@Fuzzalini Are you troubled by my gesture of appreciation? I know that can be a bit tough for some people, but it’s the way I was raised. I’m afraid that I’ll probably just keep on thanking people for saying or doing things that I appreciate…
@f00l It’s like that poor guy went to get some fresh batteries, only to realize that he was fresh out. Well, maybe he has some stale ones in the pantry…
“By the time you figure out what was wrong with that, it won’t matter anymore!”
—Sauron, One Ring to Rule Them All Special Edition
Half an hour after the show is over, a random viewer is staring into his refrigerator, vaguely bemused by the fact that his six-pack of beer has somehow become a two-pack of beer. Rather than work out how this might have happened, it occurs to him to wonder how in the hell Sydney Bristow went from Hungary to Melbourne, Australia, then to LA, all within 24 hours.
It didn’t bother him during the show. It wasn’t until he discovered he was running short of beer that it became an issue.
Fridge Logic has been the writer’s-room term for these little Internal Consistency issues for a good while, as in “Don’t sweat the Fridge Logic, we’ve got bigger fish to fry. We’ve only got 20 minutes left to work in three costume changes, a foreign language, and a weird wig.” It refers to some illogical or implausible plot point that the audience doesn’t realize during the show, but only long afterwards. This naming is highly subjective, since not every person follows the same train of thought. Some people will never even realise there was a problem, while others will call it a Plot Hole, since they already noticed the problem during the show.
The phrase was technically coined by Alfred Hitchcock. When asked about the scene in Vertigo when Madeleine mysteriously, and impossibly, disappears from the hotel that Scottie saw her in, he responded by calling it an “icebox” scene, that is, a scene that "hits you after you’ve gone home and start pulling cold chicken out of the icebox."
It is also known under a variety of other names:
In science fiction circles, this is also known as a “Jellybean Moment”. This refers to a story by Harlan Ellison titled “Repent, Harlequin!” Said the Ticktockman, where the climax of the story involves gumming up the works of the society with the application of jellybeans. It’s only after the story has been read that the average reader thinks “Where the heck did he get the jellybeans?” This phrase is at the core of a famous story involving Ellison at a Worldcon. This is also Lampshaded in-story: "Where did he get jelly beans? Nobody has made jelly beans for more than a hundred years!"
On the commentary track for the Hot Fuzz DVD, the filmmakers refer to this as “popcorn logic.” It’s five minutes after the movie ends, you’re walking out of the theater, finishing off your popcorn, and—wait a tick!
The writer David Gerrold refers to this as the “refrigerator door question” in his book on writing, Worlds of Wonder. He also gives an example: In the movie ET, if E.T. can make the bicycle fly at the end, why doesn’t he use it in the beginning of the film to avoid pursuit?
Ronald D. Moore talks about Fridge Logic extensively on the commentary to Battlestar Galactica (2003) episode (2.02) “Valley of Darkness,” likening it to the type of logic used to figure out whether the light in the fridge stays on when the door is closednote .
Stories with a Tomato Surprise or Through the Eyes of Madness may count on this phenomenon to prevent you from questioning oddities in what appears to be happening. By the time the Fridge Logic would have hit the audience, they’ve explained what was really going on, and those problems are explained to be clues that something was up.
See also Fridge Brilliance for when there’s actually a really good explanation when you think about it, and Fridge Horror when something is incredibly nightmarish when you think about it. Sometimes Fridge Logic (and/or a heaping helping of Values Dissonance) can turn an otherwise happy ending into a bittersweet or outright Downer Ending; for this, see Esoteric Happy Ending. This is also related to the MST3K Mantra, which allows you to just go along for the ride and not sweat the details. When fans notice these during the show, it’s a plain old Plot Hole. Not related to Stuffed into the Fridge. Also not to be confused with Bridge Logic, the un-tasty Oven Logic, Frege logic or Bathroom Logic. If the characters themselves fail to ask questions about a given plot development or device, then it’s because Apathy Killed the Cat.
