@cengland0@robson Why do you want them to go away? They're AWESOME! Although I wouldn't mind one that has a better design to hold the phone more securely.
@sohmageek It's not just speaker docks but everything that has already been sold previously.
I paid for VMP and I'm wanting to buy stuff. Every day they offer something again, I miss an opportunity to buy and that diminishes the value of VMP.
Let's use this speaker dock as an example. If they offered this every day in June, you would buy as many as you needed the first day it was offered and then not buy them for the other 29 days. That means your VMP is only good for 1/30th of the month.
@cengland0 I get that and understand. I end up buying 1-2 docks each time spread out he pain of buying so many speaker docks. I'm not meaning to offend people. I do like to see speaker docks on the site though.
@JonT Either there were some major interchange issues throttling you guys, or there was some meh downtime for the speakerdocks. I had the same issue for both landline and cellular (although about 12 minutes in Sprint beat out AT&T and CenturyLink). Are speakerdocks too mediocre to do OHSHIT reports for, or is this something we can just blame Comcast for?
@KDemo Oh, good tip. I was using http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ which actually told me that yes, it was down for everyone. Though, the comments preceding mine would be evidence to the contrary.
@p3dal It came up showed me the item, but then i couldn't get on the forums... so I figured I could post later.... Anyway... For all the complaining that it's a speaker dock friday... They're selling well! 555 of them? which could be 2 packs... ok at an average of $38 plus change... I'd say most are 2 packs or lots are paying for shipping...
@Pavlov I normally don't give this much emotion about items... But THANK YOU PAVLOV! I may finally buy enough docks to fully cover each room in the house now.
I got my hopes up thinking this was a useless knife dock. I need a dock for all the useless knives I buy as a VMP. I generally buy about 4 knives a month, since I go through about 48 knives a year. So needless to say, I've been in the market for a decent knife dock.
@ptrjon The configuration may not be intuitive, but this (and just about anything you can stab) should work as a knife dock. Just to be safe... dont plug it in while you are using it.
@jmckinl You seem to think that 'buying them up' is a possibility, that the meh warehouse doesn't have a door labeled 'ONLY OPEN ON FRIDAYS', revealing a wormhole to an alternate universe of infinite speaker docks. So naïve!
@icehole I'm thinking of bookmarking it so I'm always redirected. I want to see this on the How'd You Get Here list! (by the way...is your handle inspired by Johnny Dangerously?)
@sourhead I will do my part to get it up there. Well, as much as I can. I'm usually in a hurry, frantically repeating, "Meh! Meh! Meh! Meh! Meh!" in the tone and cadence of a fire alarm. I'm always convinced that I am about to be five seconds too late for a fuku. That kind of frenzy makes meh.com A LOT easier to type.
The shitty thing is that I actually want a speaker dock. But I want a cheap one. A very cheap one. $20?? Why would you do that, meh. THe one time I wanT A SPEAKER DOCK AND IT'S AN EXPENSIVE OONNNNEEEE whien whine
@thismyusername@matapat I'd love the mini to go on sale again at the lower price and a different color. I love my White Micro but they don't have them on sale that often.
I have one of the mini's of these from last months sale. The audio from my ipad came out crisp and clean, all you could ask for from a lightening speaker dock.
But on mine the aux-in isn't playing nice and that is a deal breaker. It'll pick up varying degrees of static even on cables that worked on other devices without problem. JBL said if that that sort of problem happens it's because the cables are flawed. Needless to say I wasn't pleased with the answer.
If you just want an affordable speaker dock this will not disappoint you. But if you need to count on the aux-in feature the mini probably isn't the unit for you.
@paulgraham Haven't seen that with any of the MINIs I have (and have given away) try support again (or swtich to meh support since it sounds like JBL was a dead end)... sounds like the 3.5mm connector is loose inside the dock to me. To prove them wrong make sure you try from another source to eliminate the source 3.5mm port from the equation.
