@mediocrebot i think at $20 it is worth it. I plan on root this thing so i can use it to watch live tv, movies, and tv shows and it includes an hdmi port so i can use it on my tv. I can root this crap and i cant go wrong with this. Im sure of that.
@omargm What could go wrong with rooting a tablet that has 1.0 Ghz processor and 512 mb of RAM? After you root it you'll be able to put Android version 1.5 on it and think of all the fun you'll have!
@SirEvelyn I can and do. Meh, if you happen to give me one of these for free, thanks, but you may politely go shove it up Jeff Bezos's ass. That is the only logical use for these things. I'm sure you'll agree.
@SirEvelyn ... My Gawd!! It's almost free!.. What can you buy for a Jackson now days? Damn, you couldn't get a tasty meal at Mickey D's for that price (as if you could for any amount). I find it perfect to give as a gift (unopened) to my worst adversary (chuckle!).
And since those Oregon Scientific boys call that an HDMI "slot" on their product page, they seem to know what they're talk'n about, tablet-wise. (See no dangling prepositions.)
@christinerenee I got one too. Might be just perfect enough to distract my kid from my electronics and uninteresting enough that he'll leave it to go play with something else. xP lol
I have a nexus 7 that I don't use and it's way better. iPad is a far better tablet. Of course it's 30 times the price. A used nexus tablet from ebay would be a far better choice.
@CrossIT the new Kindle Fire has incredible parental controls. I have my kid's set so he has to read for 30 minutes before he can access the games and a time limit on how long he can play them. And I only paid 50 more for it, and it isn't a total piece of shit.
@Headly this is my belief already.... Not quite sure what you are trying to emphasize. In my Family it is NOT a free to use device when ever they want it is an occasional toy. My boys are well behaved in public, so the tablet, IF I brought it stays in the car.
Oh I am not falling for your reverse psychology. Tell me it sucks, but really you just don't want me to have it. Well I'm on to you -- and I'll take 3.
Wait, what's that? Oh it really does suck? Carry on then.
I like that the packaging art implies that you're more likely to get information from it by osmosis through your forehead faster than how you'd traditionally use a tablet.
@cleverogre Thos kids don't even know how to throw a good electronics smashing party (Ignore the crappy Family Guy scene afterwards, this is the only one not censored that I found)
I was really tempted to bite on a $20 tablet. You talked me out of it. Which is probably a good thing, because the crappiness would probably have embittered me. So thanks for that.
Someone gave my kid one a couple years ago. My husband spent more time trying to get it to work than short stack spent playing with it. It does make an excellent door stop though.
My HP Touchpad which I bought for $100 a few years ago and rooted bricked on me last year. This looks like an excellent replacement (to root of course).
@ilovereality Think I'm going to do the same after reading a couple pages on the XDA developers forum page referenced above. Root it and have a crappy but workable $20 tablet. That and I can give it to my nephew - either the 7 or 24 year old would gladly take it. "Another tablet? Cool!"
@mamawoot Not sure how easy it will be - but I'm a semi techy person (however I just follow directions) - a bit of digging has revealed this site with more info... (camera may not work - but I could care less about the camera - I want a cheap tablet to stream videos and maybe play CoC) http://androidforums.com/threads/meep-custom-firmware.833211/
@ilovereality The wife and i still have touchpads running strong. With lollipop even. Course we only use them for reading and lite web stuff. Great for comics. Best $150 (32GB) I ever spent on a device. Course now any tablet that costs more than that seems like a ripoff. Thankfully they still work so this offer doesn't tempt.
@jmendenhall I tried about everything I could find online to debrick it - maybe now that its been off for 6 months I could give it another whack but sadly I think mine is toast :(
@ilovereality The only thing that worked for me was hooking the touchpad to my ubuntu laptop. If it recognizes the hp touchpad, you should be able to run a few commands in terminal, then hook it up to your charger for 12 hours. The directions I read said it only works with linux.
@michaelahess What ROM are you running? I'm still using an older version of CM 9 or 10, but if I could move to Lollipop, that would be interesting. Also, how is your battery life?
@dashcloud It's the latest CM. It's on their site or xda, a bit more involved to install but you can completely wipe webos finally. Battery life on mine is still a few hours (6ish maybe) of constant use. My wife's is a bit less as she reads a few hours a day vs my every few days lite use. I'm actually shocked the batteries are lasting so well.
Kinda intrigued due to the HDMI out and MicroSD slot. Anyone think I could sideload a movie player and use this to play MKV files hooked up to an HDTV while traveling? Or am I in for a world of pain, wasted time and out-of-sync audio?
이 끔찍한 태블릿좀 봐봐. 진짜 쓰레기지. 슈퍼소녀 비키 이후 안드로이드중에서 제일 별로인걸. 거기다 프리징은 닥터후에 나오는 우는천사 보다도 잘해요. 만졌는데 뭔가 좀 끈적하다면 걱정마, 아마 카라멜콘 먹다가 묻은거겠지. 이것보다는 밤중에 태양열 계산기 두드리고 노는게 더 재밌을거야.
그럼 이제 "야 그래도 이거 가격이 깡팬데? 어머 이건 사야해!" 라는 소리가 나올거같은데..
