Just Found Out That Imma Dead Man Walking
23Average age of male Coronavirus victims is 70.5, I’m 69.5. It’s all over but the puking, shitting, and gasping for air. Otherwise the weather is great winter has gone away it’s in the upper 70s here in God’s country. Getting the garden in.
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Just found out there are 0 deaths in North Carolina/South Carolina. Guess we’re behind the curve in this too.
@cranky1950 Are you… disappointed?
@mossygreen No, it just figures.
I have a lot of toilet paper I can send you if that helps.
@sammydog01 Great, I’ll get back to you on that.
@sammydog01 Dude! You never offer to give away your hard-earned hoard. You’re ruining it for the rest of us!
@sammydog01 So you’re the one the bought it all up and left the store shelves empty!
@Blahbbs @sammydog01 Maybe it’s a good time for meh to sell bidets again!
You forgot the feverish delirium.
I’m up there, too, I can relate.
Wash your hands - don’t trust anyone under 60.
Heh. Because passing on the virus to us will cut the number of Baby Boomers getting SS and Medicare, and thus extending the life of the system for them. I’ll crack my door a tad for any of those young whippersnappers not walking with a cane and: “Back away and show me your Medicare card!”
@rockblossom @stolicat Elsewhere someone re-posted a comment someone else made on some list they are both on that this virus is the best solution ever to the government’s boomer social security problem. Apparently the original poster thought it would be a good idea to increase boomer exposure to the virus, volunteering to go house to house with contaminated with virus items, smearing door nobs and car doors. Hopefully that original person was only making an in poor taste joke.
@stolicat Gee feverish delirium is sortta the upside of this thing.
@cranky1950 It does make the “puking, shitting, and gasping for air” a little easier to deal with …
@rockblossom when you put it that way
@stolicat Hey we got part of it right!
I have a Medicare card and I’m only 37. But I earned mine from a horrible work injury and fighting for 2&1/2 years without any income what so ever for disability. The lawyer said it would be the hardest thing I ever did and he was pretty close on that.
@star2236 I’d say you’ve earned honorary elderhood. Welcome, comrade!
/giphy odds favor

Whew, that was close. You’re one year ahead of the game.
What’s yer blood type?
@lisaviolet B-
@lisaviolet Why, do you need some?
@cranky1950 I was hoping you had type O.
@lisaviolet I saw that. Yep the wrong sneeze and it’s gonna get nasty.
I’m clearly a goner. Nowadays I do nothing but hallucinate.
@f00l What do you see? I’ve had dreams about a certain used bookstore, and thrift stores.
@f00l No unfortunately it’s real, it just seems too unreal to be real.
@f00l @OldCatLady Those were real too. You have to remember to eat when you take your insulin.
@cranky1950 @OldCatLady
Lately, I keep being caught up in a hallucinatory universe that contains a compelling and endless feed of very disturbing news stories.
@f00l Um. Hallucination? I have that and I was sure it was real! We all thought it was real! Waaaaah! We are all goners. Now, who is going to feed all of the pets left behind? (Oh, wait. They will just eat …)
@cranky1950 @f00l This is where readers of postapocalyptic fiction have an advantage. We’ve been through this in writers’ imaginations. Zombies are not included.
@cranky1950 @f00l @OldCatLady Just to add a new fly to the coronavirus soup, it’s tornado weather here in the suburbs of Tornado Alley. Most of the area shelters are in schools, which are now closed. So: social distance and huddle in a corner of the house, or run to a shelter (hoping someone is there with keys to the door) and huddle with the community? Odds of being squished now versus odds of dying in a couple of weeks from a virus. Decisions, decisions.
@f00l @OldCatLady Unfortunately it’s a shared hallucinatory universe which implies reality of a sort. Bumma.
@cranky1950 @f00l @rockblossom I hadn’t thought about tornado season. Time to start digging your own shelter.