Kids say... part?

sohmageek went on a bit of a rant said

So… I thought it would be a good thing to share some fun here… Stuff our kids say that just… wow…
On Halloween:
Me: say Trick or Treat
@stitch: No
Me: can you say Trick or Treat?
@stitch: Yes
Me: say Trick or Treat
@stitch: No
Me: do you want candy?
@stitch: Yes
Me: say Trick or Treat
@stitch: No
Me: Say Trick
@stitch: Trick
Me: say Or Treat
@Stitch: Or Treat!
Me: say Trick or Treat?
@stitch: No
… So… We’re at a stand off…
@Tiwanaku: Say Treat Please
@stitch: Treat Please
Ok… there’s progress…
so we’re trick or treating, he says Treat Please, then helps himself to 1 piece at each stop (we went trick or treating at our outlet center, the employees loved it) He said Thank you, then Bye and waved good bye… That was until we hit the woman’s clothing store that sells underwear mostly…
It went…
@stitch: Treat please
takes 1 treat
me: What do you say?
@Stitch: Thank you
Me: What else do you say
@Stitch: I go now! and he bolted for the door…
Guess he didn’t want to be there…