Thing is solid!. Great speaker at a good price. Last time it was $15,no? Not that anyone here needs any more speaker docks! I may consider more as gifts but I'm just about tapped out between docks and bluetooth setups.
@ruouttaurmind while about any other dock would make more sense, and how much more a Bluetooth speaker, these have both a USB and an aux port. So you can charge and play about anything.
@Thumperchick You know... for a goat you are surprisingly conscience and accurate most the time. Maybe this... just this once... it's not your fault I don't (and will never, unless 'they' NEVER release ForeFlight for Android) own an iDevice.
I find comfort in speaker dock Friday. The sun rises in the East, the Earth is round(ish), water is wet, and speaker docks are sold by meh on Fridays. All is right in the Universe.
@VeeDubTDI Once Meh makes the delivery, I'll be ready for the end of long as everything runs only on AAs. (Come on, Meh. I've way too much stuff needing AAAs. And those flickering candles eat Cs and Ds like you wouldn't believe!)
@eeterrific Yes, you could. It takes a 3.5mm stereo jack input (and I seem to recall it came with a cord). So, buy one today, and wait for the Sansa. Or buy two, buy a Sansa somewhere, and wait for Meh to offer them.
I have two and they work great. you can use your phone while using the dock. just plug your lightning cable to the usb port in the back. you can do whatever you want. it also helps if you remove the rubber base around the plug to help your case covered iphone fit.
@shuutr Lightning extension cables!! I picked up a couple on the cheap from Hong Kong, and I have full dock functionality with the Otterbox case on AND I can use the phone too! The dock sits on my desk.
Way to much apple stuff lately. I get why, cause apple stuff is low value and you can always find more junk for it... But for 60%+ of the phone market that doesn't own an iPhone, this is useless
@hayansae last week = JBL OnBeat Mini which is bigger, rechargeable portable use and fits both iPhone and iPad size in the dock. Today = OnBeat Micro fits iPhone size only in dock and AAA battery portable use.
I'm in the minority here, but I ordered one as a test last time. It's great as a small speaker/charger for the kitchen, etc. Been waiting for this to order a few more.
These make great replacement computer speekers! That is the reason I bought my first two. Then I liked it so much I bought two more the next time and sold one! They are really good speekers. Now if I only had umh the right size batteries???? Oh that's right I bought 80 of the wrong size. Bummer Hahaha I was not presient enough the first time batteries came up in both sizes. Dang it! I totally MEHed the wrong batteries. Smile
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year JBL
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
Black Base
Black Base with Phone
Black Base Top View
White Base Top View
White Base with iPhone 6 Plus
Back of Base Detail View
Battery Compartment
Price Check
$29.99 at Amazon
$119.00 List
90 days
@mediocrebot One more speaker dock, or water bottle, or 40-pack battery, and I'm out. Feh! (fucking meh)
Thing is solid!. Great speaker at a good price. Last time it was $15,no? Not that anyone here needs any more speaker docks! I may consider more as gifts but I'm just about tapped out between docks and bluetooth setups.
Speaker Dock Friday! Booooooooo!
I'm going to deep fry this speaker dock
@somf69 I bet you won't.
@MEHcus I hope he posts a video
@MEHcus just waiting for my fryer to get here!
No Apple devices here. No sir. Meh.
@ruouttaurmind I agree. And when I tell Apple fans, it's fun to hear the gasps!
@ruouttaurmind Was just about to come here and say the same thing. So sick of these apple only products. Getting super old.
@ruouttaurmind I know you don't get the charging part, but you can use an aux cable with other devices.
@JonT No need for aux cable with bluetooth.
@ruouttaurmind while about any other dock would make more sense, and how much more a Bluetooth speaker, these have both a USB and an aux port. So you can charge and play about anything.
LOL at people who called it on yesterday's thread.
Not that you were that special, you had a 50/50 of being right!
To add to the insult AC or 4AAA batteries, not included, or apparently offered at Meh.
@Thumperchick JBL+MEH love affair!
@Thumperchick you work fast.
