@Lynnerizer@pakopako The way they want you to buy (and supposedly save on 1) is:
How It Works
This IRK costs $50, but you can earn some of that back as a refund based on how many different products you buy in today’s Meh-rathon.
Buy 2 different products → Get $10 back, your IRK is essentially $40
Buy 4 different products → Get $20 back, that’s a $30 IRK
Buy 6 different products → Get $30 back - you get it, right? $20 IRK
Buy 8 different products → Get $40 back, $10 IRK
Buy 10 different products → Get $49.99 back, $0.01 IRK
Well… It’s about $30 to $40 more than I paid the last few times. And, after spending $2,000 today for my new 2 in 1 washer dryer combo unit $50 for an IRK seems a bit high. Plus the fact that I can’t guarantee I’ll find anything worth buying to get any $10 discounts. But, I’ll definitely stick around and see if anything catches my eye!
@IndifferentDude@Lynnerizer@pakopako $5 off an IRK for each thing you buy that you don’t need. Why don’t they just tell us to bend over and spread them.
Thanks! It’s coming tomorrow so I’ll let you know. I’m super excited! I’m such a procrastinator, it’s taken me almost 2 months just to finally make up my mind, AND, I never even went into the store to look at them!
It’s not the stackable that’s what I have now. Yeah I splurged, It’s the fancy pants one! I got the GE (smart) 2 in 1 washer dryer combo and it’s ventless. I think it’s called the Profile. I was never a fan of anything 2 in 1 for the obvious reason that one part is going to crap out before the other, BUT HEY, YOLO!
And besides, I only have vertical space and with a stackable unit chances are after 10-15 years when one needs to be replaced there’s not going to be a new one that’s compatible to stack due to changing styles. Justification, isn’t it a good thing…
Hey old buddy Felton! I understand the “$5 off an IRK for each thing you buy that you don’t need” part. What I don’t comprehend is the
bend over and spread them
part. Since you’re the expert in doing such things, could you please extend your vast knowledge of the practice to the rest of us??
@IndifferentDude@ircon96@Lynnerizer@pakopako My mistake then in assuming you knew what it meant-I was convinced you had been asked that more than once in your life both at work and in your personal life so you not only knew what it meant but had an up close personal experience with it.
@Felton10@ircon96@Lynnerizer@pakopako Sorry to disappoint your fantasies, but I’ve never been “Felt On” Mr. Felton, and certainly not 10 times! Ever see a shrink Sir? I highly recommend you do so, and soon!
@Lynnerizer@pakopako When we moved to our new house the previous owners had the laundry in the basement, but the original owners had the laundry moved upstairs next to the bathroom (aging in place, I think) based on the dedicated outlet. We had a crazy moment of UPSTAIRS LAUNDRY! before we decided that as long as there’s nothing wrong with the machines downstairs it’s maybe stupid to replace them immediately. But I was definitely eyeing those 2-in-1 models and would love to hear how it all works.
I apologize in advance about how many words I used, I don’t seem to know any other way.
Well yesterday didn’t go as expected and we had to abort operation new fancy pants 2 in 1 washer dryer combo. If we measured the space once we measured about a thousand times, my guy is a total worry wart. Lol I even had him measure the front door! Things didn’t start looking bleak until the delivery guys came in with their measuring tape to scoped out the entire situation for themselves. They realized the bathroom (where our machines live) has a door that’s smaller than any other door in the condo! In fact, BOTH of the bathroom doors are smaller! Of course the first thing I said was take off the molding and trim. Unfortunately it was still a half inch too small. And all of this was happening while I was sick as a dog, had a fever and was puking my guts out. I was not a happy camper. So I ended up calling the shop and purchasing a unit that was 27" wide and would fit thru the door. At this point size was my only concern, and it had to come in white. I’m actually surprised that many appliances don’t come in white these days. (Things have really changed since we closed our family appliance & TV store 10 years ago.) After all said and done I’m still excited about the new 1 piece tower unit I’m getting Tuesday. It’s the Electrolux ELTE 7600AW. It’s still a large unit at 4.5cu and it’s got the dryer controls just below the dryer door so it’s easy to see for people who are short like me. At 5’ 1" (and still shrinking, I started at 5’ 2.5") trying to see the settings on a 72" tall machine can be challenging. Lol
