MEH Pop Sockets
31I NEED the Meh sockets to come back! I got the 2 pack for my girlfriend and myself because they are a perfect expression of us while on our phones. Now they’re faded and no longer match our on the phone faces! Bring them back! People now think they can talk to me while I’m in my phone because they can’t see my true expression from the back of my phone, it is terrible.
- 265 comments, 245 replies
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Preferably made a little sturdier
I’ve transported the face of my MEH pop socket to 3 new ones at this point now it keeps popping off.
@TimeVans looking for the ones with the MEH faces
@deathbynoodlez @TimeVans
@medz @TimeVans thank you for trying but mustache isn’t a replacement for the best pop socket 5ever
@TimeVans $14 for a pop socket??? They’ve got to be kidding. I buy them for $2 on eBay.
My Meh Popsocket is not one eyed, due to the wear on the face. Even as a Meh cyclops it’s my favorite Popsocket. Can the VIP members get some love?
@tightwad replace the eye with magic marker or white out depending on the color you have.
@medz I appreciate your faith in my Sharpie skills…but most grade school kids have better coloring abilities. This may be due to copious amounts of caffeine, or my old age, or simply lack of fine motor skills…
Sounds like you should post this everyday without fail
@reclaimercube challenge accepted
Day 2 of this post brings questions, if I am going to post this everyday do I just use this thread or make new ones?
@deathbynoodlez I would suggest posting each day on that day’s product discussion. Be sure to point out that that item is NOT the one you want.
@deathbynoodlez take notes from my repeated attempts of both failures and successes. I will post on your comment as long as their is breath in my lungs. Spam it!!!
@medz I appreciate the advise
@reclaimercube thanks for the support
@deathbynoodlez @reclaimercube Says the Bringer of the Brush.
How can you put MEH shirts up without a matching MEH face pop socket? It’s anarchy I tell you. Next we’ll see plain t shirts no logo for sale.
@deathbynoodlez Million dollar idea to add to this though. Since the shirt has different MEH faces they could sell different MEH face pop sockets. Easily the best idea I’ve ever had.
Day 4: we get vacuums but not a simple pop socket to prop my phone up so I can watch Netflix as I use this vacuum? That’s insane
Day 5: Phone stands are given to us to purchase, well not MEH face pop sockets it does do 1/3rd of what pop sockets do. I’d say this is progress and there is hope.
Day 6: The little hope I had yesterday is gone. Now they want me to record my sorrow in shades.
Day 7: Things are rough, some cruel fate has put a watch up to buy that I can only assume is to count the seconds till more pop sockets are avaliable, someone has requested a picture of the state of my pop socket which I will get for everyone.
Day 8: real talk I lost my MEH face pop socket while hiking today, the world as I know it is over, my girlfriend still has hers thankfully. What is life without the face of meh always with me.
Day 9: its it’s been one day since I my meh pop socket, causing me to fumble my phone all day. Thank goodness for screen protectors and cases.
Day 10: another t shirt, not what I’m looking for but the design would make a good pop socket, also a phone without a pop socket is the equivalent to holding butter
Day 11: why God! Why have you forsaken me! Must I buy a plain black one and paint a face on there! No I refuse this is not 1990s kindergarten arts and crafts time.
Day 12: Day light seems to be getting shorter, my therapist says it’s the tilt of the earth shifting for winter, but she can’t fool me it’s the darkness of my life growing without MEH faced pop sockets.
Day 13: tried to watch a show on my phone…without a pop socket for a kick stand I got 5 minutes into it before I gave up. sigh
Day 14: Halloween bags have been offered by MEH, all I can think about is what if I drop my phone during Halloween all because I have no Pop socket for grip.
Day 15: slept the whole day away in sorrow almost didnt even post
Day 16: everyday I hope for the new meh deal to be my one wish. Day after day I’m filled with disappointment. Good thing I’m not holding my breath, I’d be dead by now
I wonder what face you’re making today drinks wine
@reclaimercube MEH
Day 17: Today all fun and games, then I saw a person making a face looking MEH and in that instance I remembered my beautiful innocent pop socket that is forever lost and how the back of my phone is cold and lonely.
Day 18: I never realized how much I fiddled with my pop socket while watching TV in till my girlfriend pointed out I was messing with hers
Is that the latest euphemism we’re using these days?
Day 19: apparently I made a euphemism today not bad
Day 20.5 (because I’m a little late): I just processed meh put RAZORS up yesterday for the deal. RAZORS! RIGHT BEFORE NO SHAVE NOVEMBER. Finicially not the greatest move. But you know pop sockets would really help people hang on to their phones in this glove weather.
I’ve still got 2 sitting here, still in shiny new packaging…just meh’ing at me several times daily as I stand in my garage trying to get cancer, sometimes with a hint of cirrhosis, whilst avoiding my mini-me-s.
I don’t use 'em (popsockets in general)…they don’t work with the leather cases I prefer to use…I… just…well…kinda impulse buy anything Meh… branded (shhh, don’t tell them).
I’m moar than happy to end your suffering bud…you could be releshing in your shiny new popsockets that no one else can have.
/giphy temptation

