Landmark Irk
10chadp’s late meh birthday celebration continues…
Put on your best Irk shirt. Draw a picture of Irk. Make your own Irk stuffed animal.
I want you to take Irk to you favorite local landmark. If you live in a city with a landmark we all recognize, bonus points. Get your photo taken at your local landmark with Irk and share it in the thread below. No tattoos required.
- 22 comments, 79 replies
- Comment
I like the idea of seeing these, but…
You want us all out of our geo-closets?
Are the forum regulars even in geo-closets?
Also, many of us have cars. Or bicycles. Or feet, if we’re ambitious.
/youtube these boots are made for walking
@f00l Ooh, I had such a crush on her when I was young and stupid(er), despite her father who probably would have had me “taken care of”.
Are our faces req in these photos?
I don’t put my photo online in a publicly accessible location.
@f00l Irk is the real star.
@ChadP And we all thank you for that.
Well… you just don’t think that you do.
Sincerely, The Man.
This would be a whole lot easier to do with an IRK plushie. I would buy one and take him on every vacation and do photo dumps until you begged me to stop.

@gogrrl Of various sizes. I’m in for a 6-footer, depending on price. My dog would have to adapt.
@gogrrl My friend makes sock monkeys and sells them and over the years has taken photos of them parked in interesting places all over the world.
@gogrrl I did this for a while with a Justin Timberlake marionette. Somewhere there’s a great picture of him in Hungary.
What’s the time frame on this? The longer we have the more likely I’m going to be somewhere with a landmark.
If a gas station, cow field, or a Wendy’s counts as a landmark, I might have it covered in a shorter period of time.
@OnionSoup my thoughts exactly! Might b posting irk from my dentist office. …
@OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 From a TDCJ unit would be more amusing (to the rest of us).
My best town landmark is the local bar.
@OnionSoup @phendrick TDJC???
@OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 Google?
No, TDCJ; but for me, TDJC searched brings up the same thing…
Couldn’t find any of my relatives listed on the inmate finder. You…?
@OnionSoup same question, I’m going to the Grand Canyon but not for about 3 weeks
@OnionSoup They didn’t mention prizes so I assume we can do it forever.
Is there a good high res, full body image of Irk available?
I normally only see him waist up. I have a good idea for something but need a source image.
This is best image I have found… Confirms he wears pants and doesn’t flaunt his junk
@OnionSoup that’s actually comforting
Does this guy count?

@ybmuG Always. But may be hard to photograph.
@ChadP what would help would be a tripod phone mount so i can use the pro settings on my phone with my monopod and take long exposures to avoid having to bring the DSLR. Can you drop one in my IRK and ship it tomorrow?
/image tripod phone mount

Apologies for my artistic abilities, but I think the sculpture makes up for it
I LOVE that sculpture!
@tinamarie1974 is that in an art park? And art you can climb on? Very cool
@tinamarie1974 You guys have a Niki de Saint Phalle by you?! SO JEALOUS.
@Kyeh there is a sculpture park near-ish the dentist that has some pretty cool art work. Decided to make a detour to see if there was something interesting and happened upon the kitty!!!
@ybmuG yes, yes it is. See my link-y below. I was in kittys belly checking him out. Really cool
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG @mossygreen
What a fantastic park! I was wondering if it was a genuine Niki de Saint Phalle sculpture. I’m very jealous too!
@Kyeh @mossygreen @ybmuG should I admit I did not know who she was. I simply thought, oh pretty kitty! The gang at Meh will
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 @ybmuG I’ll let it go this time, but you’re on notice regarding mid-century ground-breaking female sculptors.
@Kyeh @mossygreen @ybmuG
/giphy I will do better

@capguncowboy I’ll have to see if I still have the photo of my cat wearing that from that one year or not be lazy and do a search of me.
@capguncowboy I tried to do that, but someone was very dramatic every time I would try to put it on his head. Falling to the ground EVERY time
@capguncowboy @tinamarie1974 Well now you know how to get him to lie down if he won’t
@capguncowboy @Kidsandliz that is a good idea
@capguncowboy @tinamarie1974 Found the thread from a couple of years ago… Here is what I posted there:

Very tempted to take my I.R.K. unopened to Disneyland and let security open it for me at the entrance checkpoint.
@Ignorant Of course the security personnel will love this, no doubt. I’m not sure how everyone in line behind you will feel about the possessions flash mob they’re forced to endure.
@Ignorant I’m thinking it would be more funny if you did that at the airport and let the TSA open it for you.
@cengland0 oh yes even better! LAX here I come.
I live in the suburbs so my landmarks are all at the mall. Here’s the frog fountain.

@sammydog01 awesome Irk!
@sammydog01 AAWWW It’s a naked baby Irk
@sammydog01 Love it!
They have an unreasonable number of frogs here.