Today, after getting over the 24 hour bug and thinking about everything I’ve decided to go with “it just wasn’t meant to be”. I probably would’ve gotten a defective unit that would have brought endless headaches. Justification is everything! I think it’s something like making lemonade out of lemons, or something like that…
I really should be posting this on the Goat’s page. After all isn’t it all really the GOATS FAULT… @ItalianScallion I’m coming for you on your thread with the condensed version. (if that’s even possible )
This is what I’m expecting…
ELTE7600AW by Electrolux - Electrolux Laundry Tower Single Unit Front Load 4.5 Cu. Ft. Washer & 8 Cu. Ft. Electric Dryer | S.K. Lavery Appliance Company https://search.app/6irZiwcmshY9wvkL9
@Lynnerizer@mossygreen Wow, nice! I’d love to have something like that UPSTAIRS someday; my basement is gross and you have to go down concrete steps to get there. But like mossygreen my current machines work okay, so maybe sometime in the future.
Yeah it’s nice having the washer & dryer right here and not have to go downstairs. But… I also don’t have the space that you do. There’s always an upside and a downside to everything… The one thing I miss about not having a house is being able to hang out my sheets and duvet cover, I miss that fresh smell! But I totally loved downsizing and feeling free of so much stuff. I was shocked at the positive effect it had on me. Well, that’s AFTER I got over the stress of getting rid of everything. Lol I couldn’t have done it without my sister’s (and mom, and aunt’s) help, they were wonderful!
@Lynnerizer I will save you the trouble of posting something on the Goat’s thread and accept the blame right here for your wordiness. After all, the cute picture of the goat with a really big secret is enough to relax any Mehtizen so that they would forget about things like that.
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer@mossygreen My washer and dryer are both the North American version of Miele’s European ones. They’re the typical smaller size that can (just) fit under a countertop in place of cabinets and perfect for a household without kids. The W1918 washer lasted 18 years and I could have had it fixed if there had been parts available. Instead I bought their basic W1 washer, the replacement for what I had. I bought the T1520 dryer at the same time as the old washer and it’s still going strong after 22 years. They’re stacked in a former closet-sized pantry in my kitchen.
@Kyeh@mossygreen @ItalianScallion, you’ve been such an accountable goat, I thought you might pop up and accept blame here.
My mom has those under the counter units in her kitchen. She loves them and it’s so convenient right there in the kitchen. The whole Miele brand has great reviews! I can only hope mine last as long as yours.
@Kyeh@Lynnerizer@mossygreen There are times when one must abandon the Shermanesque statement, “If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve,” that I employed in January in a desperate attempt to avoid being chosen as the February Goat. Instead, after the March results, I realized that one must accept the awesome duty thrust upon one’s self and not just make the best of it, but serve to the best of their ability. Serving as the Goat is, after all, for the common good and a public service to all Mehtizens. Besides, it’s kinda fun!
After flipping back through sales for the day I am glad I didn’t opt for an irk, nothing I wanted or needed, but I hope y’all get a good IRK this round!
Stop lying!
@yakkoTDI Exactly…!
Here one day and then it’s gone…
Yeah right, I don’t think so! Lol 