@PHRoG i appreciate the offer but i dont feel comfortable giving my address out and part of me is on a mission at this point 21 days into it.
@deathbynoodlez @PHRoG Wait a second is this offer for everyone? I have no problem giving out my address. Talk to me @PHRoG ! I’d love to have a picture with one to post back on here.
Day 21: days are turning to weeks. But as such I’ll still go on.This isn’t just a mission for me. It’s for the world.
Day 22: we still wait, but I will not give up on my quest
I’ll throw myself out there too. I would love more meh popsockets. I put one on my case and it’s not doing too well…I wish I bought more…
Day 23: We have more people desiring more pop sockets. We’ve learned our lesson from last time by only buying 2, we know now to buy at least 10.
Day 24: I have found out there are non believers who do not wish for us to have MEH face pop sockets back. But they’ll see, they’ll all see
Day 25: if we were doing the 25 days till Christmas countdown I would’ve gotten my present of pop sockets by now
Your consistency is admirable.
Day 26: now it’s more like the day after Christmas where you realize you didnt get what you want. November 1st is my birthday, how about we release them for sale on the 1st just for me.
How’s the food situation holding up?
@reclaimercube food is sparse, the streets have descended into chaos like the purge
Day 27: only thing I’m scared of on Halloween is dropping my phone from lack of grip
Day 28: another birthday over, another day without a MEH face pop socket
Day 29: the countdown till Christmas begins, maybe we’ll see MEH face pop sockets by then
Day 30: a month by most standards is gone, a season has technically changed. Life is so different without a MEH face pop socket, I can’t even remember what it was like a month ago.
Day 31: Where are the MEH face pop sockets! We neeeeed them!
Day 32: How about we just get any kind of pop socket put up for sale on meh as a sign of good faith you’re working on making the ones with faces.
@deathbynoodlez hang tough - don’t sell out!
Day 33: do you think a pop socket would work well with a flip phone?
Day 34: could we also get pop socket accessories, like the car mounts for them and such
@deathbynoodlez I’m sure Meh has some knob polishers around the office they could get rid of.
Day 35: I do give the writers of meh credit, writing those stories everyday for items. This isn’t easy thinking of something everyday.
@deathbynoodlez I feel your pain. Alas, I have given up. My failure with the meh-gic 9 balls has me discouraged. Even my Awuwu is feeling like the epitome of failure. However, I encourage you to keep going. I will always be here until the end, friend.
@deathbynoodlez Perhaps you can help the writers out by creating the storyline for when they cave and get some more of them. Then meh could save some money as they then wouldn’t need to write up that part of the homepage.
@deathbynoodlez @Kidsandliz there are definitely plenty of storylines within the community to play off of. I wonder if they have a secret timeline in their offices of “big” events within the community.
@reclaimercube do not give up, I will keep posting even if it says day 365, I will not give up
Day 36: Some are losing faith but I will go on with believers or without, bring back MEH face pop sockets
Your persistence is to be commended. But even if they were going to put them up, they will probably hold back just to watch your suffering. They’re twisted like that.
@mfladd as long as they put them up it will be worth it
I would totally be down for this…uuugghhhh I sound so old.
It’s being trapped in a prolonged nightmare …
Day 37: the support is encouraging and I will press on
Not really a fan of pop socks, but don’t let me stop you…
You obviously have a passion! Not to mention mildly entertaining.
Day 38: if these pop sockets come back before Christmas I’m buying SOOOOO many, I’m going to be throwing these out for presents like Oprah giving out Ponitac G6s
@deathbynoodlez everyone is getting them at Christmas. Dammit.
Day 39: wow, an active day on the forums, had to school pretty far to find this post…or maybe Meh is trying to silence me?! We shall see.
we need to keep your star numbers up!
Day 40: People with pop sockets are 87% less likely to drop their phone. Made up facts or fact facts? You decide
Day 41: Pop socket for the Nintendo Switch, think about it
@deathbynoodlez Sooo, I was over on Sidedeal and found this. I’m pretty sure Meh is just torturing you at this point. I cannot imagine why anyone would pay $15 for that, but I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round. Anyway, keep the faith. They’ll give in once they’ve seen you suffer enough.
Day 42: The day number, the answer to the meaning of life, if pop sockets were released today it would all make sense.
Day 43.1: I’m a little late to this, work ran late, but the meaning of life can’t be 42 since no pop sockets were released.
Day 44: Maybe for Thanksgiving I can be thankful for MEH face pop sockets having been ordered
Day 45: does meh do Black Friday sales? And will they include pop sockets of the meh variety
Day 46: ate so much ice cream I may explode, wish I had meh pop socket to 1. Show me my current expression 2. Help me hold my phone
Day 47: the wait goes on and the holiday of sales is about to be upon us. Being able to grip my phone with ease with a pop socket would be great while I look at sales
Day 48: Will I have something to give thanks for tomorrow? We’ll find out
Day 49: I miss noodlez. The lack of consistency is depressing. Just like these horrible deals.
Day 50: I work retail and it wasn’t possible to really do a day 49 with black friday and all but I was assisted so thank you reclaimercube, I’m still here and waiting for my pop sockets
@deathbynoodlez Oh wow! I was worried about you ! Glad you’re okay!
I’ll always check in and give you 15 minutes of leway to post or not. If not even longer. 
Day 51.1: Black Friday weekend continues and the only deal I want is no where to be seen
Day 52: Will Cyber Monday have the one true deal I want? We shall see
@deathbynoodlez @jst1ofknd disappointed, we are.
/giphy Yoda disappointed

@jst1ofknd @reclaimercube welp we shall push forward
Day 53: if I’m going to get people meh pop sockets for Christmas I need them to be sold soon
Day 53.Cube: This is ridiculous. Where is the love?
Day 54: have you ever wanted something so much you’d die for it? I haven’t but I do really want these Meh face pop sockets.
Day 55: it’s getting colder, with my hands in gloves I could really use something to grip my phone better
Day 56: how much is it to make MEH face pop sockets? We could do a Kickstarter for meh
@deathbynoodlez Here - 1000+ for $1.99 each.
@cinoclav @deathbynoodlez it says you can order 1-199 for $2.49 each. It let me put one in the cart.
Edit: errr, fine text says minimum 80 or $25 setup fee.
@cinoclav @deathbynoodlez @RiotDemon I’d take two for $10…
@deathbynoodlez @RiotDemon If they wouldn’t mind us using one of the meh faces we could start our own side business.
@cinoclav @deathbynoodlez — Well that website no longer exists…
I’ll take 2 for $10.
Day 57: May be starting my own pop socket business from the looks of it
Day 58: “Never give up, never surrender”