@sjk3 You ARE going to buy one now, right? All of you whiners should be forced to buy a speaker dock as punishment for wasting 1/30th of our VMP this month. (And yes, I am totally jealous you made the front page, in case you were wondering.) :-)
Picked up both last time. The big one is super loud and has great sound. I just wish the usb would charge my 5s. Since I have a lifeproof case I can't stick it on the dock easily to charge and I need the case so I don't destroy my phone at work.
We have both and like them very much - especially at the price.
Don't think of them as speakers. Think of them as very handy charging stations that you can locate in convenient places. No fumbling with cables. Charging stations what happen to include very clean sounding speakers.
@RedOak EXACTLY! The one thing I wish they would sell with them are MFI cables, The docks don't do well with my cases, and I can't find a decent case that provides good.. nah I'd settle for mediocre protection that will stay on when it goes on the speaker dock.
@sohmageek yah, I could see how the case thing would be a hassle - our cases (lite approach - no brick-sized cases for us) happen to work fine with these docks.
Last night I was doing the dishes and trying to listen to a podcast. My speaker dock was of the acoustic variety - that is, I dropped my phone into an empty pint glass. And all I could think was 'at least Friday is coming up.'
@RedOak Yes, yes… the amplification (beyond the limited amplification provided electronically from the phone itself into the phone's acoustic speaker) as well as some degree of filtering provided acoustically by the hornlike properties of the glass. Happy?
@JonT limit 3? @Hollboll Limit 3? @MEHcus Limit 3? Does @dstabley need to come back out... a certain MP3 player recently had a limit of 12... Also why not make a combo of 2 minis? I'd prefer to order 2 minis and 0 micros... I'm getting micro'd out... I have 4 micros and 2 minis, along with 2 other styles of speaker docks that I received from this site... What can I say, some people like Knives others like speaker docks.
@sligett Just as good if not better than the regular ipad. It's just smaller in there... You're not using it as a backboard for anything... at least I hope not.
@sligett It would work fine. It would be adequately stable. There's a "base" that swivels along with the lightning connector. It's about 2" wide. You dock it and it sits on the lightning connector and this base, then it leans back slightly to sit on the back rim of the "bowl." So enough to keep it stable, but not enough to prevent it from being knocked over by someone trying. All that said, given my experience with lightning ports not lasting I'd be inclined to just use a cable if I just needed to charge. The less stress on the lightning connector the better.
@sohmageek to be clear, i've had problems with lightning ports (and before that, 30-pin dock connectors) on every i-device i've had. I've talked to plenty of others who've had problems.
@danpritts from the start I thought those 30-pin connectors looked fragile. But in practice I've never had problems with them or the cables failing.
And the Lightning connector, aside from moving to the no-brainer-doesn't-matter-which-way-you-connect-it benefit looks more durable. No issues so far. . .
While I have a Bluetooth soundbars for this sort of thing, I love that Meh staff listens to their customers and gives them what they want. Even the bad ideas. Well done, Meh.
The fact that more of these have been sold than the smartwatches from yesterday is saying something. I don't know what, because I'm not very good at listening, but something.
@sohmageek I had adapters like that for my 30-pin iPod, but not lightning. And I don't want to spend $19 per device for a port extender when I'm only spending $20 per device for the dock itself, but thank you.
Sorry this is off topic but ....Just recieved my chip maker and it looks awesome there is something about getting items in the mail makes everyday Christmas ..T.Y. MEH ..very pleased so far with this purchase !!!
@JonT help! I contacted jbl for a warranty exchange and they are out of stock. So they said pick a different model in the same price range from their store. Hotel lightning or something else?
@JonT I wouldn't expect you guys to do something for a product that I've had for almost a year now... it was one of the last times you offered the white ones, I got 2, one of them the USB port stopped working, they are going to replace it but they are trying to figure out what... and apparently are swamped with tech support requests, it took them almost a week to respond. I'm hoping they'll give it an "upgrade" to horizon, or (less preferable) hotel. I'd love to see the Pebbles from them again on sale here...