Wait was this supposed to happen?
Already?? Way too soon man!!
@heartny It’s buy your crap before prices rise because of Chinese tariffs! That’s why
/giphy I’m not ready


@Lynnerizer is it that much different?
@Lynnerizer @pakopako The way they want you to buy (and supposedly save on 1) is:
How It Works
This IRK costs $50, but you can earn some of that back as a refund based on how many different products you buy in today’s Meh-rathon.
Buy 2 different products → Get $10 back, your IRK is essentially $40
Buy 4 different products → Get $20 back, that’s a $30 IRK
Buy 6 different products → Get $30 back - you get it, right? $20 IRK
Buy 8 different products → Get $40 back, $10 IRK
Buy 10 different products → Get $49.99 back, $0.01 IRK
No Thanks.
@IndifferentDude @Lynnerizer they’ve done that before (from a $50 price point)
Meh has done a lot of things.
@IndifferentDude @pakopako
Yeah, like I said… EXPENSIVE! 🫰
Plus the fact that I can’t guarantee I’ll find anything worth buying to get any $10 discounts. But, I’ll definitely stick around and see if anything catches my eye! 
Well… It’s about $30 to $40 more than I paid the last few times. And, after spending $2,000 today for my new 2 in 1 washer dryer combo unit $50 for an IRK seems a bit high.
@Lynnerizer @pakopako I want to hear all about your washer dryer combo! Congratulations!
@IndifferentDude @Lynnerizer @pakopako $5 off an IRK for each thing you buy that you don’t need. Why don’t they just tell us to bend over and spread them.
@mossygreen @pakopako
Thanks! It’s coming tomorrow so I’ll let you know. I’m super excited! I’m such a procrastinator, it’s taken me almost 2 months just to finally make up my mind, AND, I never even went into the store to look at them!
@Lynnerizer @pakopako Oooh, is it one over the other or one of those fancy new ones that’s supposed to everything?
@mossygreen @pakopako
Justification, isn’t it a good thing… 
It’s not the stackable that’s what I have now. Yeah I splurged, It’s the fancy pants one! I got the GE (smart) 2 in 1 washer dryer combo and it’s ventless. I think it’s called the Profile. I was never a fan of anything 2 in 1 for the obvious reason that one part is going to crap out before the other, BUT HEY, YOLO!
And besides, I only have vertical space and with a stackable unit chances are after 10-15 years when one needs to be replaced there’s not going to be a new one that’s compatible to stack due to changing styles.
@IndifferentDude @Lynnerizer @pakopako
@Felton10 You have such a poetic way with words!
@IndifferentDude @ircon96 @Lynnerizer @pakopako Thanks I especially wanted to phase it in a way that Indifferent Dude understood.
@Felton10 @IndifferentDude @ircon96 @pakopako
Yeah, he sure does! Now tell us how you REALLY feel Felton!
@Felton10 @ircon96 @Lynnerizer @pakopako
Hey old buddy Felton! I understand the “$5 off an IRK for each thing you buy that you don’t need” part. What I don’t comprehend is the
part. Since you’re the expert in doing such things, could you please extend your vast knowledge of the practice to the rest of us??
@IndifferentDude @ircon96 @Lynnerizer @pakopako My mistake then in assuming you knew what it meant-I was convinced you had been asked that more than once in your life both at work and in your personal life so you not only knew what it meant but had an up close personal experience with it.
@Felton10 @ircon96 @Lynnerizer @pakopako Sorry to disappoint your fantasies, but I’ve never been “Felt On” Mr. Felton, and certainly not 10 times! Ever see a shrink Sir? I highly recommend you do so, and soon!
@Lynnerizer @pakopako When we moved to our new house the previous owners had the laundry in the basement, but the original owners had the laundry moved upstairs next to the bathroom (aging in place, I think) based on the dedicated outlet. We had a crazy moment of UPSTAIRS LAUNDRY! before we decided that as long as there’s nothing wrong with the machines downstairs it’s maybe stupid to replace them immediately. But I was definitely eyeing those 2-in-1 models and would love to hear how it all works.
@mossygreen @pakopako

I even had him measure the front door! Things didn’t start looking bleak until the delivery guys came in with their measuring tape to scoped out the entire situation for themselves. They realized the bathroom (where our machines live) has a door that’s smaller than any other door in the condo! In fact, BOTH of the bathroom doors are smaller!
Of course the first thing I said was take off the molding and trim. Unfortunately it was still a half inch too small. 
And all of this was happening while I was sick as a dog, had a fever and was puking my guts out.
I was not a happy camper. So I ended up calling the shop and purchasing a unit that was 27" wide and would fit thru the door. At this point size was my only concern, and it had to come in white. I’m actually surprised that many appliances don’t come in white these days. (Things have really changed since we closed our family appliance & TV store 10 years ago.) After all said and done I’m still excited about the new 1 piece tower unit I’m getting Tuesday. It’s the Electrolux ELTE 7600AW. It’s still a large unit at 4.5cu and it’s got the dryer controls just below the dryer door so it’s easy to see for people who are short like me. At 5’ 1" (and still shrinking, I started at 5’ 2.5") trying to see the settings on a 72" tall machine can be challenging. Lol 

