Look Smart Trivia: National Parks & Monuments


I’m an avid indoorsman, and even I am reduced to ecstatic babbling over the greatness of U.S. National Parks (and their little siblings, National Monuments). Each one, just on its own, is a treasure beyond value. Add them all together, and open them all to anyone who can get there, and it’s one of the greatest things humans have ever done for each other and for the planet. Anyway, if you’re stuck at a desk, maybe at least you can breathe in the atmosphere of these five National Parks or National Monuments, as seen in a National Geographic book from the 70s. Be the first to name all five and you’ll score a $5 Meh coupon. Insert signoff catchphrase here!

@cinoclav stepped up to the plate, kept their eye on the ball, and knocked yesterday’s Blurry Baseball Uniforms of the 1980s quiz out of the park:

  1. Chicago White Sox
  2. Texas Rangers
  3. Atlanta Braves
  4. Pittsburgh Pirates
  5. Seattle Mariners