Wasn’t expecting the USB port to require assembly. Got the pack with an empty rubber housing on one side and a loose generic USB-A cable. Tried briefly to fish the cable through the housing and into the pack to no avail. Will give it another try later. Seems this could have easily been permanently attached in the factory like every other backpack/bag I have with a charge port.
I’m gonna try to put it nicely: this thing is trash. Large capacity my ass. You can MAYBE get a bottle of water in there. The cable needing to be assembled and ran by the user is garbage, it’s impossible to run it neatly. For the $12 I paid, I feel like meh owes me $20 back.
@givinupthefight You might want to let them know over at meh.com/support, since the Customer Service folks (and the people who do the selection of items to sell) don’t routinely read the comments here on the forum.
Product: Lior Sling Travel Daypack with USB Port
Model: BH-370-grey, BH-370-black, BH-370-blue, BH-370-green
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Aug 19 - Wednesday, Aug 21
FYI: this is about $15-$20 elsewhere on the Internet
@user43656455 and $12.99 on Woot.
@irenegade @user43656455 12.99 on Amazon
10x6x2 is a “pack”?
Should have paid attention to the dimensions, this thing is ‘smol’. Like kindergarten backpack smol.
Wasn’t expecting the USB port to require assembly. Got the pack with an empty rubber housing on one side and a loose generic USB-A cable. Tried briefly to fish the cable through the housing and into the pack to no avail. Will give it another try later. Seems this could have easily been permanently attached in the factory like every other backpack/bag I have with a charge port.
I’m gonna try to put it nicely: this thing is trash. Large capacity my ass. You can MAYBE get a bottle of water in there. The cable needing to be assembled and ran by the user is garbage, it’s impossible to run it neatly. For the $12 I paid, I feel like meh owes me $20 back.
@givinupthefight You might want to let them know over at meh.com/support, since the Customer Service folks (and the people who do the selection of items to sell) don’t routinely read the comments here on the forum.