Well, let’s see. The world is fundamentally changing; perhaps even shifting to a completely new state of normal and I’m basically powerless to stop it. In fact, I’m so powerless my only splinter of pretend power is to remain in my home until further notice. Considering the pressure of unmakeable choices and stress of having no idea what tomorrow could possibly bring, what is my drink of choice you ask? What beverage could bring even a shred of light to my darkest moment?
I would be drinking something like White Claw, or maybe a nice spiced rum and coke, but I have to choose between those and a pain pill, and the pill does more to help my busted up joints than the booze does.
And some from column C. And of course a drop or two from column D.
And perhaps a bit more from A. Ok fine, and B as well.
Is that a bit of C still left? Better take care of that. Turns out it goes quite well with some of D.
Hey look - column E. Sure why not? And some F I nearly overlooked.
Of course, I wouldn’t want to forget about my old standbys A and B. And then there’s something to be said for just a touch more C. But alas C is gone. Better double up on a little extra D. And some more E for good measure.
Oh here’s some F. Did I already have some F? Better have some anyway just to be safe.
bourbon or scotch, with one or two ice cubes, depending on their size, add just to add a little water and chill to open the liquor up to the taste buds.
@DennisG2014@macromeh@moonhat It’s cocktail shot to mimic brains. The idea is to layer liquers with different gravities, then you drip in some irish cream that will curdle a little in the high abv liquer at the top. Then you drop grenadine through to pull it down and will streak red into it then pool at the bottom.
I do these pretty much every haloween as a nice party trick. Midori sometimes is fun to make it extra spooky.
I picked “straight spirit” - tonight will probably be Rittenhouse Rye. But I’ve been trying to rotate between it, mixing it or my other bourbon with things, and the few beers I have left. Trying to make things last.
I’ve been enjoying a Gin and Tonic with a Lime twist, in moderation. As summer comes along I will switch to a Moscow Mule made with Cock and Bull Ginger Beer. Pretty darn good, I’ll say. But tonight it’s a G&T for me.
@accelerator I had some Bundaberg Holiday spiced ginger beer and it was a little too sweet with the catdaddy. Fever Tree is about right as it is very dry/low sugar. Both were from Costco.
Ok, so today we had our last chance to see another family of friends before the stay at home order goes full bore so:
Nashzwickel Beer
Warsteiner Beer
Wine cooler made by SWMBO (Pino Grigio, fruit juice)
Mango/passion fruit juice with Bacardi dark coconut rum
Mango/passion fruit juice with Bacardi dark coconut rum
Tuxedo junction wine from Corbin’s Winery
Tuxedo Junction wine from Corbin’s Winery.
All consumed while being prudent and socially distant.
Oh… and that was over an 8 hour plus time frame with a big meal and time in the hot tub/pool thrown in as well.
PS I’m not a acolholic, alcohoic, alcholic drunk.
Don’t drink the Koolaid!
@jst1ofknd WATCH ME!
But seriously, did you know it was actually FlavorAid, not Kool-Aid?
Well. I stand corrected. TIL
@jst1ofknd @Zeusandhera Flavor Aid is some nasty swill.
@jst1ofknd @Zeusandhera
Just eat the ice cream.
@jst1ofknd @yakkoTDI @Zeusandhera
Depends on what you mix into it, I guess.
Chai tea with Biscoff cookies
Um…hello…it’s still Thursday. Are you April Fooling us?
@therealjrn Well, Thursday is my “Friday” (work Mon-Thu). And I had wine with dinner Thursday night to prepare for the 3-day weekend.
@macromeh Woo Hoo!

/giphy wino
Well, let’s see. The world is fundamentally changing; perhaps even shifting to a completely new state of normal and I’m basically powerless to stop it. In fact, I’m so powerless my only splinter of pretend power is to remain in my home until further notice. Considering the pressure of unmakeable choices and stress of having no idea what tomorrow could possibly bring, what is my drink of choice you ask? What beverage could bring even a shred of light to my darkest moment?
Probably a nice brewed tea.
@Tin_Foil oh… ok… if it works for you… then… ok
@Tin_Foil Seems like you (and most all of us) have always been powerless to stop fundamental world-wide changes. So then pretty much normal eh?
Water. I’m playing Resident Evil 3 so I don’t want to get scared and lose more than that.
isopropyl alcohol, neat
@awk Neat!
@awk isopropyl… ಠ_ಠ