I apologize in advance about how many words I used, I don’t seem to know any other way.
Well yesterday didn’t go as expected and we had to abort operation new fancy pants 2 in 1 washer dryer combo. If we measured the space once we measured about a thousand times, my guy is a total worry wart. Lol
Today, after getting over the 24 hour bug and thinking about everything I’ve decided to go with “it just wasn’t meant to be”. I probably would’ve gotten a defective unit that would have brought endless headaches. Justification is everything! I think it’s something like making lemonade out of lemons, or something like that…
I really should be posting this on the Goat’s page. After all isn’t it all really the GOATS FAULT…
@ItalianScallion I’m coming for you on your thread with the condensed version. (if that’s even possible
This is what I’m expecting…
ELTE7600AW by Electrolux - Electrolux Laundry Tower Single Unit Front Load 4.5 Cu. Ft. Washer & 8 Cu. Ft. Electric Dryer | S.K. Lavery Appliance Company https://search.app/6irZiwcmshY9wvkL9
@Lynnerizer @mossygreen Wow, nice! I’d love to have something like that UPSTAIRS someday; my basement is gross and you have to go down concrete steps to get there. But like mossygreen my current machines work okay, so maybe sometime in the future.
@Kyeh @mossygreen
The one thing I miss about not having a house is being able to hang out my sheets and duvet cover, I miss that fresh smell! But I totally loved downsizing and feeling free of so much stuff. I was shocked at the positive effect it had on me. Well, that’s AFTER I got over the stress of getting rid of everything. Lol
I couldn’t have done it without my sister’s (and mom, and aunt’s) help, they were wonderful!

Yeah it’s nice having the washer & dryer right here and not have to go downstairs. But… I also don’t have the space that you do. There’s always an upside and a downside to everything…
@Lynnerizer I will save you the trouble of posting something on the Goat’s thread and accept the blame right here for your wordiness. After all, the cute picture of the goat with a really big secret is enough to relax any Mehtizen so that they would forget about things like that.
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @mossygreen My washer and dryer are both the North American version of Miele’s European ones. They’re the typical smaller size that can (just) fit under a countertop in place of cabinets and perfect for a household without kids. The W1918 washer lasted 18 years and I could have had it fixed if there had been parts available. Instead I bought their basic W1 washer, the replacement for what I had. I bought the T1520 dryer at the same time as the old washer and it’s still going strong after 22 years. They’re stacked in a former closet-sized pantry in my kitchen.
@Kyeh @mossygreen

@ItalianScallion, you’ve been such an accountable goat, I thought you might pop up and accept blame here.
My mom has those under the counter units in her kitchen. She loves them and it’s so convenient right there in the kitchen. The whole Miele brand has great reviews! I can only hope mine last as long as yours.
@Kyeh @Lynnerizer @mossygreen There are times when one must abandon the Shermanesque statement, “If nominated, I will not run; if elected, I will not serve,” that I employed in January in a desperate attempt to avoid being chosen as the February Goat. Instead, after the March results, I realized that one must accept the awesome duty thrust upon one’s self and not just make the best of it, but serve to the best of their ability. Serving as the Goat is, after all, for the common good and a public service to all Mehtizens. Besides, it’s kinda fun!
@ItalianScallion @Kyeh @mossygreen

And for that, we salute you! 🫡
@ItalianScallion @Lynnerizer @mossygreen What a great little gif, with the goat in it!
No cheap IRKs = No watching MEH-rathon
@xaviermoroney Some of us have button-clicking streaks to maintain.
@mossygreen @xaviermoroney You only need to click once to maintain your streak.
@OnionSoup @xaviermoroney Some of us also have to maintain our 4th-most-button-clicks status. A smaller group, to be sure.
I think I’ll pass on this one, it’s to expensive. I’d have to start selling blood.
/showme a very interested vampire holding a bag of money
Wow I wonder how long that song will be living in my head rent free good thing I am not using the space for anything important
@flourlover how about another earwig
@flourlover @pakopako Don’t forget
More Meh pint glasses for sale this time, please. PLEASE! Pretty pretty please? Because they’re… pretty?
@bdipert Ask here! Worth a try …
@Kyeh Done; thanks!
@bdipert Maybe they’ll take your suggestion for next time.
After flipping back through sales for the day I am glad I didn’t opt for an irk, nothing I wanted or needed, but I hope y’all get a good IRK this round!