March 17 -- Happy Saint Patrick's Day

mikibell thought this was worth mentioning said

Curiosity question here… I figured when I was ranting about the craziness of the storm, people may have noticed I live in walking distance to my parents’ house. It is my childhood home, I don’t remember any other family residence (excluding my grandparents’ house, but I remember it as theirs, not as our home.) We roamed that neighborhood morning, noon, and night…

What is the furthest you have lived from your childhood home and how close do you live to it now? If you lived in multiple homes during your childhood, use the one you have the best memories in…

The furthest I have lived from home was over 10,000 miles away. Right now, I live .25 miles if I use the shortcut, and 1.3 miles if I have to walk around using city roads.