@Thumperchick seems appropriate:
@Thumperchick You know... for a goat you are surprisingly conscience and accurate most the time. Maybe this... just this once... it's not your fault I don't (and will never, unless 'they' NEVER release ForeFlight for Android) own an iDevice.
@unixrab That's fantastic.
@TehMaliron Aww, thanks!
Still waiting for a Lightning Connector adapter so my Sony MP3 can sit on my other Speaker Dock
I find comfort in speaker dock Friday. The sun rises in the East, the Earth is round(ish), water is wet, and speaker docks are sold by meh on Fridays. All is right in the Universe.
@DaveInSoCal There are just too few things you can count on.
@DaveInSoCal Yea but does the Sun still set in the West? I live in the middle of the country so I can never see it rise or set. It's sad.
@MEHcus - I'm west coast. I feel lucky I live closer to the sunsets.
JBL, more like MEH
I can't buy this, if the electricity goes out, I only have AA batteries.
@barnabee Lots and lots of AA batteries. Lots.
@LaVikinga all of the AA batteries.
@VeeDubTDI Once Meh makes the delivery, I'll be ready for the end of long as everything runs only on AAs. (Come on, Meh. I've way too much stuff needing AAAs. And those flickering candles eat Cs and Ds like you wouldn't believe!)
Well nothing says Friday quite like an iPhone speaker dock... I suppose.
Lightning connector is Apple's way of commanding the faithful to replace all of their accessories.
No 🍎!
Love the exclamation point on todays face!
Do you guys own stock in this company or are you just obsessed with speaker docks.
@dfunk29 JBL Paid meh to take the docks, I believe.
Clicked meh. I want to see the face. I looked around the page and it said,
"1 meh clicked" It was me ! I'm the first meh of the day !!
So I've got that going for me.
@ceagee With it being SDF, you wont be the last I'm sure...
I am so freakin' tired of speaker docks!!! I need more cups!!!
Speaker Dock Friday! I called it!
@Fej Good naming
@Fej OSC (oh so clever)
I bet I could use this with a Sansa....if I had a Sansa that worked...
@eeterrific Yes, you could. It takes a 3.5mm stereo jack input (and I seem to recall it came with a cord). So, buy one today, and wait for the Sansa. Or buy two, buy a Sansa somewhere, and wait for Meh to offer them.
pff... lightning connector is inferior to 30 pin connector. Especially on my shiny new Amethyst X1 jet speaker dock with (wait for it)...
(insert yay/fanfare/jubilation .gif here)
@JonT Oh "buckle up" baby, you were one of the few bright spots of the Penguins' playoff run last year.
pimp your ride ^.^
I have two and they work great. you can use your phone while using the dock. just plug your lightning cable to the usb port in the back. you can do whatever you want. it also helps if you remove the rubber base around the plug to help your case covered iphone fit.
@shuutr I was sooooo excited, only to be let down: my cases iphone6 will not dock with the rubber removed😞boooo!
@rcworship plug the cable into the back, it'll still play your music
@shuutr Lightning extension cables!! I picked up a couple on the cheap from Hong Kong, and I have full dock functionality with the Otterbox case on AND I can use the phone too! The dock sits on my desk.
What happens if you dock your iPhone backwards and play "Dark Side of the Moon"?
"Speaker Dock Monday... Tuesday... Wednesday... Thursday... Friday.... OH YEAH SPEAKER DOCK FRIDAY... #CalledIt"
meh i was hoping for some more "as seen on tv/internet" stuff friday :(
@sp3ar maybe... "as seen on meh"
@sp3ar Do not wish for it. I'm still not over my buyers remorse for buying the pancake/wallet/survival knife deal a few weeks back.
Way to much apple stuff lately. I get why, cause apple stuff is low value and you can always find more junk for it... But for 60%+ of the phone market that doesn't own an iPhone, this is useless
Another..... Meh!

메~!! 지난주에 판매된 독이랑 이거랑 뭐가 다른거야?
더 싼듯한데.. -_-!