땡! 틀렸어. 솔직히 우리가 이것좀 제발 가져가달라고 돈을 줘야할 지경인걸. 이걸 작동시키려고 기다리고 찾아보느라 낭비한 시간동안에 일을했으면 최저임금 받아도 킨들파이어 제일 싼것쯤은 사겠다! 아님 갤럭시나 아이패드 미니도 가능할껄. 그래 솔까 요새 나온 태블릿은 뭐든 살수있을거라니까.
아니 잠깐, 멘붕하는건 아직 계산에 넣지도 않았어. 진짜 아마존 리뷰에서 쓰레기다, 실망이다 소리나 듣는 이 태블릿에 너희 집 문을 열어주고싶은거야? 좋은말이라고 써준다는게 고작 "좀 느리고 다른 태블릿보다 더 자주 다운되는듯" 이라니까? "환불하려고했는데, 이런 젠장, 전자제품이라서, 뭐 안된다고? 그냥 이거. 십만원 썼다고 생각해야겠군. 쓰레기통에서. 그런거나 마찬가지니까!"라는 리뷰를 보면 이 태블릿을 쓰는데 트라우마가 너무 커서 뇌의 언어영역에 손상이갈수도 있다는걸 알수있어. 물론 이 사람들은 20불보단 많이 썼겠지. 근데 이런 고통은 얼마를 줘도 피하고싶은걸.
그래, 여러분들은 더 좋은걸 가져야해. 태블릿이라면 우리한테나 인생이나 더 나은걸 바래야하지.
근데 우린 그 정도도 안돼잖아? 이 태블릿같은 끔찍한 물건에 계속 돈을 낸다면 우린 물론 받겠지, 그치만 학습효과같은건 전혀 없겠지. 그러니까 돈을 아끼라니까? 이거 사지 말라고 우리가 돈을 줄순 없지만 여러분들은 자기자신에게 사지말라고 돈을 줄수 있으니까.
@nathanK These were exactly my thoughts, how could someone thought of such a thing? Good review sir, I salute you. Very informative. I wish I had the wisdom (and language) like urs!
@nathanK From translate.google: For our family fastball. Southern ripped off over the long Look at this terrible tablet. Not a real waste. Ingeol Best Of Super Girl by Vicky since Android. Besides Freezing is good at all, coming after Weeping Angel doctor. Do not worry if you touched something a bit sticky, probably from eating caramel corn I'll bloody. It's more fun to play than this tapping solar calculator in the middle of the night. Now, "Hey Caen paende though this price? Oh it buy it!" I think out of the sound. Ding! Wrong. Frankly, the point that we have to give money ingeol have a look, please bring it. If you find a job while watching wasted time waiting to try to work minimum wage, even if it is about the lowest price I'll buy the best Kindle Fire! Not Galaxy or iPad Mini is also available now got. Yes solkka fortress from tablets do anything you'll live. No, wait, that did not even put on menbung gon calculated yet. The real waste in the Amazon review, you'll want to open the door on the tablet is disappointing to hear sounds or? Giving it best to write good a horse "seems to be a little slow down more often than any other tablet" exactly what happened? "I tried to refund, Holy Shit, he's electronics, something no? Just this: We'll have to think he wrote one hundred thousand won. In the trash can. That, or do you like?" When writing a review of this tablet is too big trauma of the brain language areas I know there is damage Hou go. Of course, many people did you spend than $ 20. But this pain is something you want to avoid jwodo much. Yes, you will have to have something better. If our life and better and better at everybody tablet baraeya not. But that's not like we're about? If the money to continue to produce such a terrible thing if, of course, we'll take a tablet, But Would not be at all learning the same thing. So do ahkkira money? This is not money that we do not buy julsun iteunikka give you the money not to buy it himself.
@pteridoid HA! I was CERTAIN it was translated to "I was gonna return it but ofcourse no can do sime because it is electronic!! So I would rather just throughout that 100.00 I spent in the trash because that's what it is!!!"
Wait. It has an SD card slot, and sorta color screen. Couldn't I just us this as a digital photo viewer for those pics mom keeps crying about me never getting developed? Please tell me smart people, is this a brilliant idea?
@thismyusername the orange is just a rubber protective sleeve thing - comes right off if you check the video - then you only have the ugly white plastic to look at. ;)
I was going to buy this for the 3 year old to keep him busy for a couple minutes at need......but I can't get over 160+ 1 star reviews on amazon. Does it even turn on? I also saw sold listings on ebay for $6 with free shipping for a working one......
@givemeyoursoul you made me go check ebay - all I see that cheap are screen protectors for the meep. I also assume 95% of the amazon reviews are from people with much higher expectations than what I have (who also in theory paid 5 times as much.
@ilovereality True, most of the reviewers say they paid $150. Poor bastards. You are right, the one that was $5 had $15 shipping, so $20. I saw a couple that were around $15 shipped also.
A year ago, when I was still into android stuff and rooting and messing with it, I would have got one of these cause why not. I think I can resist the temptation now that I"m all Apple-y.
Still... might make a pretty damn good dedicated ebook reader.... Just install the Nook app and the Kindle app, and use it to read books....
Still, it does seem from the xda-developers forum post that it comes pre-rooted, all you have to do to use that rootness is install Superuser straight from the Google Play store. So there's that...
Moment of excitement: "Ooo, a tablet! And it's cheap!"
The let down: "It's a total piece of crap."
Oh well. I'm just going to have to accept that my parents are more electronically advanced than I am... I would have purchased this, children's or not, if I had been able to run Netflix and Hearthstone. Apparently that's too much to ask.