Pop sockets let’s you make custom items. So just borrow with the intent to not profit off of a Meh logo image etc and make your own. The Meh overlords don’t care. I mean they shipped me Elephants and Panda socks instead of the Elephant and Mustache socks I ordered. Yes I contacted customer service, but it’s the whole premise what do you wear Panda socks with? Nothing that’s right. And who the heck actually thinks pop sockets are a good idea? Delinquent children, exactly. If you are dead set on a Meh pop socket pick your image than google the custom pop socket site and problem solved.
@bleedmichigan Some people are career delinquent children … So now I’m curious as to what is right to wear the mustache socks to - barber shop quartet concerts? John Bolton look-alike conventions? Amusing the staff at shoe stores?
@stolicat mustache conventions
Day 59: All I’m going to say is “They hate us because they ain’t us”
@deathbynoodlez More like …
They heinous pain us in the anus.
Day 60: even if decide to make a pop socket like others have suggested I will not give up on giving the world of Meh these pop sockets once again. Haven’t decided if I’ll make one yet or not
Day 61: rough day today, nothing clever to say just bring us pop sockets.
@deathbynoodlez this is depressing. I created a monster.
@reclaimercube to be fair 60 days of life without a rough day till now is pretty impressive
@deathbynoodlez your life sounds nice. While we are talking about face pop sockets I’ll take it too.
Day 62: how about you just make like 50 Meh face pop sockets and sell them all to me MEH, I won’t tell anyone
@deathbynoodlez watch some gently used ones show up in the Mehrathon for about 2 minutes.
Blame @tnhillbillygal
Day 62.4542: I swear if pop sockets come up on today’s things and I miss it I may burn something/someone
Could this be the night!?
Day 63: I can never manage to get a grab bag, was hoping to get one and have pop sockets in it
Day 64: with Christmas coming, remember to buy your loved ones a pop socket, they’ll think it’s a dumb gift but once they use it it will change their life
@deathbynoodlez I have been holding on to the pop sockets I bought here before for Xmas presents
Day 65: it’s suppose to snow here tonight, might need pop sockets to hold my phone and prop it up when the power goes out, wait meh hasn’t sold any so nevermind
@deathbynoodlez There’s pictures of Meh popsockets on t-shirts for today’s deal. Is that close enough?
Day 66: As mike808 said, today’s shirts are the exact MEH face on the pop sockets, meh keeps hitting me while I’m down
Day 67: what to do what to do
Day 68: could’ve put these pop sockets in an advent calendar
@deathbynoodlez a meh advent calendar is a great idea! But first, the pop sockets.
Day 69: let’s be immature and just laugh a little at being on day 69, just to lighten up this thread of misery

/giphy eat me
Giphy for the win!
Stardate 0141.7. Still no popsockets, just the same old home-based transporters again. Gah!!!

Day 70: immaturity day is over and now we go back to normal waiting but with beautiful giphys from yestersay

/giphy 70
Day 71: do you think after we get pop sockets once we’ll get them quite often after like these toothbrushes
@deathbynoodlez the lakes will overflow my pop socket friend. There will be bountiful amounts everywhere we look.
I am done waiting. I will order us some. Please send me all the different faces you want. Merry Christmas from one goat to another.
@reclaimercube I’ve already offered him my white one unopened. I can’t use them now that my new phone case has a textured back and they won’t stick.
@mike808 Did he respond? I’ll take it
@reclaimercube No. But if he gives up and you bitch about not having one too for 70+ days straight, then I might let you have the broken black faced one that doesn’t stick anymore.
@mike808 @reclaimercube sorry I haven’t replied to any of y’all have had little time, I appreciate the offers and support but I can’t give up now
Day 72: stuck at work can’t say much
@deathbynoodlez nope. The run-around with a turntable.
@deathbynoodlez you seem to be losing momentum. And commenters. Can you spice this up a little?
@JnKL working till 1 am makes it hard to pull to be clever, I will do better though. Those days I was literally opening my phone just to throw something in the thread for the day.
@mike808 or so you mean the “turn around” with a turn table. Dad jokes
@deathbynoodlez what the hell is the matter with me. If my fellow Meh is needing a hand promoting his tilt against the windmill, I should step up and tilt as well!
Hang in there noodler, some of us will support you in this near epic cause!
Day 74: Christmas is a hard time to make time for this and everyone is amazing and supportive, maybe I’ll take someone up on the offer for one one day but I’m not ready for that. I can keep going I will keep posting, after the holidays I’ll be back 110% but till then I will still be on here at least posting in this thread once a day and when I can I will reply to everyone’s comments. Listen to me here MEH “Lords of random daily crap” I have not given in and I’m still here to pester you! I know you have to be reading this, everyday my thread climbs back to the top of the list and that won’t change!

/image never give up, never surrender
Dear noodlez, I reached out to them. This is what they said.
@reclaimercube do we give up on this fight then?
@deathbynoodlez @reclaimercube
Heck noes!
@mike808 @reclaimercube damn right? You could’ve purchased a toothbrush anywhere but did you? No, you kept on and on never giving in to your dream! It’s not just for me, this is for all of us!
Day 74.942
Just a heads up day 75 will be delayed in till after midnight so I can give my all.
Day 75: We shall hope in this season of giving that MEH gives us the greatest present of all, meh pop sockets. A gift for all to have, imagine having them by New years, what a delightful way to start 2019 it would be.
@deathbynoodlez Maybe some practical examples of why we need them will help - the little leg on the back of my phone case doesn’t hold it at the right angle to work on my nightstand, so I have to prop it up higher with an obsolete phone stand that doesn’t work with my current model.

Now if I had a proper popsocket …
@deathbynoodlez @stolicat
Needs more duct tape, bro.
Day 76: I actually have to be at work super early this time around, so before I go to bed (which it is already way later then it should be) here I am still waiting and checking, won’t be back to check if pop sockets come out in an hour in till 3am est time. Goodnight all and here’s hoping I wake up to great news
@deathbynoodlez and with your luck, they’ll be sold out by 3am.
@deathbynoodlez No luck.
Talk about beating a guy when he’s down by putting up a battery deal.
@mike808 you could call it assault and “battery”, Dad Jokes
Day 76 11/16ths: I will be at work bright and early once again my full day 77 response will be then, here’s to hoping at midnight glory befalls us
I wrapped my meh popsockets tonight for stocking stuffers. Just say’n
@mfladd @mike808 boobs are always a way to get attention to a thread!
Day 77: how are we not going to have a disclaimer if the phone gimbal for today’s deal is compatible with pop sockets or not, this could lead to huge disappointment
Day 78: my girlfriend still has her meh face pop socket and it’s super worn down, how would one go about getting a picture uploaded of it? She’s super sad and really wants a new one, do it for her MEH! That’s what I’m doing this for
@deathbynoodlez Xmas has been a day for Mehchandise, I have a good feeling about this year!
@deathbynoodlez I had to read nearly all of your posts because I knew your writing voice was nearly the same as someone I often listen to. Are you familiar with ZeFrank’s True Facts videos? If not, you should be. There are a bunch of them, so here are two that I like and >>Dirt Alert<< His videos are not appropriate for children under the age of, um, 9 or so.
@deathbynoodlez to upload a photo, rotate your phone to get the menu to pop up before you click on the text box. Click the little mountains icon.
Day 79 offer to @ChadP if you get this guy a pop socket with a Meh face or whatever it is he wants and allow the community to purchase them as well I will give you two seats to the ND v UofM game in 2019.
@bleedmichigan Hmmm.
Alright. I think I have a couple of my own left. Let me look. Unfortunately I’m in Indiana until the 30th, so it’ll be a few days.
@ChadP notice I had two clear stipulations, one the guy gets what he wants and two the community can purchase them as well. That’s a far cry from a few you have laying around. It’s a start but we need mass produced pop sockets.
I want at least two of the pop sockets, assuming they ever get produced. I have a couple of genuine pop sockets, when they were $15 a pop, so to speak.
Day 79 part 2: I see someone already put a day 79 in so thank you, now we’ve progressed to starting our own business, things are getting wild. I love it. Meh are you even going to weigh in on any of this?
Side note: many have offered them to me I won’t lie and at first it was I did not wish to give my address out but I think I’m over that but what I want is for everyone to be able to get them not just me, I also want to stock up on them so I don’t run into not having any later down the road.
@deathbynoodlez Yeah, don’t worry about the address thing so much. A number of people here have mine and no one has shown up at my doorstep, or stolen my identity - “yet”.
@deathbynoodlez @mfladd

