Look Smart Trivia: 15-Letter Words
7Here are five images whose characteristics can be summed up in words of exactly 15 letters. Most are straightforward English words of standard comfortableness, not extreme in their inaccessibility - but at least one will require a certain connoisseurship of obscure terms, or at least some resourcefulness with Google. Perhaps your fellow players will show some kindheartedness and accommodatingly help you out. I have a specific word in mind for each, but if your experimentation yields an interchangeable term of adequate appropriateness, and you’re the first with good answers for all five, you may feed your acquisitiveness with a $5 Meh coupon. Insert signoff catchphrase here!
@slipperyp not only identified the five cities we toured in our Streets of South America video quiz. They also walked us through the deductive process, which unfolded exactly the way I planned, mwah-ha-ha. Seriously, check it out for some insight into how I construct these things - it might just score you 5 bucks someday, plus the priceless satisfaction of besting your fellow Mehtizens:
- Cartagena, Colombia
- La Paz, Bolivia
- Cayenne, French Guiana
- Asuncion, Paraguay
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 11 comments, 4 replies
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At first glance, I’ve been able to come up w/ some 12 letter words, but haven’t been able to get to 15.
Maybe I could score a $4 coupon for 12 letter words?
Good luck, all you letter counting wordsmiths!
There really are numerous possibilities here. Let’s start with:
Here are my guesses, but I also guess that there can be more than one answer for some of these.
@Trillian Probably going to need to combine our efforts.
@ciabelle Personification is a nice interpretation!
I’ll give it a shot:
@thejackalope I liked Bibliographical, but looking at the definition(s) it seems to connote a level of organization or collection that is not reflected in the image. Still, nice word …
You haven’t seen the style of organization I have in my office. Was worse in grad school, but still pretty bad at the end of each semester… So my answer is projecting a little bit.
Before today, I never heard of the word or term Tsundoku. Thanks, meh! Also, I went through a period in grad school where I bought WAY too many used books, and started breaking my rule of only having books on my shelf that I had read. I was guilty of acquisitiveness.
I could see a few of these as winners - @JasonToon has a tough call here, especially on #5
Let’s have a
/youtube tintinnabulation
<Hey. Was good at counting stuff like #'s of letters while was in elementary school.>
(I was looking for a pun on commencement for #2, but just couldn’t make one fit . Maybe someone will be inspired to commence where I failed.)