@primrosewater Screw this. I've always wanted to root something, but haven't had anything that I could risk ruining. $20 is $20, but I'll probably never be willing to root anything else.
Chances are this is actually an amazing product that has been decisively criticized by meh so that we wont buy all of them right away and the positive reviews for this one will up the price on the resale when everyone finds out that they missed out major time. Well played meh. I'd go in for 4.5 billion but my funds don't allow at this time.
Most depressing copy I've read on this site I think, worse even than the east/ west wars. And yet I found myself thinking "Man but $20 is so cheap!" Push the meh button and call it a night.
Hah, "Meep!" Is actually a cute little filler phrase my girlfriend and I say to each other when we have nothing important to say (how that started neither of us remember), and we both dig orange... @JonT Bath?
You guys take honesty to the next level. For $20, I was tempted, just so I don't have to hear the kids complain about whose turn it is on the iPad. But after the write up and the reviews, I'll save my money. Meh.
There have been a lot of crap since the last fuku. I have yet to get in on one, but I'm scared to after the long run of uber-crap on meh that I don't think I want to even try.
Thanks Meh.. I was thisclose to jumping in on this 'deal' , but you talked me out of it. That last Amazon review was the clincher. I pride myself on good spelling and proper grammar usage, and realized that purchasing this tablet could potentially jeopardize those skills. Too much self respect...
If anyone actually bought these for your kid(s) make sure they don't have access to seeing someone else's tablet. Or you will most likely be dodging this when they throw it at your head.
Meh tells us not to buy it. TOTALLY BUYING IT! Check amazon and see not one good review. TOTALLY BUYING IT! Ask a couple of friends who bought it originally. All say it's terrible. TOTALLY BUYING IT! Why? It's 20 bucks.
Last time I bit on something like this, it was woot's "World's Worst Video Projector" for $25. Indeed, it was pretty bad. It had a loud fan and a blurry dim picture and low resolution. But it technically worked. I gave it away at a white elephant gift exchange.
Taking the meh challenge. $20 is too little to pass up. If I can play Sudoku on it then that's enough for me. Has a cool techie built a ROM for it that makes it more livable?
After seeing this last night, I was going to jump on it but instead went for a HP Stream 7. With coupon I got it for $64. Since my gf needs office on her laptop, I'll use the 1 year license on that, so the tablet is basically free. It's a windows tablet, so I am not expecting much.
Damit damit damit. I've been stalking meh like a loony lately, only to find a lot of just meh.
Then, I give it a rest for ONE day, only to miss this tablet - been wanting to get 1 or 2 like this for my (little) kids for a while. Damit. Lamenting o'er here... missed the fukus and neoprene crapload (too slow on the draw), missed this....
@Relleluck no promises but I bought two - there is a good chance that in the end I will only want one after I have tried it out for a bit. So if I decide to get rid of one I'll holler.
@Relleluck My second is still in the box. I've decided I am fine tinking with just one. So do you want the second at cost plus actual shipping? Holler at me here.
Meeps have arrived...... already decided the parental control stuff is a pita - this is my toy anyways. I registered online and all that but logging in seems to be iffy....
I have it online playing youtube videos and its appears to be fine with that.
I'll be revisiting the links above to see what I need to do to unlock everything.
@ilovereality I have not tried to install the ROM thats discussed above yet. All I did was connect my goggle play account and download CoC - it works. - although its certainly not a smooth on this as on my iphone 5 - but it was $20! Instructions on how to get google play installed on your MEEP are here - - I had to reboot my Meep to get it to work.
I'm still tinkering - once I got google play up and running I downloaded and ran the nova launcher (from google play store) - that makes everything much simpler - you can completely bypass the meep interface. I've managed to run netflix however youtube seems to not work except through the Meep version - not sure whats up with that. I'll be trying to install the ROM mentioned via links above in the next day or so.
Mine is 6 hours away and showing a Thursday delivery. Hoping I have time to get this thing hacked and install the custom ROM for my nephew's birthday on the 24th - at 7 he'll like it for Minecraft and Youtube.
Anyone installed the ROM found at one of the links above using livesuit yet? I can't get livesuit to run on my Win8.1 machine so I'm on hold for now. Still using nova launcher though and playing CoC with it ;)
Anyone looking to offload theirs should check out the Best Buy offer for $50 credit for any working tablet. Deal found Slickdeals front page No guarantees, but by their own terms it should be accepted. Will be looking to trade the Meep and an original Kindle Fire in for $50 BB gift card for each.
@venussuz As I've still not cracked open the box for the second one I bought - and no one here is begging to take it off my hand at cost - I may just do this - thanks!
@venussuz Oh - I had some difficulties - but a few tweets with BB customer support helped resolve things ;) Btw - I still think they were great buys for $20 but for $100 I can get something a bit better.
Guess what folks? Best Buy is at it again. $50 for "any" working tablet. This time its a samsung offer - http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/samsung-offer-138180 So if you've decided not to use your meep bring it on in to Best Buy by the 16th and they SHOULD give you a $50 gift card for it and a coupon for $50 off a Galaxy Tab A.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Oregon Scientific
Estimated Delivery: 2/18 - 2/20
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x Meep tablet
1x Mini USB to USB cable
1x Power cable
1x Silicone skin
Retail box
Price Check
$96.89 at Amazon
90 days
I am confused why this is $100. Even at $20 it's not worth it. My 8-yr old kid has a better REAL tablet.
