I'm also selling 30 ex bathrooms. Only the best used crappers. The leaky faucets have a 3 minute warranty. All for the low price of $35,000 each. None of that matters though as once you go to my website I have access to everything on your pc with my handy keylogger and trojan virus programs. Act now!
@Pamtha It basically said We have 30 display kitchens for sale, for the low price of 5.95 or 595 Euros, visit our trojan infested site for more details.
Do you have any in Georgia Red or Purple?
@SSteve I love purple.
Won't you buy my pretty kitchens?
@SSteve Won't you buy kitchens, my pretty?
I'm also selling 30 ex bathrooms. Only the best used crappers. The leaky faucets have a 3 minute warranty. All for the low price of $35,000 each. None of that matters though as once you go to my website I have access to everything on your pc with my handy keylogger and trojan virus programs. Act now!
I don't need a kitchen right now, but I am looking for a pre-owned veranda.
I get really pissed when I go to a garage sale and there's no garage for sale. False advertising!
@bluedog Same with yard sales. When I lived in an apartment, I really wanted a yard instead of a balcony. Bastards.
@bluedog I could use a bigger garage. Do you think I can find one somewhere that can be delivered?
@smilingjack Why yes, I can help you with that. It even includes Free Shipping! http://www.homedepot.com/p/VersaTube-20-ft-x-20-ft-x-8-ft-Garage-VS2202008516WS/100659739?ds_e_ad_type=pla&cm_mmc=Shopping%7cBase&gclid=CLr088G90sICFcFr7AodDFYA4w&gclsrc=aw.ds
@Cinoclav thanks!
@smilingjack Wait, were you serious? If so, you're welcome!
@Cinoclav Part of the dream list for the house includes a two car garage. We would build it, but that garage is interesting if you had a lot of land.
@bluedog I know. They never had kids for sale at kids.woot. Not even the baby goat kind.
What timing! I needed a new kitchen. How fortunate that this was posted. I'll take 3!!!
@stupidrobot Oh, Zoidberg! At last, you're becoming a crafty consumer.
@rudynobita - got any speaker docks?
@carl669 Still working towards your goat badge, eh?
@chellemonkey nah. i just enjoy tempting fate.
The edit to this thread made me laugh harder than it should have.
@Thumperchick i am bummed I missed the original. Did anyone screenshot it?
@Pamtha It basically said We have 30 display kitchens for sale, for the low price of 5.95 or 595 Euros, visit our trojan infested site for more details.
I thought IKEA stopped selling kitchens in Russia.