MehGuyver: inSite Child Locator edition


Last week, while I was traveling back from the worlds largest hacker conference, I noticed Meh selling the insite child locators and thought "hey, I bet I could hack those". A few days later, I'm now the proud owner of 6 of these things, and I figured why not bore you all with an account of my adventures! So, here is part 1 of my MehGuyver experience, AKA taking that cheap Chinese shit apart.

The speaker portion comes apart real easy, just unscrew the 4 outer screws (the 4 inner screws just hold the battery box together, you can leave them in and just lift the entire back section off during disassembly). The PCB was stuck (but not glued!) inside, a few seconds of careful prying and it popped out.

The speaker is pretty cheap, but otherwise its a nice little unit. No glue makes it super easy to pick apart, and rubber gaskets indicate someone put at least a little thought into durability:

The PCB seems fairly simple. I don't pretend to understand what all the stuff there is, but I'm pretty sure I can reuse this circuit for something else:

Back almost nothing on it, just pads for the CR2032 batteries & a button:

The button/transmitter portion is also easy to tear apart. 3 screws on the outside get it open. After that, theres a 4th screw holding the board onto the other half of the case, and some more prying to get the battery contacts out of the plastic nubins for the battery holder.

Nothing crazy here:

PCB is pretty boring (and somehow fairly dirty):

Back has a few components as well:

All in all, I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting the antenna to be fake, but it actually is soldered into some antenna looking portions of the board. There was 0 glue or other impediments you normally have in taking apart modern electronics, this was super easy to take apart, fiddle with, and put back together. This looks like the perfect candidate for the next stage of my plans.....

Stay tuned for Part 2, where I irreparably damage some other household products in pursuit of not having to get my ass out of a chair to hit a button in the next room!