@mediocrebot I was so close to buying this. I appreciate you talking me out of it.
@mediocrebot I miss small wonder!
@kus I do not
@mediocrebot kudos for reaching a new high-water mark in copywriting honesty.
@mediocrebot i think at $20 it is worth it. I plan on root this thing so i can use it to watch live tv, movies, and tv shows and it includes an hdmi port so i can use it on my tv. I can root this crap and i cant go wrong with this. Im sure of that.
@omargm What could go wrong with rooting a tablet that has 1.0 Ghz processor and 512 mb of RAM? After you root it you'll be able to put Android version 1.5 on it and think of all the fun you'll have!
uber meh
holy crap.
@rmf83 There's nothing holy about that thing.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga I hate purple.
@anti_barney you should stay far away from @barney, if you two make physical contact, reality as we know it will cease to exist.
@thismyusername ... Sounds like a deal... When?
@anti_barney is that you or @barney?
@anti_barney We recycled these tablets from 2002 Teletubbies Halloween costumes. Please rest assure they are not related to Barney whatsoever.
I dare you to pay me to take it
Maybe you can't afford to pay me to take it...but I wouldn't say no to one for free.
@SirEvelyn I would, it would take more brain power then it's worth to think about it sitting in its box in the corner.
@SirEvelyn I can't even give this away if meh gave it to me for free!
@SirEvelyn I can and do. Meh, if you happen to give me one of these for free, thanks, but you may politely go shove it up Jeff Bezos's ass. That is the only logical use for these things. I'm sure you'll agree.
@SirEvelyn ... My Gawd!! It's almost free!.. What can you buy for a Jackson now days? Damn, you couldn't get a tasty meal at Mickey D's for that price (as if you could for any amount). I find it perfect to give as a gift (unopened) to my worst adversary (chuckle!).
It's V.I.C.I., you cretins. (I edited this.)
@Sunburn I'm feeling superior for not knowing.
This one will be turning up in someone's next Fuku
@wanderson24 Agreed. I thought maybe I'd get one for my 2 year old. But I'd rather roll the dice and hope I get a Fuku with one inside.
@wanderson24 I'm not even going to try on the next fuku, just in case it has one of these.
@wanderson24 thank dog they sold out!
oh god this looks hilariously awful.
Never heard so much self hatred in a description before. Why subject us to such horror?
@mehgrl maybe they ran out of stuff and have only 1 of this to sell. So it's more a placeholder for tomorrow's deal.
@hammi99 Valid theory. I shall expect something epic worthy tomorrow.
@mehgrl rephrase: looks like they had 355 of these as placeholders.
Meh, and fuck.
My have an one these and is fine so good buy deal everything OK now no problem.
@Jetlag Jesus, look what using one of these has done to your brain.
I can go tree-fiddy, that's it.
@irishbyblood
Like I wouldn't pay $49 for a piece of shit tablet. But $20? That sounds much better.
And since those Oregon Scientific boys call that an HDMI "slot" on their product page, they seem to know what they're talk'n about, tablet-wise. (See no dangling prepositions.)
If my 3 year old didn't already have shitty tablet....
Fuck it. Latest-tragic-cord... Purchased because his current tablet has charger issues and a tiny pin that breaks off easily.
Plus i have about 75 cases still...
I'm actually kinda tempted to get this. How bad can it really be?
Edited to add: I'm about to find out. generous-finite-pickle
@christinerenee for $50 more you can grab an iPad 1, which while not amazing, is miles better than this.
@Superjimtendo Thanks for trying to save me, but I bought one anyway.
@christinerenee I got one too. Might be just perfect enough to distract my kid from my electronics and uninteresting enough that he'll leave it to go play with something else. xP lol
@christinerenee you have to let us know how it turns out. I'm super curious.
@Superjimtendo Will do.
It's the Triple F! Future Fuku Fodder.
@ComputerMD82 Oh come on, toss an f-bomb in there and make it a quadruple. you know you wanna.
This thing sucked so hard the meh button pushed itself.
@Jetlag Ya. I know funny and that right there is funny.
I have a nexus 7 that I don't use and it's way better. iPad is a far better tablet. Of course it's 30 times the price. A used nexus tablet from ebay would be a far better choice.
@Headly not for a 4yr to 10 old. And IMO my kids have time limits for games and toys such as this.
@CrossIT the new Kindle Fire has incredible parental controls. I have my kid's set so he has to read for 30 minutes before he can access the games and a time limit on how long he can play them. And I only paid 50 more for it, and it isn't a total piece of shit.
@CrossIT http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/03/31/disruptions-what-does-a-tablet-do-to-the-childs-mind/
@Headly this is my belief already.... Not quite sure what you are trying to emphasize. In my Family it is NOT a free to use device when ever they want it is an occasional toy. My boys are well behaved in public, so the tablet, IF I brought it stays in the car.
Oh I am not falling for your reverse psychology. Tell me it sucks, but really you just don't want me to have it. Well I'm on to you -- and I'll take 3.
Wait, what's that? Oh it really does suck? Carry on then.
I like that the packaging art implies that you're more likely to get information from it by osmosis through your forehead faster than how you'd traditionally use a tablet.
@jose602 I thought it was a couple of short bus kids that couldn't figure out how to use it.
@jose602 I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused by the box.
Maybe it could make a decent clock?
@giroro Always aim high!