@JonT I Was looking for help trying to pick a model! :) In case you guys didn't get the memo... I'm all in for speaker docks... but I'm running out rooms...
Manufacturer’s Specs
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year JBL
Estimated Delivery: 6/17 - 6/19
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
Mediocre bundle
Retail box for mini
Retail box for micro
iPad in mini
Back of mini
Included with mini
Back of micro
Included with micro
Back of micro
Battery compartment of micro
This totally confirms my fanfic!
Price Check
$35.38 at Amazon for Micro
$37 at Amazon for Mini (third party)
$97.46 at Amazon for Mini (first party)
90 days
@kenlovesmoney I missed it sooooo much!
Really? When will these speaker docks go away?
@cengland0 when hell freezes over?
@cengland0 @robson Why do you want them to go away? They're AWESOME! Although I wouldn't mind one that has a better design to hold the phone more securely.
@sohmageek It's not just speaker docks but everything that has already been sold previously.
I paid for VMP and I'm wanting to buy stuff. Every day they offer something again, I miss an opportunity to buy and that diminishes the value of VMP.
Let's use this speaker dock as an example. If they offered this every day in June, you would buy as many as you needed the first day it was offered and then not buy them for the other 29 days. That means your VMP is only good for 1/30th of the month.
@cengland0 I get that and understand. I end up buying 1-2 docks each time spread out he pain of buying so many speaker docks. I'm not meaning to offend people. I do like to see speaker docks on the site though.
@cengland0 They's go away when I get rid of the 200 pairs of Groovy Glasses I have sitting around from the last FUKU
Yeah! Speaker dock Friday is back!
Damn. Site was down for 12 minutes for me. I thought for sure it was fuku bag time. But nope, just speaker dock.
Thank you @p3dal , I wasn't sure if it was just my shitty internet or a fuku. But it was neither.
@p3dal thats why i refresh at 11:59.59
@audraschmadra it might still have been your shitty internet, at least a little bit…
@JonT Either there were some major interchange issues throttling you guys, or there was some meh downtime for the speakerdocks. I had the same issue for both landline and cellular (although about 12 minutes in Sprint beat out AT&T and CenturyLink). Are speakerdocks too mediocre to do OHSHIT reports for, or is this something we can just blame Comcast for?
@p3dal @smartr @audraschmadra- If it happens again, just check Twitter https://twitter.com/wearemeh
or FB https://www.facebook.com/WeAreMeh
or Meh Stalker http://www.mehstalker.com/.
You can't buy from there, but you'll know what's for sale.
Thanks @KDemo, that's good to know! This will save me lots of unnecessary jumping from side to side in anticipation.
@KDemo Oh, good tip. I was using http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ which actually told me that yes, it was down for everyone. Though, the comments preceding mine would be evidence to the contrary.
@p3dal It came up showed me the item, but then i couldn't get on the forums... so I figured I could post later.... Anyway... For all the complaining that it's a speaker dock friday... They're selling well! 555 of them? which could be 2 packs... ok at an average of $38 plus change... I'd say most are 2 packs or lots are paying for shipping...
Is this compatible with the new Steam controller?
Yes, I know - it is all my fault.
SDF returns!
@Pavlov seriously thanks, I was running low.
@Pavlov I normally don't give this much emotion about items... But THANK YOU PAVLOV! I may finally buy enough docks to fully cover each room in the house now.
Thanks for the laugh, meh. This made me happy.
Please, don't ever sell your last speaker dock. This gets funnier each time.
holy crap u crappy people crapping on decent items for this craptasticily crappy mehcrap
Will they blend?
I got my hopes up thinking this was a useless knife dock. I need a dock for all the useless knives I buy as a VMP. I generally buy about 4 knives a month, since I go through about 48 knives a year. So needless to say, I've been in the market for a decent knife dock.
