@Thumperchick I don’t care what other people say. That is the saddest episode of Futurama ever. I nearly openly cried the first time I saw it. I avoided it in reruns because just thinking about it made me sad.
@sjk3 I don’t cry at much, but I lose it and bawl every time at this. I have intentionally avoided looking at the gif we’re responding to because I know I’ll break down.
@Thumperchick Funny this is much sadder than Godfellas where Bender is a planet for a population of mini sentient life forms, and causes mass deaths to his followers and the followers end up wiping each other out by killing the entire population due to nuclear war.
@caffeine_dude At least they all die and they’re not all waiting around endlessly for God to come back and take them away. Oops, sounds like Christianity.
@PlacidPenguin It accidentally happened! I really do think it’s the saddest episode ever and when I responded with why Godfellas isn’t sadder, I realized I’d described Christianity. Not planned at all.
@Thumperchick@kevlar51@sjk3@caffeine_dude Sometimes I listen to the Sinatra channel on SiriusXM. I almost have to pull the car over when “I Will Wait for You” comes on because my eyes start to tear up.
Greyfriars Bobby was a Skye Terrier who became known in 19th-century Edinburgh for supposedly spending 14 years guarding the grave of his owner until he died himself on 14 January 1872. The story continues to be well known in Scotland, through several books and films, and a prominent commemorative statue and nearby graves act as a tourist attraction.
Reminded me of that episode and my wife and daughter were uncontrollably sobbing at the end of it. I, on the other hand simply had allergies and several somethings in both my eyes.
Every time I see that scene I laugh.
@PlacidPenguin Doesn’t surprise me.
Weird, didn’t get an email about your comment.
I blame you.
Saddest episode ever.
It’s interesting how people can watch the same thing yet have completely different opinions about it.
I suppose it would be dull if everybody felt the same way about something.
@Thumperchick agreed. And I appreciate that you didn’t say “Saddest episode of Futurama ever.”
Because I say it’s the saddest episode of any show ever.
@Thumperchick I don’t care what other people say. That is the saddest episode of Futurama ever. I nearly openly cried the first time I saw it. I avoided it in reruns because just thinking about it made me sad.
@sjk3 I don’t cry at much, but I lose it and bawl every time at this. I have intentionally avoided looking at the gif we’re responding to because I know I’ll break down.
@Thumperchick Funny this is much sadder than Godfellas where Bender is a planet for a population of mini sentient life forms, and causes mass deaths to his followers and the followers end up wiping each other out by killing the entire population due to nuclear war.
@caffeine_dude At least they all die and they’re not all waiting around endlessly for God to come back and take them away. Oops, sounds like Christianity.
Not really sure why religion is being brought up here.
@caffeine_dude Easier to get attached to one creature than a whole civilization I guess.
@PlacidPenguin Wasn’t the whole point of Godfellas that it was a commentary on religion?
@PlacidPenguin It accidentally happened! I really do think it’s the saddest episode ever and when I responded with why Godfellas isn’t sadder, I realized I’d described Christianity. Not planned at all.
@Thumperchick @kevlar51 @sjk3 @caffeine_dude Sometimes I listen to the Sinatra channel on SiriusXM. I almost have to pull the car over when “I Will Wait for You” comes on because my eyes start to tear up.
/youtube I will wait for you Frank Sinatra
@PantHeist Godfellows was pro god anti religion.
From Wikipedia

“What do we want?!”
I just checked- no email yet. I’ll keep checking just in case.
My wife made me watch Hachi: A dog’s story:
Reminded me of that episode and my wife and daughter were uncontrollably sobbing at the end of it. I, on the other hand simply had allergies and several somethings in both my eyes.
I just think of xkcd, let’s see… Wow, it was comic 233. I suddenly feel very old.