/giphy shifty eyes
@deathbynoodlez Best of luck on your quest!
Day 80: seeing these plain black shirts for today’s deal gave me the thought, what if meh completely screws with me and puts plain pop sockets up or something that’s not meh face, I might die if that happens
Day 81: The popsocket drought continues.
There is a Christmas hope, though.
These were last sold on a 2-for-Tuesday, and Christmas is also on a Tuesday.
Update: Nope. Another not-a-meh-face-popsocket shitty deal.
Day 81.2: it is Christmas Eve for us, I am now happily engaged to my girlfriend, but instead of opening a beautiful box with an Amazing priceless MEH face pop socket in it she got a diamond ring, no matter how happy she tried to look I could see the disappointment in her eyes. Could’ve been so much more of a moment.
@deathbynoodlez Priceless? Hell, boy, they are for sale all over.
@therealjrn Not with the Meh face on them.

/giphy congratulations!
Day 82: Hope everyone had a good holiday. Xmas present of MEH pop socket was a bust, BUT we still have Valentine’s day coming around. Let the games begin.
@deathbynoodlez Are you going to get the little lady a vacuum cleaner this year?
@deathbynoodlez @therealjrn I recommend an epilator instead.
@deathbynoodlez @sammydog01 @therealjrn

How about a little something to help with the wine?
Day 83: what if for t shirts meh sell ones that read something about us wanting our meh face pop sockets just to mess with us. Be a huge slap in the face put hysterical.
Day 84: the followers have grown silent for now, I must take tomorrow’s day off to make more clever and witty remarks about my obsession at this point about MEH face pop scokets
@deathbynoodlez you should blame a goat for that. @tnhillbillygal
Hang in there! I am pretty sure @snapster has blocked this thread from his feed, but keep trying!
Day 85: will come later
Day 85: Meh just can’t seem to grasp the severity of the Meh face popsocket shortage and the needless suffering they are inflicting upon the innocent.
Get a grip, Meh!

Ok day 85 for reals: the year is almost ovdr, just a few more days, already I can say my new years resolution will be to not give up in till we have pop sockets back.
Day 86: so my wedding is being planned for June right now, what if these pop sockets get released and I buy 4 crap tons to give to all my wedding guest
@deathbynoodlez “Limit Three”
@deathbynoodlez @therealjrn
Problem solved: Multiple accounts.
Day 87: sorry for the delay was asking my best man to be well my best man, new year’s eve today! Let’s start new years 2019 with a bang of meh pop sockets.
@deathbynoodlez no luck. More BT earbuds.
They are the speaker docks of 2018/2019.
Day 88: everyone be safe this new year and let’s hope the new year starts off right with meh face pop sockets
Day 89: I think I have the flu or something feel like death. I’ll be clever tomorrow.
Do not have the flu or anything. Feel better. Hope for pop sockets, you are not alone.
@deathbynoodlez Get better. More BT speakers, so another day passes sans popsockets.
Blame me.

Day 90: still feeling terrible but I can type at least. Having a pop socket would definitely make holding onto my phone while sneezing a lot easier.
@deathbynoodlez there is someone you can blame for feeling poorly.
@JnKL meh for not giving me pop sockets, it’s starting to effect my health apparently
Day 91: feeling better woo! To celebrate my health turning around we should have wonderful meh face pop sockets released, how about it meh?!

Day (?whatever) - I don’t even know what a pop socket is, but I now want one, or three, or seven. Come on, Meh, do your meh thing, geez, I don’t think you’ve had this much pent-up demand since people saw the new IRK bag! Ooohhh, you could sell pop sockets with the new IRK bag, maybe on “T-Shirts that don’t fit” Sunday! How can you pass up the immense PROFIT you’d achieve from such a deal, meh? Eh? (You are trying to make a profit, aren’t you?) (@Snapster has this thread blocked? Really? WTF, are you that committed to crappy earbuds now?)
@cbl_wv if Meh doesn’t want to make Popsockets let’s crowdsource our own. I do not believe that the Meh logo is copyrighted and as long as we make zero money we can batch order popsockets and send them out to people
@cbl_wv And banish “limit 3”. Make it 12. Or more, like they’re fidget spinners.
I need 3 just for one phone so my nails can dry at the same time whilr I hold my phone.
Day 92: When pop sockets come out on this site their better be a limit of an 8 tipped sideways. Also I need these pop sockets asap, planning a wedding apparently means telling certain people they’re not invited, I’ll carry 100 on my persons at all times and when people ask “Am I invited?” I’ll just hand them one and walk away so at least they get a good consolation prize.
@deathbynoodlez you may just need to get in touch with one of the many promotional item companies that can get you custom labeled popsockets by the containerload. I seem to recall seeing prices like $0.30 to $0.50 each from a chinese supplier. Check
@mike808 this is about principal at this point
@deathbynoodlez Call it a plan B. For the nuptuals. You can still do this here for the principle. I want some too.
Man what has my life come to? When I read the post title, my brain read “Meh Poopsocks”.
Even worse, after reading that, here I am clicking on the thread.
@Nyc_Tattoo after we get the pop sockets we’ll talk about your idea
Day 93: practical impratical use for pop sockets - ice breakers/pick up lines. “I see you’re having trouble holding your phone, why not try this bad boy out and we can also prop it up and watch some Netflix”
@deathbynoodlez Hey mister, you’re engaged to wed. Why do you need any pick up lines?
@therealjrn I try to re-woo my fiancee at least once a week
Day 94: dang haven’t seen my thread get pushed so far down the message board in a while. Practical impratical use for pop sockets numba 2: coasters for shots, go to the bar, flip your phone upside down and place that shot glass right on the pop socket. Perfect fit
Plan B: 100 for $550
Day 95: impratical practical use: pop the disc part off the pop socket, give it to a team of hamsters for a great miniature game of ulitmate frisbee
Day 96: have you seen the mini pop sockets that are out now? What are those for?! But what if we made slightly larger pop sockets for tablets, the face of meh would be impossible to miss.
@deathbynoodlez they’re to keep your fingers separate while your nail polish dries.

