
Boomers wouldn’t have to resort to remakes if millennials actually delivered on all that promised creativity, innovation, and disruption in entertainment content, now would we?
Watching some “media influencer” try to sell me shit I don’t need isn’t actual content. Neither is watching some gamer dude get his tech-boner on playing Fortnite/PUBG/CSGO/whatever or hosing newbs on the latest CTF/KOTH/BR game while pimping his sponsors.
Broadcasting your life as a personal popularity contest from high school is not a substantive contribution to humanity and the arts.
@mike808 @narfcake
Ummm… why can’t boomers just use their own creativity and come up with something new? Did they (we? I don’t know…) use up all of that generations ideas? I mean, like there’s a storehouse of creativity from which each generation can pull, and once all those ideas are gone, there are no more until/unless the next generation steps up to the plate?
And don’t get me wrong… I agree with everything else you said.
@narfcake @rebeltaz So which is it, Millennials? Do you want the Boomers to get out of the way so you can change the world, or do Millennials still need the Boomers to do everything for them because they really are just lazy ungrateful shits that can only destry, not create (because that’s too hard, waaaahhhh).
@mike808 @narfcake @rebeltaz I’m not sure if you’re serious or trolling, either. Or really what you’re talking about.
Either way, Boomers are not the dominant creators of entertainment content anymore, except that they probably still dominate the high-level executive positions at major studios.
The writers, directors, and creators of traditional entertainment media are mostly Gen X, with Millennials coming up.
@mike808 Don’t watch those? Obviously, some folks are entertained by such, but I’m not, so I don’t care about it. OTOH, the stuff I watch more of (biking, car rebuilds) might not be entertaining for them. Different strokes for different folks.
@Limewater @rebeltaz Since it’s the executives that control the dollars, it’s more about box office numbers, less about taking risks for new ideas /creativity. Too many Millennials are still trying to make ends under piles of student loans debt and stagnant wages. The want to bring new ideas to the table are out there in the generation, but they’re sure not going to waste it on enriching the rich even more while they remain held back.
There was a show called Hunted, essentially 9 teams of 2 on the run from our Nations finest track force. Only ran for 1 season. I hope they do another season but only because I would give it a try. If you haven’t seen it, it might be worth the 5 hour binge. It showed me just how tracked we are with our own love of social media.
As for impeachment, meh. I think we have so many far left and far right folks in office that it’s tough to know who cares about us more than their own party. I’m just worried about the debt we’re leaving our children while we figure out where we are headed. But somehow the talk of national debt only gets raised by the party that thinks the other side is responsible. Please forgive my political ignorance.
IRK for president!
@PlutoIsAPlanet Based on the numbers, the last six years that had a budget surplus were 2000, 1999, 1998, 1980, 1979, and 1978. This past year, the deficit spending surpassed that of 2010, while America was still in the midst of the recession.
Having pissed off the largest “customer” of US debt in recent years, the future isn’t looking good unless something changes soon.
(China holds $1.2+ trillion of US debt.)
@narfcake @PlutoIsAPlanet We won’t need to drop bombs in WW3. Just cut off the supply chain to us, stop buying our debt and we will be up a creek faster and more completely across the entire country than a big fleet of bombers could ever do.
The original, British IT Crowd. The only example of true socialism on tv. Douglas Reynholm for President! Oh wait…