@awk Dammit… that could have been used to make hand sanitizer and save some lives, ya know!
I would be drinking something like White Claw, or maybe a nice spiced rum and coke, but I have to choose between those and a pain pill, and the pill does more to help my busted up joints than the booze does.
Hard cider.
The grocery and liquor stores are either closed or empty, and no bar is open. What’s left in the fridge this boring Friday?
@hchavers sounds like a road trip on Saturday then…
Our local grocery still had Vernor’s so I’ll be having that. It’s somewhere between cheap ginger ale and expensive ginger brew/beer. Quite good.
Fifths of Smirnoff and Captain Morgan were 8 bux each at Wallyworld for some reason, so I’m drinking both straight on my Friday.
A little from column A. A little from column B…
And some from column C. And of course a drop or two from column D.
And perhaps a bit more from A. Ok fine, and B as well.
Is that a bit of C still left? Better take care of that. Turns out it goes quite well with some of D.
Hey look - column E. Sure why not? And some F I nearly overlooked.
Of course, I wouldn’t want to forget about my old standbys A and B. And then there’s something to be said for just a touch more C. But alas C is gone. Better double up on a little extra D. And some more E for good measure.
Oh here’s some F. Did I already have some F? Better have some anyway just to be safe.
Say is that one over there column G?
bourbon or scotch, with one or two ice cubes, depending on their size, add just to add a little water and chill to open the liquor up to the taste buds.
12 year old single malt scotch. Or Jamesons, whichever I decide tonight.
Basil Hayden Old Fashioned

One Bourbon, one Scotch, and one Beer!
Just kidding. I’m sticking to my milk.
/youtube One Bourbon, one Scotch, and one Beer
Yeah buddy! Exactly what I was referring to!
My son plays guitar. Maybe I should have him learn this.
I’m a Casemates member and occasional Lab Rat for the site. The QPR select is quality wine. Go for it!
@GatorFL I would if I could, but since a quarter of the states are no ship to locations…
He drinks a whiskey drink
He drinks a vodka drink
He drinks a lager drink
He drinks a cider drink
Will be pissing the night away. But, all I really drink is water and coffee anymore, but I do like the Chubbawumba tune.
@irishbyblood I get knocked down. But I get up again, because I’m too dumb to know when to stay down.
/youtube kinks have drink
Tumeric Tea with Ginger and Lemon and some other stuff.
Coffee. Decaf.
Same thing I drink every night, Pinky…
@DennisG2014 So, one of these?

@macromeh To back up one of these:

@DennisG2014 @macromeh what is this? are those nuts in there?
@DennisG2014 @macromeh @moonhat It’s cocktail shot to mimic brains. The idea is to layer liquers with different gravities, then you drip in some irish cream that will curdle a little in the high abv liquer at the top. Then you drop grenadine through to pull it down and will streak red into it then pool at the bottom.
I do these pretty much every haloween as a nice party trick. Midori sometimes is fun to make it extra spooky.
@DennisG2014 @LordSalem @macromeh @moonhat Euw! Cool but creepy.
@DennisG2014 @macromeh @moonhat
Yeah, … Deez Nuts.
And we called those drinks a “Zombie” shot in college. Nasty hangovers, though.
@LordSalem @macromeh @moonhat
Bingo. Just trying to continue the Pinky & the Brain theme.
They’re pretty nasty to drink. Curdled Irish cream is not a particularly appetizing texture.
I picked “straight spirit” - tonight will probably be Rittenhouse Rye. But I’ve been trying to rotate between it, mixing it or my other bourbon with things, and the few beers I have left. Trying to make things last.
Also hi, Meh, it’s been a while.
@Kawa welcome back! At least COVID was good for something!
Either a couple bottles of Sol beer or some Ron Medellin Gran Reserva 12 year old rum mixed with IBC Cream soda.
I’ve been enjoying a Gin and Tonic with a Lime twist, in moderation. As summer comes along I will switch to a Moscow Mule made with Cock and Bull Ginger Beer. Pretty darn good, I’ll say. But tonight it’s a G&T for me.
@accelerator Been making Appalachian Mules using Catdaddy Spiced Moonshine. Delish.
@mike808 Interesting… Never tried Catdaddy but,I will now! Thanks for the tip.
@accelerator I had some Bundaberg Holiday spiced ginger beer and it was a little too sweet with the catdaddy. Fever Tree is about right as it is very dry/low sugar. Both were from Costco.
Ok, so today we had our last chance to see another family of friends before the stay at home order goes full bore so:
Nashzwickel Beer
Warsteiner Beer
Wine cooler made by SWMBO (Pino Grigio, fruit juice)
Mango/passion fruit juice with Bacardi dark coconut rum
Mango/passion fruit juice with Bacardi dark coconut rum
Tuxedo junction wine from Corbin’s Winery
Tuxedo Junction wine from Corbin’s Winery.
All consumed while being prudent and socially distant.
Oh… and that was over an 8 hour plus time frame with a big meal and time in the hot tub/pool thrown in as well.
PS I’m not a
acolholic,alcohoic,alcholicdrunk.@chienfou How was I supposed to answer the original question??