@Fuzzalini@RiotDemon Try offering a dozen bagels to an office of 20+ people, most of whom aren’t really wanting to eat a whole bagel and will waste it after one bite, while others don’t get any, and you’re not up for springing for 2 dozen free bagels to waste even more. And you can get more servings out of these tasty bagel spread delivery devices.
Y’all just pissed you cheapskate East and West Coasters didn’t think of it first.
@mike808@RiotDemon Although I’ve lived in So Cal for the past 45 years, I actually came from Rochester NY, home of the garbage plate. Don’t knock it til you try it.
Time to go somewhere else…
@shahnm Exactly. I’d probably go shopping.
Homemade Chex Mix. Get that pretzel-heavy premade crap out of my sight.
Time to bust out the party kazoo!
Time to drop the kids of and do literally anything without them!
Are we a bunch of suburbanites or what?
You know, we actually hosted dance parties when we were in college

Toyota 4Runner

Subaru went even further:
/image party cat

/giphy party cat

tho perhaps for you,
/image party cat shirt

/giphy party cat shirt

Live Music on the patio- tell Sven to bring the accordion!
Generally I think it means I must be living in a parallel universe.
Time to bust out the St. Louis style bagels.

@mike808 who cuts a bagel like that???
@mike808 @RiotDemon Um, Panera Catering in St. Louis? (Just a guess)
@mike808 Those bagels look horrifying.
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon Try offering a dozen bagels to an office of 20+ people, most of whom aren’t really wanting to eat a whole bagel and will waste it after one bite, while others don’t get any, and you’re not up for springing for 2 dozen free bagels to waste even more. And you can get more servings out of these tasty bagel spread delivery devices.
Y’all just pissed you cheapskate East and West Coasters didn’t think of it first.
@Fuzzalini @mike808 orrr don’t be a cheapskate and order more bagels? I mean you could cut them in half, twice. 4 pieces from one bagel versus this.
@Fuzzalini @mike808 Look how they massacred my boy! - Don Bageleone
@bocoroth @mike808 LOL! Exactly!
@mike808 @RiotDemon We didn’t think of it because we respect our bagels and know how to use a knife.
@Fuzzalini @RiotDemon Yeah, because New Yorkers know how to respect food.

@mike808 @RiotDemon Although I’ve lived in So Cal for the past 45 years, I actually came from Rochester NY, home of the garbage plate. Don’t knock it til you try it.
Just as applicable to bringing bagels for a group.
Practice what you preach, brother.
P.S. In ‘The Lou’, we call your ‘garbage plate’ a ‘slinger’, aka ‘SOS’ in other parts.
Have friends over to play video games, blast music, and some of us get a tiny bit drunk.
Time for the neighbors to have loud fun while I fall alseep on my couch watching TV or reading at 10:30 on a Saturday night.
Not sure why the first one is even an option on a site like this.
Friends/family, good music and good food/drinks. The location does not matter so much!
To me I immediately thought of this: Blingtron 3000 from Blizzard’s Hearthstone. He says “It’s party time, who wants presents?”
Inflate the dolls!
A circle of good friends, good food, good smoke, good conversation, laughter and love shared.