{VOTE} Last day of September GoaThood (unofficial) CONTEST give away

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

OK so I have been a crappy goat this month (I did warn everyone and people didn’t listen so not my fault) and that was before other bad stuff happened…

Anyway in the style of fukos, fukus and mehrican exchange boxes, I have a box to give away. No promises of what is or isn’t in there except a promise that some of it is recycled from those very same “events”, some of it is not, and there will be at least one meh branded item in there. The box won’t be huge due to financial limitations with respect to postage but I can promise there will be a few nice things as I have to get rid of my storage unit and unfortunately don’t have room to keep everything I have stored.


  1. Post a photo, gif, or video under 1 minute of a cat that will make me chuckle
  2. One entry per person
  3. Vote for someone’s entry (you can not vote for your own and you only can vote for one, vote for more and you are eliminated)
  4. Everyone else in mehdom can vote too (but please only vote for one or I will eliminate all of that person’s votes).
  5. At closing the entry with the highest number of votes per the rules wins.
  6. Posting ENTRIES ends 10:59pm Central meh Time Sunday, October 1
  7. VOTING ends Monday, October 2 at 10:59pm Central meh Time to give people a chance to vote for last minute entries.
  8. The winner posts a photo of their haul.
  9. If you don’t like the rules, which entry wins, me, life or whatever… blame @RiotDemon who I presume/hope will be the new goat (almost made part of the entry rules that you had to go vote for her for goat… hint hint)