@giroro and yes, I just bought one to replace my 90's era radio alarm clock. It's easier than replacing the 9v back up battery
But you could have fun for a fraction of an hour:
@cleverogre Thos kids don't even know how to throw a good electronics smashing party (Ignore the crappy Family Guy scene afterwards, this is the only one not censored that I found)
I know what someone is getting in next years Shitty Santa Swap thing that we do at the office!! Plus about 30 neoprene cases that don't really fit it.
I was really tempted to bite on a $20 tablet. You talked me out of it. Which is probably a good thing, because the crappiness would probably have embittered me. So thanks for that.
And yet, people are buying it. I guess, at this price point, people will buy anything. I predict a sellout and marking clearing price realized.
if I could confirm that Google Play is actually functional, it might be OK at $20.
Rather Geek at the carnival and rip chickens heads off with my teeth.
12 Things You Can Replace With a $38 Tablet: http://tinyurl.com/o27pogk
@Yakuman Great ideas! Now I kinda want to buy two more...
@Yakuman Great. The writeup actually talked me out of this one, now I'm tempted again, darn you!
@Yakuman The coaster was the most appealing idea of them all.
@Deelron you could make your drink light up slightly in almost any color
@Yakuman Nice!
These things appear to be growing out of kids foreheads, Why would I want that growing out of my kid's forehead?!?!?
Or they are trying to insert it into their foreheads... check the amazon page images.
@bmf I bought HeadOn once, but I couldn't figure out how to use it.
I know I'm setting myself up here, but holy shit… it's so thick!!
@brhfl that's what she said?
Bath, lol just kidding.
I said Good Day Sir!
@sp3ar Could we pay you "20$" to stop yelling at us?
Crappy Android devices are still useful. I have a $10 Mexican carrier smartphone that I keep by my bed as an alarm clock.
@Yakuman Agreed, I have two old Tmobile phones setup as webcams.
Someone gave my kid one a couple years ago. My husband spent more time trying to get it to work than short stack spent playing with it. It does make an excellent door stop though.
@jaremelz Or coaster!
My HP Touchpad which I bought for $100 a few years ago and rooted bricked on me last year. This looks like an excellent replacement (to root of course).
@ilovereality my touchpad is still kickin' (also got it for 100 during HPs' meltdown)
@ilovereality How difficult would that be for someone not-terribly-techie-but-able-to-follow-directions? Or will I have to get tech-Boy involved?
@ilovereality I use my touchpad as a living room clock, and sometimes for glitchy bathtub netflix
@thismyusername Lucky you!! Mine gave me a couple years of faithful service.
@ilovereality Think I'm going to do the same after reading a couple pages on the XDA developers forum page referenced above. Root it and have a crappy but workable $20 tablet. That and I can give it to my nephew - either the 7 or 24 year old would gladly take it. "Another tablet? Cool!"
@mamawoot Not sure how easy it will be - but I'm a semi techy person (however I just follow directions) - a bit of digging has revealed this site with more info... (camera may not work - but I could care less about the camera - I want a cheap tablet to stream videos and maybe play CoC) http://androidforums.com/threads/meep-custom-firmware.833211/
@ilovereality The wife and i still have touchpads running strong. With lollipop even. Course we only use them for reading and lite web stuff. Great for comics. Best $150 (32GB) I ever spent on a device. Course now any tablet that costs more than that seems like a ripoff. Thankfully they still work so this offer doesn't tempt.
@michaelahess I have one still going strong as well. They released a Lollipop build for it now? Sweet.
@ilovereality i bought a bricked Touchpad last September for $20. i was able to revive it by hooking it up to an old linux laptop
@jmendenhall I tried about everything I could find online to debrick it - maybe now that its been off for 6 months I could give it another whack but sadly I think mine is toast :(
@ilovereality my touchpad is used daily. I've even made meh purchases on it.
@ilovereality The only thing that worked for me was hooking the touchpad to my ubuntu laptop. If it recognizes the hp touchpad, you should be able to run a few commands in terminal, then hook it up to your charger for 12 hours. The directions I read said it only works with linux.
@michaelahess What ROM are you running? I'm still using an older version of CM 9 or 10, but if I could move to Lollipop, that would be interesting. Also, how is your battery life?
@dashcloud It's the latest CM. It's on their site or xda, a bit more involved to install but you can completely wipe webos finally. Battery life on mine is still a few hours (6ish maybe) of constant use. My wife's is a bit less as she reads a few hours a day vs my every few days lite use. I'm actually shocked the batteries are lasting so well.
I want this just to say I own such a crappy tablet, but I'm probably better off without it.
Holy crap, the description was right! Just look at all the youtube comments.
This is like one of those internet horror stories about a haunted piece of electronics that makes the user go insane.
@hoborg Cant insane do if cant get acsses to the comuniter!
Seriously, why are the kids hitting their heads with the tablet?
@cbreeden Frustration would be my guess.
Naw....Oregon Scientific couldn't spell meh right.....they got it as meep! If they cant spell meh, why would I buy their tablet?
I kinda wanna git me one just so I can finally find a use for one of my 64 neoprene cases...
The spirit of Torquemada approves.
Texas, please just stop.
I might get this for a young kid, but again, I don't have kids meh...
@axleman1011 Kinda creepy if you hand 'em out to the neighbor kids
@Kyser_Soze Its okay if he hands them out from a white van with no windows.
@bakeyoural The van needs a cool character on the side. Maybe some kind of bear?