@mike808 that’s makes perfect sense
Day 97: What if at CES LG released oled screen pop socksts, and Bam we can have 4K HDR meh faces right on the back of our phones
@deathbynoodlez WE NEED OCTO POP SOCKETS
Day 98: we’re almost to day 100, what shall we do for the big celebration of disappointment?!
@deathbynoodlez we must drink
/giphy dilly dilly

@deathbynoodlez @reclaimercube

sez …

Day 99: celebrations begin with Chili’s margaritas, good for getting your drink on but also full of disappointment just like day 100 will be.
Day 100!: Do you see the dedication MEH do you?! Im prepared to go to 365! Bring it on! Celebrate the determination, live it up tonight! It’s Saturday night! Prepare me to come back tomorrow for 101 dalmations!
@deathbynoodlez Yeet! Yeet!

@deathbynoodlez MOAR YEET!

So check out another meh site… for sale on sidedeal click here and be happy
Day 101: the dalmation day is here, how about having something dalmation themed meh to at least register you’re reading this wonderful thread.

@deathbynoodlez Holla!

Day 102: the rooms vacuums for sale are black and whitish in the picture…could that be meh acknowledging my post? A coincidence? Or me grasping at empty hope
@deathbynoodlez Nah, just Meh flexing their suckitude.
Oh! Classy!
PopSockets Expanding Stand and Grip
Price: $4.99
Condition: New
Day 103: where is the love meh? Where?! We just want some simple meh face pop sockets that is it. Give us a sign!
@deathbynoodlez Yeah! The MEH-POPSOCKET-ALYPSE is nigh!

Should we start a new companion thread every day? As in the “MEH Pop Socket Thread: Day 103” thread, which always includes a link back to this parent thread.
This idea brought to you by the
Day 104: mike808 might be on to something, we may have to start playing dirty.
Day 105: I’ve been seeing a lot of wireless chargers up lately, they are the enemy of pop sockets! You cannot use them with pop sockets which is like meh slapping us in the face, if you wish to sell devices to charge our phones give us fast chargers that work with our pop sockets!
Day 106: the vacuum today actually sold out! I hope no one vacuums up a pop socket, in that battle the pop socket will mess up that vacuum
Day 107: picked out cupcakes for the up coming wedding, it’s still 6 months away but I’m starting to get nervous that meh won’t answer my prayers for these pop sockets
@deathbynoodlez Time for the Day 108 thread?
@mike808 I just posted the 107?
I think the problem is by now it is crystal clear even if Meh were to grant you your wish, there would be yet more ever on-going rapacious demands from you and that toothbrush fellow.
If anything, you’ve assured that Meh will never sell pop sockets ever again.
@therealjrn Yeah, that really sucks having customers tell you what they want to buy from you. Who needs 'em, right?
Day 108: my beautiful fiancee’s pop socket has finally fell off, her depression from this occurrence radiates from every pore on her body, I’m afraid she may even call off the wedding because I have failed to get her more.
@deathbynoodlez It’s a harsh world…
I think I need one too… I never bothered to get one the first time…
/giphy ditto

Day 109: everyday we gather more followers meh! Answer our call! Save my future marriage!
I’m guessing Meh’s response is, well, meh.
Day 110: White pop sockets can match the wedding dress for my wedding and black pop sockets can match the suits! It’s perfect
I like those little furry sticky ring things that you put your finger through. If you twirl your phone around with them, gives you a thrill.
@cranky1950 how can we add meh to it ???
@cranky1950 My bad. Different furry sticky ring things you stick your finger into and twirl around for a thrill.
@reclaimercube little black cloth tag with meh in white letters.
@cranky1950 You’re cranky.
@hems79 Not when I’mma twirling my phone.
@mike808 Who doesn’t like those?
Day 111: they give us flashlights today! Flashlights?! Do you know our phones have flashlights meh?! Give us grips for the flashlights we already have! Meh faced grips!
Day 112: saw into the spider verse today, makes me wonder if in another reality the me of that universe has gotten meh pop sockets yet? Or maybe that me is just a quitter and didn’t have the dedication to keep going? That me is lame if so.
Day 113: made some wedding registries today, hey meh, how about we have a wedding registry on here and I can put meh face pop sockets on it.

Day 114.32: a little late tonight, sorry everyone, we’ll keep on pushing till we get what we want! Our phones will not experience any other emotions but the emotion of mehiness, we shall also have a firm grip on this mehiness with the help of pop sockets
Just in case we’ve forgotten what we’re asking for…

Last sold on April 10, 2018 here.
@mike808 I want these too!!!
Day 115: maybe we’re going about this all wrong, maybe we should be asking MEH what they want us to do to prove our worth for these wonderful pop sockets
Day 116: having writer’s block, don’t be disappointed me, writing this everyday for 116 days is hard! I can’t always be funny
@deathbynoodlez And so far, Meh has been just as disappointingly consistent as well.
Day 117: the only thing harder then thinking things up if choosing wedding invitations! Have you every had to choose some! There are so many choices, it’s freaking insanely difficult.
@deathbynoodlez Don’t over obsess about it. Simplify. Nobody saves them after the big day, so they are a one-time use thing. Resist the urge to “lean in” to faux consumerism. What makes you and your betrothed’s big day a happy memory are what matters. Not anything else.
@mike808 she’s the one being picky
but we picked some out today and ordered them we’re good now
Day 118: Valentine’s day is coming meh, we all want to give our loved one a beautiful meh face pop socket. It will help me have a good Valentine’s day if you know what I mean
Look what I just came across!
@jst1ofknd A bit late, eh? That’s from April 10, 2018, when they were the 2-for-Tuesday deal and sold out fast. Thats what we’ve been here asking for Meh to bring back for 119 days now…

I was referring to the video actually.
@jst1ofknd you’re a hero
Day 119: the original thread from April 10th was found…I may have bumped it…
@deathbynoodlez double-bumped, sir.
@mike808 good, the plan is coming together
@deathbynoodlez @reclaimercube
(vote for) either @deathbynoodlez for Feb Goat (I nominated you near the top of the thread) or, star
(vote for) my double-billing entry here over on the Feb 2919 Goat Nomination thread.
Don’t forget to star
Yours in Meh Face Pop Socket brotherhood,
@deathbynoodlez @mike808 you’re the real
Day 120: the depression from lack of meh popsockets is spreading like a disease… I fear the young children in the house will be next
Day 120.1: 100% had my financee write todays
Day 121: the more we plan the wedding and get things for it the more we realize that meh pop sockets would match so well
Day 122: lookout for that meh pop socket Superbowl commerical
@deathbynoodlez when the dragon came in and killed everyone was the best part
@deathbynoodlez @stolicat I chuckled when the Black Knight went medieval on the Bud Knight (off camera).

