Meh-ming: The Journey of 500 Days of Meh


Now that I've been a meh-mber for 500 days, I decided decided to share some pointless facts.

Amount of times I felt the need to click that annoying 64 * 64 pixel face:
271 times. That's a success rate of 54.2%.

Longest streak for clicking said face:
99. It could have been longer, but every time I tried for a streak, I got interrupted from religious holidays which would stop the streak.

Amount of containers of Grape and Banana Laffy Taffy which I've gone through while enjoying myself on the forum:
It's a secret.

Origin of my username:
My passion for sci-fi includes Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the first time I read the word "froody", it quickly became part of my lexicon. As for the frog part, in case it's not clear, my favorite animal is the poison dart frog. Preferably the blue kind.

Amount of times I succumbed and actually bought something:
Once, totally by mistake.

Amount of times there was an item which I regret not buying:
Only one time so far (the Meh face T-shirt)

(As the day goes on, I may add some more pointless facts, as well as alternative titles to this thread of mine)