March 29 -- How well do you keep a secret??


I am good at keeping secrets, as long as I know they are secrets. I am a natural gabby person, so if you want me to be quiet about something, you have to tell me!

I remember blowing a surprise birthday party for my gram because I said “see ya, such and such day”… but no one told me she didn’t know about it and I talked to her every week. sigh…

A friend at work told me she is planning on quitting and asked how it is done – like I have quit – I have been here 2 decades!! I asked my old manager if I am morally obligated to tell my management and she said I am not… pheeewww…

This, I did not need to be told is a secret. So keep it I will. Although, I just shared it with thousands of people

Have a brilliant day… only two more days of this goathood!!!