Kinda intrigued due to the HDMI out and MicroSD slot. Anyone think I could sideload a movie player and use this to play MKV files hooked up to an HDTV while traveling? Or am I in for a world of pain, wasted time and out-of-sync audio?
@kev
@SSteve Decisions.......
Ooh, how about this: The last time a user wanted to break a tablet this angrily was Exodus.
Add that to the first paragraph. Gold. Hire me Meh. Will work for neoprene.
I want to know WTF the guy who decided this was a good product to produce was smoking. Hope he got fired!Meh!
@Stallion Its sequel doesn't review much better http://www.amazon.com/Meep-OP0118-13-MEEP-x2-Tablet/dp/B00FU4S4GS
@thismyusername Hope the next guy who designed that second piece of crap also got canned!
C4N Ai Ues Mai L337 hax xskillz 2 instals linux????
But could it possibly be worse than this "Maylong"?
@Fej Funny thing, I just got a $99 10.1 inch tablet from fleebay, and while this thing won't beat a Galaxy or a Nexus, it's a sweet deal for the price. http://www.amazon.com/Dragon-Touch-A1X-Pre-installed-TabletExpress/dp/B00LM5WU96/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1423382311&sr=1-1&keywords=dragon+touch+10.1
우리 직구족을 위해..
얼마에 사던 바가지여
이 끔찍한 태블릿좀 봐봐. 진짜 쓰레기지. 슈퍼소녀 비키 이후 안드로이드중에서 제일 별로인걸. 거기다 프리징은 닥터후에 나오는 우는천사 보다도 잘해요. 만졌는데 뭔가 좀 끈적하다면 걱정마, 아마 카라멜콘 먹다가 묻은거겠지. 이것보다는 밤중에 태양열 계산기 두드리고 노는게 더 재밌을거야.
그럼 이제 "야 그래도 이거 가격이 깡팬데? 어머 이건 사야해!" 라는 소리가 나올거같은데..
땡! 틀렸어. 솔직히 우리가 이것좀 제발 가져가달라고 돈을 줘야할 지경인걸. 이걸 작동시키려고 기다리고 찾아보느라 낭비한 시간동안에 일을했으면 최저임금 받아도 킨들파이어 제일 싼것쯤은 사겠다! 아님 갤럭시나 아이패드 미니도 가능할껄. 그래 솔까 요새 나온 태블릿은 뭐든 살수있을거라니까.
아니 잠깐, 멘붕하는건 아직 계산에 넣지도 않았어. 진짜 아마존 리뷰에서 쓰레기다, 실망이다 소리나 듣는 이 태블릿에 너희 집 문을 열어주고싶은거야? 좋은말이라고 써준다는게 고작 "좀 느리고 다른 태블릿보다 더 자주 다운되는듯" 이라니까? "환불하려고했는데, 이런 젠장, 전자제품이라서, 뭐 안된다고? 그냥 이거. 십만원 썼다고 생각해야겠군. 쓰레기통에서. 그런거나 마찬가지니까!"라는 리뷰를 보면 이 태블릿을 쓰는데 트라우마가 너무 커서 뇌의 언어영역에 손상이갈수도 있다는걸 알수있어. 물론 이 사람들은 20불보단 많이 썼겠지. 근데 이런 고통은 얼마를 줘도 피하고싶은걸.
그래, 여러분들은 더 좋은걸 가져야해. 태블릿이라면 우리한테나 인생이나 더 나은걸 바래야하지.
근데 우린 그 정도도 안돼잖아? 이 태블릿같은 끔찍한 물건에 계속 돈을 낸다면 우린 물론 받겠지, 그치만 학습효과같은건 전혀 없겠지. 그러니까 돈을 아끼라니까? 이거 사지 말라고 우리가 돈을 줄순 없지만 여러분들은 자기자신에게 사지말라고 돈을 줄수 있으니까.
@RedOak translation of the description, which is probably tl;dr
@nathanK These were exactly my thoughts, how could someone thought of such a thing? Good review sir, I salute you. Very informative. I wish I had the wisdom (and language) like urs!
@nathanK From translate.google: For our family fastball. Southern ripped off over the long Look at this terrible tablet. Not a real waste. Ingeol Best Of Super Girl by Vicky since Android. Besides Freezing is good at all, coming after Weeping Angel doctor. Do not worry if you touched something a bit sticky, probably from eating caramel corn I'll bloody. It's more fun to play than this tapping solar calculator in the middle of the night. Now, "Hey Caen paende though this price? Oh it buy it!" I think out of the sound. Ding! Wrong. Frankly, the point that we have to give money ingeol have a look, please bring it. If you find a job while watching wasted time waiting to try to work minimum wage, even if it is about the lowest price I'll buy the best Kindle Fire! Not Galaxy or iPad Mini is also available now got. Yes solkka fortress from tablets do anything you'll live. No, wait, that did not even put on menbung gon calculated yet. The real waste in the Amazon review, you'll want to open the door on the tablet is disappointing to hear sounds or? Giving it best to write good a horse "seems to be a little slow down more often than any other tablet" exactly what happened? "I tried to refund, Holy Shit, he's electronics, something no? Just this: We'll have to think he wrote one hundred thousand won. In the trash can. That, or do you like?" When writing a review of this tablet is too big trauma of the brain language areas I know there is damage Hou go. Of course, many people did you spend than $ 20. But this pain is something you want to avoid jwodo much. Yes, you will have to have something better. If our life and better and better at everybody tablet baraeya not. But that's not like we're about? If the money to continue to produce such a terrible thing if, of course, we'll take a tablet, But Would not be at all learning the same thing. So do ahkkira money? This is not money that we do not buy julsun iteunikka give you the money not to buy it himself.