By the way, we have whole sections of This Wiki dedicated to these issues. This article just defines a term. It neither needs nor wants any examples. To discuss Fridge Logic issues that bug you — which can be a lot of fun — see Headscratchers, or any of our fine Forums, or the “Fridge” tab on a work’s page. If what occurred to you later was a wild theory, see Wild Mass Guessing.
Alternative Title(s): Jellybean Moment
:: Indexes ::
Freudian Excuse Pt/Índice de Tradução Fun with Acronyms
Fourth-Wall Mail Slot Abridged Series Tropes Ho Yay
Ascended Fridge Horror Fridge
Forgotten Framing Device Script Speak Half-Arc Season
Esoteric Happy Ending Bad Writing Index Gratuitous Rape
Fridge Brilliance Pothole Magnet Funny Moments
Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory JustForFun/Tropes of Legend Fridge Brilliance
Everyone Is Gay This Index Is Highly Improbable Generation Xerox
Finagle’s Law Index Failure Hypocrite
Deus ex Machina Consistency Gameplay and Story Segregation
Fridge Brilliance YMMV/Home Page Fridge Horror
Fact/Opinion/Argument Logic Tropes Home Page
Franchise Original Sin Square Peg, Round Trope Accentuate the Negative
Franchise Zombie JustForFun/Trope Title Shows Fridge Horror
Continuity Nod Overdosed Tropes Face–Heel Turn
Fridge Brilliance
At first:
“They kept on losing me. They would bring out a new album and for a few listenings it would leave me cold and confused. Then, gradually it would begin to unravel itself in my mind. I would realise that the reason I was confused was that I was listening to Something that was simply unlike anything that anybody had done before.”
— Douglas Adams on The Beatles, The Salmon of Doubt
You watch a movie and something about it just seems off, you don’t like it. One night, as you get up for a midnight snack, you open the refrigerator door and the light dawns on you, "This is the real purpose behind this plot!"
Because you had that epiphany, what once was a hated moment has become one of your favorites.
May be evoked by Rewatch Bonus. Compare Hilarious in Hindsight, Heartwarming in Hindsight and It Makes Sense in Context. See also Ascended Fridge Horror for writers applying prior Fridge Horror in a way analogous to Fridge Brilliance. For the puzzle-solving equivalent, see the Egg of Columbus.
@f00l Wow. I read that whole post, and now I’m slightly less moored to reality than I was before. And it was a pretty tenuous connection then, to say the least…
Aaaawwwww Marvin is one of my favorites
Thanks for sharing, super cool
That’s absolutely incredible. Thank you!!
As an aside, I wonder how the rover’s batteries stay so fresh. Martian refrigeration…?
@shahnm You ever going to give it up?
@Fuzzalini What, exactly?
@shahnm oh, you know what. After I wrote that, I realized it might sound annoyed, but really I was just teasing you.
@Fuzzalini Are you troubled by my gesture of appreciation? I know that can be a bit tough for some people, but it’s the way I was raised. I’m afraid that I’ll probably just keep on thanking people for saying or doing things that I appreciate…
/image wink
/giphy "fridge logic"
@f00l It’s like that poor guy went to get some fresh batteries, only to realize that he was fresh out. Well, maybe he has some stale ones in the pantry…
/giphy "pantry logic"
Welcome to the land of unending links.
Fridge Logic
Fridge Brilliance
At first:
And on it goes …
PS. You will be a great Goat someday.
@f00l Love tvtropes.org. That’s a rabbit hole that never ends.
@f00l Wow. I read that whole post, and now I’m slightly less moored to reality than I was before. And it was a pretty tenuous connection then, to say the least…
@shahnm We will send you a big anchor. Problem solved.
/image big anchor
@f00l The “arctic energizer bunny goat”
/giphy battery operated goat
well giphy sure is out in left field with this one, but since it is a kitty I’ll leave it.