There is no such thing as “an unreasonable number of frog sculptures”
/image “frog sculpture” 2

I want your IRK’s twin or sibling or cousin or distant relation.
I suspect that desire is shared by others.
@f00l @sammydog01 I second that statement!!!
@sammydog01 That is so fabulous!
@sammydog01 We had a mall in the area that had a FABULOUS indoor frog fountain. AND a conversation pit! The area with both was torn down, I think someone bought the fountain. But maybe I just hope. Anyway, I really love frog fountains!

/image frog fountain Deerbrook Mall
@mossygreen That’s a great fountain! All of our malls are outside now. I preferred them indoors. I wonder where the old people go to walk?
@mossygreen @sammydog01 Well, I for one take my dog for neighborhood walks, about a half to a mile each night, and we both breathe Canadian smoke that has found its way down here to Texas. Every night smells like a close-by trash fire.
I don’t believe my dog would ingratiate herself if I walked her in the local malls, as I would not carry a disinfectant bottle with me on such.
I was going to wear my “I Like Irk” shirt today but i forgot
So you get Irk on my phone, at the Biltmore estate
Cool! Did you decide to just move in?
Or wait for the formal real estate closing?
@f00l no way, it’s not upscale enough for my taste
@capguncowboy @f00l We visited in October. Too many indoor trees.
Seeing The Flash. Hope it doesn’t suck.

Went to Sheetz for lunch.
Sammy clearly wins this thread.
@OnionSoup I think she is setting up a "Where’s
Waldoirk game.I live in a remote area. We’re mostly known for our soy beans, so here’s a field of soy
And if that’s not good enough, a local statue

“For amber waves of soy…” 
Credit goes to youngest child for creating the cutout for me.
@OnionSoup not sure why when I stripped metadata it rotated it. Will fix later… Gotta get to work…
@OnionSoup ok… Rotated the photos…
The sasquatch is called Francois btw. I haven’t finished painting him yet. Was my Xmas present. He’s concrete.
![enter image description here][1]
@OnionSoup I love Francois!
@sammydog01 he’s got a smaller companion named little-foot who is resin… But you can’t see him because I’m using him to prop Irk upright in that photo.
Basically a mini-me of Francois.
@OnionSoup Very Cottingley Fairies. I believe!
Am I a monster for driving around with Irk locked in the trunk of my car. Was going to take him sight seeing on my lunch break but I’ve had a lunch break meeting scheduled so don’t get to go out.
@OnionSoup Mine is in a ziploc bag in my purse so maybe we’re both monsters.
@sammydog01 I wish he wasn’t crying… Makes it even worse seeing him locked in the car with a tear in his eye.
My kiddo said that’s the only picture with feet online. I found one with pants (see above) but kiddo is a perfectionist.
Btw… Meh staff… When I requested inflatable dinosaurs on the meh-future theead it was partially with the kid that made the cutout in mind; I had literally been searching inflatable dinosaurs on Amazon seconds before replying. Birthday coming up and big dinosaur fan! If that influences you selling inflatable dinosaurs or not.
@OnionSoup Did his lollipop fall in the dirt or something?
@OnionSoup That’s a cute Irk, despite the tear in his eye.
Took Irk out on a tour of several landmarks but the Garbage Goat seems the most worthy.
@metaphore I like the goat!
@metaphore @OnionSoup The goat is awesome!
@OnionSoup @sammydog01 He has a giant vacuum inside him and you are encouraged to feed him garbage. The 100 yards surrounding him are pristine.
@metaphore @OnionSoup @sammydog01
Seriously?!? If so, how cool!
@Kyeh Seriously! More parks should have similar to make picking up trash fun
@metaphore I think it’s a brilliant idea!
Working from home today, so no sightseeing for Irk. He did get to meet a new friend though. I think he’s one of Irk’s cousins
Ooh la la! Irk in bed with a friend!
@Kyeh @OnionSoup scandalous
@Kyeh @OnionSoup @tinamarie1974 I didn’t realize Irk was so tall.
@Kyeh @OnionSoup Les Cousins Dangereux!!
My city’s most recognized landmark is just not one I’m willing to capitalize on.
Huge thanks to @tinamarie1974, @sammydog01, @capguncowboy, @mbersiam, @OnionSoup, and @metaphore for putting in the work and making this fun. You’re all officially local legends! You each have a single-use $8 coupon good here or on SideDeal. Just pop in “LOCALLEGEND” when you’re checking out.

/giphy hot damn
@ExtraMedium yay! Thank you!
/giphy awesome

@ExtraMedium i’ve just used mine, so no take-backsies!!!
@ExtraMedium I wasn’t expecting a prize. Thanks!