Meh!~~ what is the difference from the last week's dock? it seems cheaper.. @hayansae 지난주꺼는 아이패드도크라 좀더 큰거였어요 ㅎㅎ 이번꺼는 그냥 아이폰용
@hayansae last week = JBL OnBeat Mini which is bigger, rechargeable portable use and fits both iPhone and iPad size in the dock. Today = OnBeat Micro fits iPhone size only in dock and AAA battery portable use.
cc: @MasterST (maybe you already covered)
지난 주 = JBL OnBeat '미니'는 사이즈가 더 크고, 충전한 뒤 휴대 가능. 아이폰이랑 아이패드 둘 다 사용 가능. 오늘=OnBeat '마이크로'는 아이폰용으로 휴대시 AAA 배터리 필요함.
I'm in the minority here, but I ordered one as a test last time. It's great as a small speaker/charger for the kitchen, etc. Been waiting for this to order a few more.
vmp 2번결제ㅜㅡ
또샀어요 3개
bem 스피커 또해주세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
@sherryblue 이런 건 어때요? ㅋㅋ
@galmaegi 이거도 혹시 진행하시는 건가요..헉 ㅋㅋㅋ 정육면체 스피커 사람들이 이쁘대요 ㅋㅋㅋ 이거도 자전거나 등산할때 괜찮을듯한데요.. 배터리가 얼마나 갈지 ㅜ
@sherryblue2 걍 제가 한 번 던져봤어요...예쁘길래요 ㅎㅎ 앗, 아이디가... 꼼수용 아이디 맞죠?!
@galmaegi 네 ㅋㅋ 지인들 부탁으로.. ㅜㅜ 근데 지금 꼼수부렸다가 오더리스트가 없어져버려서 당황하고있어요 ㅜㅜ halp에 메일쓰는중입니다 ㅜㅜ
Bought one in the first offering, sits on my windowsill at work, gotta say I really like it.
I guess selling nothing but speaker docs was part of the non-compete clause or something.
@rajini98 You completely stole my thoughts so now I'll have to sue you.
The happiness of it being Friday is being slowly destroyed by Mediocre Laboratories evil social experiment.
file today's offering in "Price Drop"
These make great replacement computer speekers! That is the reason I bought my first two. Then I liked it so much I bought two more the next time and sold one! They are really good speekers. Now if I only had umh the right size batteries???? Oh that's right I bought 80 of the wrong size. Bummer Hahaha I was not presient enough the first time batteries came up in both sizes. Dang it! I totally MEHed the wrong batteries. Smile
The description today was freakin hilarious. /bravo
So..when are selling mini? I'm waiting...
이거 아이폰6도 되나여?
@Jaesung2 되는 거 같네요. ^^
OMG I have been sooo waiting for a speaker dock! Yay! Woot!
So, it's going to be like that eh, Dakotas?
@PocketBrain our eternal nemeses!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga It's Dakota grey.
I love purple.
어엇 마이오더 가니까
What did I buy again?
이렇게 떠요
왜그러지 ㅜㅜ
@sherryblue 더 정확히는. 오더가 전부 없어져버린..
hi meh.
The product ordered on September 22 did not receive yet.
Let us know how you check.
@kiyeon Go to mainpage and scroll alllllllllll the way down to My Orders. Click. Find order and see shipping status and tracking #
I know already.
Under the site had already been viewed in My page
I stopped tracking when viewed there.
Is not the shipping was more than a month I want to buy
The FedEx tracking number for queries that should not
You let me check
@kiyeon If you have already checked out and still have questions or need help, please use the support form at
have to love JBL
thanks for MEH
안녕 Meh ^^
혹시 only 110v 인것은 아니죠? 돼지코 끼워서 사용하면 가능할까요?
@lacer88 돼지코 사용 가능해요. 그리고 배터리 넣으심 휴대용으로도 쓰실 수 있구염.
@galmaegi 감사해요 빠른답변 ^^ 행복이 가득가득하시길 ..
@galmaegi 아참 그리고 지금 페덱스에서 트랙킹 조회를 해보니 Total pieces 1 나오는것 같은데...왜그런건가요? 2개를 하나로 묶음해서 보내는건가요? 배대지 신청해서 하는거라. ㅠㅠ
@lacer88 그런 것 같네요. 혹시라도 배대지에서 확인했는데 문제 있으시면 support 로 메일 주셔요.