@pteridoid HA! I was CERTAIN it was translated to "I was gonna return it but ofcourse no can do sime because it is electronic!! So I would rather just throughout that 100.00 I spent in the trash because that's what it is!!!"
Wait. It has an SD card slot, and sorta color screen. Couldn't I just us this as a digital photo viewer for those pics mom keeps crying about me never getting developed? Please tell me smart people, is this a brilliant idea?
@wew people love bright orange picture frames, it goes well with any decor.
@thismyusername the orange is just a rubber protective sleeve thing - comes right off if you check the video - then you only have the ugly white plastic to look at. ;)
I was going to buy this for the 3 year old to keep him busy for a couple minutes at need......but I can't get over 160+ 1 star reviews on amazon. Does it even turn on? I also saw sold listings on ebay for $6 with free shipping for a working one......
@givemeyoursoul you made me go check ebay - all I see that cheap are screen protectors for the meep. I also assume 95% of the amazon reviews are from people with much higher expectations than what I have (who also in theory paid 5 times as much.
@ilovereality True, most of the reviewers say they paid $150. Poor bastards. You are right, the one that was $5 had $15 shipping, so $20. I saw a couple that were around $15 shipped also.
Everyone keep laughing..... I'm now in for two and this is gonna sell out - then people will be complaining - just you wait and see.
@ilovereality HA! Sold out! HA! HA! HA! (man I hope I don't have to eat my words)
@ilovereality Salt with that crow?
@DeuceSevin We'll know in a week or so I suppose :)
God... I must resist. Click...
A year ago, when I was still into android stuff and rooting and messing with it, I would have got one of these cause why not. I think I can resist the temptation now that I"m all Apple-y.
Still... might make a pretty damn good dedicated ebook reader.... Just install the Nook app and the Kindle app, and use it to read books....
It has an HDMI output. You can use it as a media station... and it'll be much less tacky than that horrid Craig Stick sold earlier.
Still, it does seem from the xda-developers forum post that it comes pre-rooted, all you have to do to use that rootness is install Superuser straight from the Google Play store. So there's that...
Moment of excitement: "Ooo, a tablet! And it's cheap!"
The let down: "It's a total piece of crap."
Oh well. I'm just going to have to accept that my parents are more electronically advanced than I am... I would have purchased this, children's or not, if I had been able to run Netflix and Hearthstone. Apparently that's too much to ask.
@primrosewater Screw this. I've always wanted to root something, but haven't had anything that I could risk ruining. $20 is $20, but I'll probably never be willing to root anything else.
@primrosewater pre-rooted I believe.
@thismyusername Oh well. :-/ I'll just have to see what kind of trouble I can get into with it. If nothing else, I can play Uno, right?
Chances are this is actually an amazing product that has been decisively criticized by meh so that we wont buy all of them right away and the positive reviews for this one will up the price on the resale when everyone finds out that they missed out major time. Well played meh. I'd go in for 4.5 billion but my funds don't allow at this time.
Most depressing copy I've read on this site I think, worse even than the east/ west wars. And yet I found myself thinking "Man but $20 is so cheap!" Push the meh button and call it a night.
(@thumperchick told me to say the moon told me to say that)
Eeeeh, even if you could root it and clear everything out, that single core proc is going to choke on most Android 4.0 apps.
Thanks meh.
So.. is this thing any good?
@eblade No. The write up is keepin' it 100.
Thank God I didn't get the Xmas VMP.
Looks like a good gift for Grandpa
Hah, "Meep!" Is actually a cute little filler phrase my girlfriend and I say to each other when we have nothing important to say (how that started neither of us remember), and we both dig orange... @JonT Bath?
@Dash
@TerriblyHuang my gf and I be all

Well, I fell for this. Gift for my grandson. Punishment for my son. For just 20 bucks.
Crap or not...I have a classroom full of first graders.... these could be well utilized for reading, math, and science. Mehhhhbe I will bite.
This kid just owned Oregon Scientific!
@venussuz Meep doesn't work. Legos don't work either, but at least I can play with them.
@venussuz Should have got that kid an ipad mini. it would have only been $50 more than the meep
After being suckered on those USELESS Craig sticks,
we get this !!!
Looks like it is actually the version 2, not the link to the "original" the amazon link goes to from the model number. Looks like version 2 is just as Meh... http://www.amazon.com/Meep-Version-2-0-Android-Tablet/dp/B00C16UL96/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top?ie=UTF8
You guys take honesty to the next level. For $20, I was tempted, just so I don't have to hear the kids complain about whose turn it is on the iPad. But after the write up and the reviews, I'll save my money. Meh.
There have been a lot of crap since the last fuku. I have yet to get in on one, but I'm scared to after the long run of uber-crap on meh that I don't think I want to even try.
This will go great with one of the many neoprene cases Meh reclaimed from the landfill to sell us. Nice to see someone trying to save the enviornment.
Sold out!
Who is doing the price checks on here? Amazon has Version 2 for $65.
Ha! Nearly spit my coffee out if a burst of laughter:
@ACraigL what is the kid on the left wearing? He looks like a mini-hipster.