@ptrjon a knife dock that also has speakers so I can charge my phone while not being able to use it
@ptrjon The configuration may not be intuitive, but this (and just about anything you can stab) should work as a knife dock. Just to be safe... dont plug it in while you are using it.
@christinewas The configuration isn't intuitive for the use of a phone either, so... win/win?
nobody wants speaker docks. Mehed heartily. sell something good.
@boygenius1991 I've bought one of each of these and some for friends! Soooo...I only don't want because I have-and they're prett good!
Please buy these up so that the fine folks at Meh don't end up shipping one of these randomly to VMP members...
@jmckinl reverse psychology (or is it auto-suggestion?) almost never works.
@RedOak You misunderstand... I actually don't want one (or more) of these to show up unannounced at my house!!
@jmckinl You seem to think that 'buying them up' is a possibility, that the meh warehouse doesn't have a door labeled 'ONLY OPEN ON FRIDAYS', revealing a wormhole to an alternate universe of infinite speaker docks. So naïve!
@brhfl Fuuuuuuudge...
@jmckinl Methinks thou dost protest too much.
First Joy of Tech runs my gag. (Apple Watch midnight launch.)
Then Meh calls me subtler.
I can die now.
@saodell well you should have plenty of knives by now...
Holy crap, that is funny!
Well done!
@icehole I'm thinking of bookmarking it so I'm always redirected. I want to see this on the How'd You Get Here list! (by the way...is your handle inspired by Johnny Dangerously?)
@bdb Well played. Very well played.
@sourhead I will do my part to get it up there. Well, as much as I can. I'm usually in a hurry, frantically repeating, "Meh! Meh! Meh! Meh! Meh!" in the tone and cadence of a fire alarm. I'm always convinced that I am about to be five seconds too late for a fuku. That kind of frenzy makes meh.com A LOT easier to type.
@icehole Let's not forget @RifterNova for contributing the brilliant idea! Well done, @RifterNova!
@sourhead yup, you got it in one!... fargin icehole!
@christinewas I can't wait to see what depths the dynamic duo will push each other down to!
@icehole My mother hung me on a hook...once.
@christinewas Its just an honor to be nominated
You asked for this! You did this to yourselves! Now reap what you have sowwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnn!!

@JonT I hope your bill collectors will accept speaker docks as payment.
The shitty thing is that I actually want a speaker dock. But I want a cheap one. A very cheap one. $20?? Why would you do that, meh. THe one time I wanT A SPEAKER DOCK AND IT'S AN EXPENSIVE OONNNNEEEE whien whine
@HELLOALICE Like maybe something from Westinghouse or Sylvania.
Thanks meh, I just gave away my last MINI, so restocking ;)
Can I get one of each for $15.00? Come on let's make a deal!
Where are the knives??? I need good cheap knives. Also what other camping/ survival gear can ya'll come up with?
@cthrift1980 You could try going back in time two days…
well played, meh, well played.
the future goat roster has been revealed.
@ekw I wouldn't mind a goat. I would but a goat before this crappy dock thingy.
Maybe if they ever drop to $10.
@matapat honestly I wish they would do the MINI at 2 for $44 again... at $22 each they are a steal.
@thismyusername @matapat I'd love the mini to go on sale again at the lower price and a different color. I love my White Micro but they don't have them on sale that often.
Have we exhausted all the flood jokes yet? It seems like there should be a lot given you have a warehouse full of docks.
화이트 플리즈!!
@exart7 그러게요.
Baby Arm.
I have one of the mini's of these from last months sale. The audio from my ipad came out crisp and clean, all you could ask for from a lightening speaker dock.
But on mine the aux-in isn't playing nice and that is a deal breaker. It'll pick up varying degrees of static even on cables that worked on other devices without problem. JBL said if that that sort of problem happens it's because the cables are flawed. Needless to say I wasn't pleased with the answer.
If you just want an affordable speaker dock this will not disappoint you. But if you need to count on the aux-in feature the mini probably isn't the unit for you.