This thread needs more meh pop socket haikus.
Meh is guaranteed to give you what you want if you ask in haiku form.
@OnionSoup So where is yours? Lead by example.
@mike808 well I don’t want a pop socket!
Popsockets are meh,
They add too much bulk to your phone,
I do not want one!
@mike808 with that said… I dont want 95% of what meh sells and them selling popsockets would amuse me so… I’m not against them selling popsockets.
Meh sell popsockets
This dude has waited many days
Sell some now damn it.
@mike808 @OnionSoup have you ever tried one?
Day 123: Haiku
Meh face pop socket
Emotionless convenience
Priceless happiness
@deathbynoodlez they’re guaranteed to sell them soon now.
@deathbynoodlez yeah, the wife had one, but she removed it because she hated it (not a meh one though).
The kids love theirs though. They’re very happy with their pop sockets. So much so that they asked me to replace the corporate branded ones I got at a conference for ones I had to pay for at a store.
So @deathbynoodlez Which is bigger: the number of days you have posted in this thread or your meh face click record?
@Kidsandliz amount of days I’ve posted in this thread
@deathbynoodlez So you will break your face click record when you can hit /buy? And will you click on the face that day or not? Enquiring minds want to know.
@deathbynoodlez @Kidsandliz
Wait, there’s a streak record for clicking the Meh button? I thought the streak record was for how long you didn’t click the Meh button!
@mike808 well I think that only counts if you post each day and don’t then click… But then again as luck might have it you’ll forget to come and not click the one day they sell the things.
Day 124:
Holding of the phone
Hours on end searching, playing
Kickstand for movies
What is more awesome
Than two Meh Face Pop Sockets
To put on your phones?
@mike808 Three Meh Face Pop Sockets would be more awesome than two. Heck, why not go for four and be awesomer.
@heartny Yeah, but not as awesome as saying that in a haiku.
Don’t hate…but I got a bonus meh exchange box (still to be posted) from @bramby2 and they included 2 meh pop sockets…total score!!..PSA…I’m not sharing those
@amehzinggrace YASSS!!! Bonus box arrived! Those pop sockets are more valuable than gold! Hoard them!!!

Day 125: do you hear this meh?! The supply of meh pop sockets in the world is extremely low, we need your help to increase it
Day 126: Along with meh pop sockets we want meh window decals too, like this one but meh faced
Here you go - history of pop sockets
[enter link description here][1]
says the donate half the profit when a customer designs a pop socket. I wonder why meh had them donate to.
meant to say wonder what meh had them donate to
Day 127: what about meh cat faced pop sockets, that sounds like a winner
@deathbynoodlez Stay true to your roots.

Day 128: so…I’m not going to get meh face pop sockets for my fiancee for Valentine’s day is the impression that I’m getting. Cool cool cool, kind of sucks, would’ve been a great inexpensive gift among all these wedding expenses I have. I guess I can still aim for the wedding date of June 15th.
@deathbynoodlez If you read that article I posted on this thread you can special order them in any design you want.
@deathbynoodlez @Kidsandliz
Except in someone else’s copyrighted design.
Like Meh Face Pop Sockets from Meh.
And they won’t be meh priced.
@deathbynoodlez @mike808 Maybe they didn’t copywrite it. Maybe you can get permission from meh for, you know, weddings. Permission could be meh’s wedding gift to you. Maybe they can special order them for you to get their rate and then sell them to you at cost as a wedding gift.
/giphy sky raining money

@deathbynoodlez @Kidsandliz
A lot of “maybe” and conditionals make your “simple” soution of just ordering them not so simple or practical in the real world.
Might as well say maybe Meh could just sell them again. And here we are. The circle is complete.
@deathbynoodlez you could give your Valentine your own meh face for Valentine’s. Just stare at each other with a blank meh face and say “I love popsockets” to each other.
That would be romantic.
@deathbynoodlez @OnionSoup I was being a smartass- that is why the giphy of maybe the sky would rain money
Day 129: so we can all agree that copyright issues are a concern, but we also want to get meh pop sockets not just for me, but for the people.
We want a …
shubberyMeh Face Popsocket
Day 130: so what’s everyone doing for Valentine’s day? Checking meh for pop sockets that day? Good plan
@deathbynoodlez And just like Valentine’s Day, I’m prepared for disappointment.
Day 131: best part abouty financee’s birthday being 2 days after Valentine’s day? We decided to just celebrate both on the 15th a few years ago. Worst part? 2 celebrations she’ll be disappointed that I haven’t gotten her meh face pop sockets yet.
So, @deathbynoodlez, lets say Meh brings 'em back. How many were you looking to buy? Wouldn’t Meh limit you to 2, 4, or 6, like they normally do?
If you could order as many as you want, how many would that be at $5 each, ballpark?
@mike808 last time they had a 10 pack I think, also I don’t want to run into this issue ever again, I’m regardless of price I’d probably buy 50ish at least, at $5 a pop maybe a few less but a lot
Day 132: busy day on the forums, the post was kicked down pretty low, hope everyone has a nice Valentine’s day and I hope we all get the Valentine’s we want, meh face pop sockets.
Surely there is some love for …
Meh Face Popsockets
on Valentine’s Day?
My daughter just got a phone, first phone. Now she wants a pop socket… wonder if I can buy 2 fer this Tuesday on Meh…
@JnKL You do see that @deathbynoodlez has been here asking every day for a 133+ day streak.
Glad to have another voice to the crowd chanting …
Meh Face Popsockets
Day 133: if not for me then for @JnKL 's daughter meh! Don’t be heartless!
Day 134: out for my fiancee’s birthday/Valentine’s day celebration, posting to say I’m alive and still need those pop sockets
Day 135: remember the what would you do for a Klondike bar commercials? What would you do for a meh faced pop socket?
@deathbynoodlez Start a thread?
@deathbynoodlez @mfladd I’ll see your “start a thread” and raise with “post for 135 days straight about it”.
Day 136: does pop sockets have a thread where I can get them to sell meh faced ones?
Day 137: I couldn’t find my thread and panicked for a moment but I just scrolled past it so false alarm. The fight is still going and neither side is giving in

The right side is clearly winning.
Day 138: possibly the best reply and some of the best support I’ve ever seen. @reclaimercube

@deathbynoodlez @mike808 and the constant on going support from you too, dont want to forget to give you the credit you deserve
Day 139: the revolution will grow stronger and the followers more numerous
@deathbynoodlez Patience will be rewarded.