@sjk3 Only a hipster would say MEEP U L8R. Of course I will only say MEHP U L8R from now on.
@sjk3 A chastity hat.
Maybe if they bundled it with a speaker dock...
Thanks Meh.. I was thisclose to jumping in on this 'deal' , but you talked me out of it. That last Amazon review was the clincher. I pride myself on good spelling and proper grammar usage, and realized that purchasing this tablet could potentially jeopardize those skills. Too much self respect...
Saw this last night and figured; well this will never sell out so I will research it more in the morning. Well played Meh!
@readnj From what I read last night, it sucks. I'm still a little surprised by the sellout, however.
If anyone actually bought these for your kid(s) make sure they don't have access to seeing someone else's tablet. Or you will most likely be dodging this when they throw it at your head.
Anybody watch American Horror Story: Freak Show? MEEP!!!
Meh tells us not to buy it.
Check amazon and see not one good review.
Ask a couple of friends who bought it originally. All say it's terrible.
It's 20 bucks.
@legendornothing hopefully you totally bought it a few hours ago.....
Last time I bit on something like this, it was woot's "World's Worst Video Projector" for $25. Indeed, it was pretty bad. It had a loud fan and a blurry dim picture and low resolution. But it technically worked. I gave it away at a white elephant gift exchange.
@unbibium The World's Crappiest Projector sold for $59.99 (+$5 shipping). @JasonToon's "Truth in advertising" shone on through in the write up.
FWIW, 839 sold.
this thing is dumb - meh - I don't like it - I will not buy it.
Taking the meh challenge. $20 is too little to pass up. If I can play Sudoku on it then that's enough for me. Has a cool techie built a ROM for it that makes it more livable?
@cfg83 Remember Google is your friend. (and knows Everything about you)
After seeing this last night, I was going to jump on it but instead went for a HP Stream 7. With coupon I got it for $64. Since my gf needs office on her laptop, I'll use the 1 year license on that, so the tablet is basically free. It's a windows tablet, so I am not expecting much.
MEEP - just got my shipping emails (that's new too) - first one was for the impulse buy and the second was for the researched buy.
Damit damit damit. I've been stalking meh like a loony lately, only to find a lot of just meh.
Then, I give it a rest for ONE day, only to miss this tablet - been wanting to get 1 or 2 like this for my (little) kids for a while. Damit.
Lamenting o'er here... missed the fukus and neoprene crapload (too slow on the draw), missed this....
@Relleluck no promises but I bought two - there is a good chance that in the end I will only want one after I have tried it out for a bit. So if I decide to get rid of one I'll holler.
@Relleluck My second is still in the box. I've decided I am fine tinking with just one. So do you want the second at cost plus actual shipping? Holler at me here.
Meeps have arrived...... already decided the parental control stuff is a pita - this is my toy anyways. I registered online and all that but logging in seems to be iffy....
I have it online playing youtube videos and its appears to be fine with that.
I'll be revisiting the links above to see what I need to do to unlock everything.
@ilovereality It's also good for younow videos. Especially the ones you don't want in your phone's browsing history if you know what I mean.
@ilovereality I have not tried to install the ROM thats discussed above yet. All I did was connect my goggle play account and download CoC - it works. - although its certainly not a smooth on this as on my iphone 5 - but it was $20! Instructions on how to get google play installed on your MEEP are here - - I had to reboot my Meep to get it to work.
I'm still tinkering - once I got google play up and running I downloaded and ran the nova launcher (from google play store) - that makes everything much simpler - you can completely bypass the meep interface. I've managed to run netflix however youtube seems to not work except through the Meep version - not sure whats up with that. I'll be trying to install the ROM mentioned via links above in the next day or so.
Mine is 6 hours away and showing a Thursday delivery. Hoping I have time to get this thing hacked and install the custom ROM for my nephew's birthday on the 24th - at 7 he'll like it for Minecraft and Youtube.
Anyone installed the ROM found at one of the links above using livesuit yet? I can't get livesuit to run on my Win8.1 machine so I'm on hold for now. Still using nova launcher though and playing CoC with it ;)
Anyone looking to offload theirs should check out the Best Buy offer for $50 credit for any working tablet. Deal found Slickdeals front page No guarantees, but by their own terms it should be accepted. Will be looking to trade the Meep and an original Kindle Fire in for $50 BB gift card for each.
@venussuz As I've still not cracked open the box for the second one I bought - and no one here is begging to take it off my hand at cost - I may just do this - thanks!
@venussuz it worked. I've got a shiny new $100 bb gift card for my two meeeps! Thanks! So I'm up $60 :)
@ilovereality Nice! And if it shows up on cowboom, then there's a good chance it's yours!
@ilovereality Glad it worked. It was apparently handled differently at each store but I was able to do the same and come out ahead $60.
@venussuz Oh - I had some difficulties - but a few tweets with BB customer support helped resolve things ;) Btw - I still think they were great buys for $20 but for $100 I can get something a bit better.
Guess what folks? Best Buy is at it again. $50 for "any" working tablet. This time its a samsung offer - http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/samsung-offer-138180 So if you've decided not to use your meep bring it on in to Best Buy by the 16th and they SHOULD give you a $50 gift card for it and a coupon for $50 off a Galaxy Tab A.
@ilovereality Just traded the two in that i had gotten before. Probably use the gift cards on a new phone, and scrap the coupons.