@paulgraham Haven't seen that with any of the MINIs I have (and have given away) try support again (or swtich to meh support since it sounds like JBL was a dead end)... sounds like the 3.5mm connector is loose inside the dock to me. To prove them wrong make sure you try from another source to eliminate the source 3.5mm port from the equation.
@paulgraham works fine on mine - sounds like you might have unlocked with a bad one.
@thismyusername Thanks for the advice
Ask and ye shall receive.
Yippee! I made the front page of Meh.com! Best. SDF. Ever.
@sjk3 You ARE going to buy one now, right? All of you whiners should be forced to buy a speaker dock as punishment for wasting 1/30th of our VMP this month. (And yes, I am totally jealous you made the front page, in case you were wondering.) :-)
Maybe if the bundled it with a knife...
Pavlov, you son of a bitch...

Picked up both last time. The big one is super loud and has great sound. I just wish the usb would charge my 5s. Since I have a lifeproof case I can't stick it on the dock easily to charge and I need the case so I don't destroy my phone at work.
I never asked for this
We have both and like them very much - especially at the price.
Don't think of them as speakers. Think of them as very handy charging stations that you can locate in convenient places. No fumbling with cables. Charging stations what happen to include very clean sounding speakers.
@RedOak EXACTLY! The one thing I wish they would sell with them are MFI cables, The docks don't do well with my cases, and I can't find a decent case that provides good.. nah I'd settle for mediocre protection that will stay on when it goes on the speaker dock.
@sohmageek yah, I could see how the case thing would be a hassle - our cases (lite approach - no brick-sized cases for us) happen to work fine with these docks.
Last night I was doing the dishes and trying to listen to a podcast. My speaker dock was of the acoustic variety - that is, I dropped my phone into an empty pint glass. And all I could think was 'at least Friday is coming up.'
@brhfl 'trying to imagine a non-"acoustic" speaker. Perhaps your speaker dock was of the "unplugged" variety?
@RedOak Yes, yes… the amplification (beyond the limited amplification provided electronically from the phone itself into the phone's acoustic speaker) as well as some degree of filtering provided acoustically by the hornlike properties of the glass. Happy?
@brhfl yep. All in all, pretty happy. We own both the Micro and Mini. And it's Friday, so there's that as well.
@RedOak I'm happy too, what with my second Micro on the way!
@JonT limit 3? @Hollboll Limit 3? @MEHcus Limit 3? Does @dstabley need to come back out... a certain MP3 player recently had a limit of 12... Also why not make a combo of 2 minis? I'd prefer to order 2 minis and 0 micros... I'm getting micro'd out... I have 4 micros and 2 minis, along with 2 other styles of speaker docks that I received from this site... What can I say, some people like Knives others like speaker docks.

Where are the knives?
Hey wait a mehnit. I bought both the jbl mini dock AND the grim boss wipes. The both rock!
Shoulda had Baby Arm holding a knife!!!!! haha!
this is what happens when you guys say things
stop using words!
I miss the leak frogs. :(
@DrunkCat I'd love some of them!
Hey - how well does the Mini Dock work for charging an iPad Mini? Would the iPad Mini be stable? Expiring minds want to know. Thank you.
@sligett Just as good if not better than the regular ipad. It's just smaller in there... You're not using it as a backboard for anything... at least I hope not.
@sligett It would work fine. It would be adequately stable. There's a "base" that swivels along with the lightning connector. It's about 2" wide. You dock it and it sits on the lightning connector and this base, then it leans back slightly to sit on the back rim of the "bowl." So enough to keep it stable, but not enough to prevent it from being knocked over by someone trying. All that said, given my experience with lightning ports not lasting I'd be inclined to just use a cable if I just needed to charge. The less stress on the lightning connector the better.
@danpritts You've had issues with the lightning ports? I had one that has a bum USB port... I still need to contact support on that one...