Day 140: scary how this is coming to becoming half a year, 40ish more days

Day 141: I dont know where you all live but this below freezing then above 70 degree weather a few times a week is killing me, cant hold onto my phone between sweating and shaking from being cold…need a meh faced pop socket
Day 142: that hair dryer sold out, did not see that coming, imagine how fast the pop sockets will sell out
Still need more meh popsockets.
@f00l Yes, please. Checking every day.

Day 143: poo freshener or whatever today’s thing is is great for the bathroom, but meh face pop sockets are better! We all use our phones in the bathroom and those pop sockets make holding our phones while on the can that much easier.
Day 144: We found this today in the pantry, its broken yes

…but weird that it came back to us. It was my fiancee’s, we thought it was lost forever.
Day 145: the broken pop socket coming back from the dead (seriously we thought it had been thrown away it may be haunted) has given me renewed energy to my cause
@deathbynoodlez It is a sign that the end of your quest draws near … (or else someone’s just screwing with you)

/giphy end of quest
Day 146: slow day on the forums, the post wasnt even that far down. Means meh was stuck looking at this all day
Day 147: got Wendy’s, my kid couldn’t finish his triple burger he always wants…I had to finish it after stuffing my face. I really could’ve used a meh face pop socket to one, Express my feelings during and after I ate it, second to prop my phone up to watch something as I died from overeating
Day 148: Happy March, next year is a leap year, remember to take the 29th of February off because it’s a free day you get once every 4 years to just relax. Hopefully we’ll have our meh face pop sockets with us for this event.
Day 149: the post are quiet, the auidence may be leaving what to do what to do
@deathbynoodlez Nah. The offerings have been so bad it’s not even worth it to post. @reclaimercube has been taking up the slack.
@deathbynoodlez We’ve just gone out for snacks - won’t be too far …
@deathbynoodlez @mike808 I’m just as stubborn as you and every day a new hope emerges
Day 150: damn, in already half way to 200, who knew it would have to go this far. Meh you’re playing with fire
@deathbynoodlez wasn’t day 100 half way to day 200.
@OnionSoup math is hard
Day 151: I always get nervous on monday nights, hoping that meh face pop sockets will appear for another 2 for Tuesday deal
@deathbynoodlez And Meh does not disappoint.
Day 152: we have to stick together in this time like the dumb magnetic things for today’s meh deal and keep pushing for these pop sockets, new threads are popping up of others requesting items, but they will have to get in line
Day 153: What do we want? MEH POP SOCKETS! When do we want it? MEH POP SOCKETS!
Nailed it
Day 154: what is this nonsense that someone asked for a roomba and a robot vacuum pops up?! This is blasphemy!
Day 155: brah today everyone was just angry. Did anyone else have one of those days today where everyone was just mad for no reason? Or dumb reasons? Meh pop sockets tonight at midnight would be great
Day 156: seems like the anger of the masses has subsided. Joy filled the people. But if only we could experience the true joy of meh faced pop sockets in our lifes.
Day 157: meh you’re making my soul hurt!
I mean…I would prolly buy some too…jus sayin
Day 158: simipisafe security? The only thing I need that’s simple and keeps something safe is a meh faced pop socket, keeps my phone safe from being dropped
DAY 158
PopSocket Collapsible Phone/Tablet Grip & Stand
Price: $5.99
Condition: New
Get the black one and write “meh” with some white-out.
@medz But then the office report I am working on right now will have misspelled words if I use it up on all the Meh Face Popsockets I will buy!

@medz @mike808 facts
@medz buy said Woot popsocket and place a Meh sticker on it and the problem is solved. The popsocket will be very meh because the sticker will peel away within days
Day 159: still looking for a answer from meh on how much it is to get a whole pile of these made.
Day 160: I was pooping and was thinking back on the times that I had a meh faced pop socket to accompany me
@deathbynoodlez Sounds like you might need some poop sockets

Day 161: happy pi day! Hope everyone had delicious pie today
Day 162: did you know on pi day there was pie for $3.14. Meh faced pop sockets are shaped like pies. Meh could’ve sold them for 3.14
@deathbynoodlez It’s OK. 22/7 is a close approximation to π, so there is always July 22 for a make-up date to sell them.
After they sell them next week.
Day 163: anyway have good recommendations on where to look for mens wedding bands, I can at least get that ordered while I wait for these dam meh faced pop sockets for my wedding
@deathbynoodlez Hawaiian koa wood inlaid tungsten or titanium rings.

Check these out for under $30.
And some real deal ones from Hawaii
Day 164: what sacrifice do the meh gods want for my meh faced pop sockets
Day 165: tough day, meh faced pop sockets would express my mood perfectly right meow
Day 166: the story continues as a lone warrior fights for the happiness of humanity by bringing beloved meh faced pop sockets back to us
@deathbynoodlez You are not alone.
@deathbynoodlez @mike808 we are here with you, clumsily clutching our phones and wondering why Meh doesn’t sell something to make them easier to hold on to …
You are worthy.

