Look Smart Trivia: Asian Countries With a Twist


Considered by geographers the most Asiatic of all continents, Asia is a land of contrasts: from long, skinny countries to bulging, bulbous countries, with every body shape in between. If you can identify these national silhouettes despite their being spun by varying numbers of degrees, you will be the proud owner of a $5 Meh coupon code. Insert signoff catchphrase here!

You think you’re some kinda smart guy, huh, @carl669? Just because you figured out all five of yesterday’s First Edition Book Jackets in, like, nothin’ seconds flat? Well, you are! Tell your friends! And enjoy the five bucks!

  1. The Handmaid’s Tale
  2. Of Mice and Men
  3. Invisible Man
  4. From Russia with Love
  5. On the Road