@sohmageek to be clear, i've had problems with lightning ports (and before that, 30-pin dock connectors) on every i-device i've had. I've talked to plenty of others who've had problems.
@danpritts from the start I thought those 30-pin connectors looked fragile. But in practice I've never had problems with them or the cables failing.
And the Lightning connector, aside from moving to the no-brainer-doesn't-matter-which-way-you-connect-it benefit looks more durable. No issues so far. . .
I bought a mini dock a while ago. I've used it probably 15 or 20 times.
The sound is fine at this price, and the battery lasts forever.
However, lately it has started flaking out whenever i touch the phone to pause or change the playback speed on my podcatcher.
While I have a Bluetooth soundbars for this sort of thing, I love that Meh staff listens to their customers and gives them what they want. Even the bad ideas. Well done, Meh.
Speaker docks? Lame, bring back the speaker docks.
Speaker docs? RTFM
What's in the Box?

1x JBL OnBeat Micro
1x AC adapter
1x JBL OnBeat Mini
1x AC adapter
I habs deh androhide. N33d5 d3h m1cr0 u5b plehze.
The fact that more of these have been sold than the smartwatches from yesterday is saying something. I don't know what, because I'm not very good at listening, but something.
@fuzzmanmatt To me it says a lot of people really want smartwatches but can't justify the purchase of them unless they're at speaker dock prices.
@fuzzmanmatt That's because the smartwatches sucked
@somf69 @paulgraham I bought the $15 version last time it was on sale, and yeah, that validates both points.
@Snapster How does one e-mail @snapster? I have a matter of import that really demands his attention, and it's not for public consumption.
At least it is not another Roomba.
Will this work with the iPhone in an Otterbox case?
@SirLouie If you have something like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KH08E1A?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage the dock will work, alternatively you can plug in a lightning cable to the USB port and it works as if it were on the dock. I tend to use the cable method but take the case off if I have to charge now.
@sohmageek I had adapters like that for my 30-pin iPod, but not lightning. And I don't want to spend $19 per device for a port extender when I'm only spending $20 per device for the dock itself, but thank you.
Will this work with the iPad in a Moko case?
Sorry this is off topic but ....Just recieved my chip maker and it looks awesome there is something about getting items in the mail makes everyday Christmas ..T.Y. MEH ..very pleased so far with this purchase !!!
@mellowirishgent if you want another deluxe set chip maker, I've got one queued up for donation to the Salvation Army. Was not a fan for our purposes.
koreans must really like speaker docks from the website clicks
I am surprised to see that speaker docks still sell about 500 each Friday it is offered.
@frmorrison they're good. Both the docks and Meh.
Today I bought a Sony speaker dock (30 pin) from Woot. I feel so dirty.
Thank You meh, this makes one less whatd'hellyabuynow look from the little woman.
I have bought like 5 docks now.... They are awesome and delicious. Sadly, the iPad dock had no power supply :(
@basementwaj contact em, they will fix it https://meh.com/support
@basementwaj @thismyusername we will!
@JonT help! I contacted jbl for a warranty exchange and they are out of stock. So they said pick a different model in the same price range from their store. Hotel lightning or something else?
@sohmageek Out of stock, eh… Meh must've bought them all.
@sohmageek if that doesn't work for you let support know and we'll figure something out.
@JonT I wouldn't expect you guys to do something for a product that I've had for almost a year now... it was one of the last times you offered the white ones, I got 2, one of them the USB port stopped working, they are going to replace it but they are trying to figure out what... and apparently are swamped with tech support requests, it took them almost a week to respond. I'm hoping they'll give it an "upgrade" to horizon, or (less preferable) hotel. I'd love to see the Pebbles from them again on sale here...
@JonT I Was looking for help trying to pick a model! :) In case you guys didn't get the memo... I'm all in for speaker docks... but I'm running out rooms...
Just started using the docks. Love them!
@riadj I have a total of 8 (I think) total now.