@mike808 Yes worthy of being goated since we know he is here Every. Single. Day.
Day 167: the lone wolf is more like a wolf pack. The beautiful part of wolf packs is that they achieve victory through stragetery
I’ve been away from the forum for a while (imgur has my attention) and I come back for a visit and you are still doing this. Way to go! Stick to your guns!
Day 168: where would you put a pop socket on a s10 fold?
I just wanted to observe that I have slightly more than 168 consecutive meh clicks. You are very dedicated (is dedicated an anagram of addicted?) to your lost cause!
@JnKL its never a lost cause, you have to believe!
@JnKL You missed out on the Schrödinger’s Toothbrush Club saga? I’m sad for you.
Day 169: bam we’ve come full circle to our favorite number plus a 1. Today’s been a lot! Like holy moly. Give me these bad boys tonight! Let it happen! I can feel it!
Day 170: my gut was off yesterday, my bad
@deathbynoodlez I’m a few letters behind you at ‘N’.
Day 171: remember when you thought pop sockets were dumb and then one day somehow you tried one and it was the best dam thing since sliced bread. Good times
@deathbynoodlez Yep. It was a little after April, last year. Maybe Meh is doing something for the anniversary? April 10, 2018. That’s not too far away. Fingers are so crossed.

Day 172: my fiancee had an absolutely terrible day today, having Tuesday be the day of 2 for meh faced pop sockets would be a great start to a new day
Day 173: today we fight for honor! Friend! Families! Family in laws! And we take this to the government and write a petition for this.
@deathbynoodlez OK so I have exactly 2 pop sockets (0e of each color) that I was given in the mehrican exchange. If you pay postage I will send them to you.
He wants a bunch for his wedding party favors.
Maybe each of us who have some extra can send them to him as a pre-wedding present and he can get what he needs that way. I’m in for 2.
Oh yeah. I had forgotten that -it’s been a while since this thread was startedWait. What? Hey @deathbynoodlez you waiting to get married until they are sold? You might just die a bachelor thenYou’re still going. Your day count is probably longer than most people’s meh button click streaks. I don’t like pop sockets, but I’m rooting for you.
Day 174: thanks for the support! I’m here to stay non believers
@deathbynoodlez We’re right here with you, shouting the praises of Meh Face Popsockets every day in the main threads.
Day 175: spent the whole day interviewing people! Worst way to spend the day at work, repetitive and annoying! Meh faced pop sockets save me!
Say, didn’t I see that you are going to be The April Goat? As a reward for relentlessly campaigning for pop sockets? THAT will get snapsters attention!
@JnKL And another place for incrementally increasing daily blame.
Day 176: I have to go check out this April goat I just heard about
I also need a new meh pop socket, I just installed my back up Monday.
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
Always say “popsocket” then.
@mediocrebot “pop socket”
“pop socket”
“pop socket”
“pop socket”
“pop socket”
“pop socket”
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
@mediocrebot That’s pop socket af.
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
I think it is awesome that meh programmed a response for whenever you say pop socket, it responds on your thread!
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
Mehtizens, meet your pop socket sherrif, @deathbynoodlez
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
wondering what happens if you say pop socket and awesome
There’s your work-around. Awesome pop sockets!
Better do a control test, just to be sure: pop socket.
We are prototyping a swear jar, except it’s for every time you say “pop socket.” We’ll put it on your tab.
@mediocrebot Awesome.
Day 177: OMG what a thing to read on my thread, I’m so happy I could cry. MEH FACED POP SOCKETS!
@deathbynoodlez pop socket
@deathbynoodlez why doesnt it work?
Day 177.2: back to the pit of misery, mediocrebot doesnt work for me
I think pop socket has to be in the top post.
Pop socket
ah, we broke it …
@stolicat while it worked, I was highly amused!
Day 178: Pop sockets have become a part of the culture it seems on MEH. Well done, very well done
@deathbynoodlez You and the guy who likes boobs. Sure.
It happened! They sold pop sockets! Your long journey is over, @deathbynoodlez
@jhinra it is far from over, they sold them while the site was down. War has been declared
@deathbynoodlez so maybe they will be re-sold later. Or now since you know they have them back in stock, email support and beg.
@deathbynoodlez How can they sell them if the site is down?
@deathbynoodlez @jhinra It’s not right - 178 days and the site freezes and they sell … 12? The horror …
Can’t order a efffin thing when the pages won’t load. Finally at 16 after the hour it loads…and is expired. Phone iPad and laptop, no meh. Done
pop sockets? missed it.
Have to start from day 1 again tomorrow.

/giphy hold your tongue
Day 179: the enemy has declared war. It was a tough day and we sustained heavy loses but we will rally with new resolve.
@deathbynoodlez Well they bought all of those to be sold. They have to do something with them. Don’t think they will put them all in IRKs. Too expense and they know more than you want some. Maybe they will show up soon either as a deal again today or another day (hopefully with no limit on the purchase number so you can get what you need). Of course you could contact support and wail. They might show compassion and let you buy some for you wedding before offering the remainder to the rest of us. @thumperchick - maybe yes?
Day 179.5: It is over, finally over…nightly routines of meh, staring at my phone just trying to think of something to say. Checking every midnight day in and day out. This has come a long way and I would like to think everyone for the support and reading my thread. It’s time to close the curtain on these wonderful thread. I hope everyone gets these wonderful pop sockets and enjoys them as much as I do. Good bye thread that has been part of my daily life for 6 months.
@deathbynoodlez I’ll miss it and our bond
It’s over. The wait is finally over. This thread is done.
It has been a fun ride, as my Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote.
Congrats. It worked. You’re a genius… Now we can all get what we want.
Well, that was amusing while it lasted…
You can stop whining now. or until you break your new stash.
@deathbynoodlez did they arrive yet?
Posting here to the mother thread that started …
The Quest for MFPs
@mike808 just received the pop sockets you sent. Loved the title you gave me. My finacee sent me a picture of it at work and was like “what is this?”
PoP sOcKeTs
@deathbynoodlez You’re welcome. I hope you have enough with those and everyone else’s forwarding their order to you. I hope I wasn’t the only one. Are you still short? I can squeeze out a few more if you’re still a few pop sockets shy.
I got my pop sockets yesterday. And I keep clicking meh, even though it click calendar isn’t on the home page. I’m okay with that. Meh…
I bring back this thread to grab believers and help us vote for these beautiful meh faced pop sockets over fidget spinners! Follow this link and vote!
@mike808 I call for your assistance in winning!
@deathbynoodlez Already voted for the PS, just as I put in my brackets (see the brackets thread I started) from Day 1.
I’m the one that paged you, remember?
@mike808 nope work has mushed my mind
It’s currently a dead heat between the pop sockets and the fidget spinners, go vote!
@deathbynoodlez No, it’s not. All your fake sock puppet votes have been disqualified.
@therealjrn I’d never cheat
@deathbynoodlez Well…then somebody in your administration did.
@therealjrn i cant control the people, i can only empower them