meh, it’s time we had the trackr talk.


meh, we’ve been together for a long time. We’ve had some good times and some bad times, ups and downs, ins and outs. Ins and outs? Umm anyways, there’s something important we need to talk about. It’s been on my mind for some time, and I think now is the right time to bring it up. It’s so hard to say, but I need to be strong and brave and just do it. meh, you… have a… problem. It’s a… dammit meh, pay attention to this and stop watching TikTok! This is meaningful and I need to be heard. meh, you have a trackr problem and I’m quitting you! There, I said it! Whew, it’s out there now, what a weight off my chest. You just can’t stop with the trackr in your IRK’s, day or night at any hour! I can’t take it anymore. Your trackrs hurt me deeply to my core, yet you continue to send them in my IRK! Knowing full well that every single box, every multipack, every case you send is like a million little stabs to my heart. I just can’t take it anymore. I care for you too much to see you do this to yourself, and us, mostly us. You need help, more help than I can provide. Help, as in a giant crack in the earth to drop all the trackrs you have left into. So with this I bid you adieu. When you can do this for me and for all who love your quirky endearing IRK’s I’ll come back. Until then, good day!
—-One Minute Later——
Oh, it’s a mehrathon…and there’s an IRK on sidedeal…and I get a refund… dammit meh take my money, you got my heart again!