@sammydog01 When you are done come to my house. I am keeping 4 cats for a suddenly homeless family so they don’t lose their pets. I have 4 of my own (mostly elderly). Dirt boxes. Need I say more?
@narfcake Whatever happened to the “Something Went Terribly Wrong” ringtone? Is it still available? I went years without a smart phone, got one more or less the song appeared, but then it disappeared before I could figure out how to use it. It’s the only ringtone I’ve ever wanted, and I’m so sad that I can’t find it. I’m apparently going to be stuck with a handful of Bollywood tunes, which are pretty cool but no where nearly as cool as Irk singing about something going wrong,
Maybe Santa would bring one to me? Or send one, if he can’t visit? You got any pull with the old geezer?
@narfcake If it isn’t green with the word “Christmas” in large letters someone will be offended. And if it is someone will be offended. Lose/lose. I don’t know why they try.
@narfcake Ha! That’s my keyboard. Arjun defaced it after I mistakenly brought a label maker to work for the cereal bar. So more amazing is the labels he went crazy with haven’t come off yet!
@narfcake FYI I bought some Ladies Standard shirts- black tags- and compared them to the white tag ones. The black tagged ones are narrower in the hips and a tad bit longer (although that may be progressive laundry shrinkage). My butt is a size larger than my boobs and the black label shirts still fit better than the white tag ones. Waaay too much butt room in the old ones. And no sleeve poufs like with the men’s shirts. I’m pleased.
I’m getting:
Sadly, it’s not down for me.
@ACraigL Oh, now I got a server error. Whew.
@sligett lol.
I can view some pages, but I cannot login.
Just in time for the Crapvent Calendar to open.
@sammydog01 Guess. I didn’t want that cheap xbox one x anyway…
@medz Probably a horse head mask instead.
They just tweeted about the outage.
@shawn do they really carry pagers or are you showing our ages?
@shawn Does that mean @therealjrn gets a day off?!?
@narfcake i think he just volunteered for january
Do you think it would help if we all refresh their site a bunch of times really fast?
@medz I’m working on it. F5,F5, F5…
@medz Meh could give a prize to the person who refreshed the most number of times… you know. To help Woot out. Christmas spirit and all…
Someone ping me if it comes back up- I have stuff to do.
@sammydog01 What kind of stuff?
@Targaryen I took a shower. Now I’m going to fold laundry. My life is soooo exciting.
@sammydog01 When you are done come to my house. I am keeping 4 cats for a suddenly homeless family so they don’t lose their pets. I have 4 of my own (mostly elderly). Dirt boxes. Need I say more?
@narfcake Well not here or you wouldn’t have been able to post THAT. Just sayin’…
@narfcake Whatever happened to the “Something Went Terribly Wrong” ringtone? Is it still available? I went years without a smart phone, got one more or less the song appeared, but then it disappeared before I could figure out how to use it. It’s the only ringtone I’ve ever wanted, and I’m so sad that I can’t find it. I’m apparently going to be stuck with a handful of Bollywood tunes, which are pretty cool but no where nearly as cool as Irk singing about something going wrong,
Maybe Santa would bring one to me? Or send one, if he can’t visit? You got any pull with the old geezer?
The deal today is a black shirt that says “generic inoffensive holiday slogan” if they ever get their servers working.
@sammydog01 Insider information. Nice.
@ACraigL They tweeted the link. Why I don’t know. “Here’s a shirt you can’t buy.”
@sammydog01 Funny. They probably scheduled the tweet and with all the servers on fire nonsense, forgot to pause it.
@sammydog01 This is Woot. Someone WILL be offended.
@narfcake If it isn’t green with the word “Christmas” in large letters someone will be offended. And if it is someone will be offended. Lose/lose. I don’t know why they try.
@sammydog01 If it isn’t green with a tree shitting out presents, Acraigl will be offended.
@sammydog01 Because folks were offended by the Green Space shirt way back in the days too.
It was a blank shirt.
@lordbowen If it lacks a cat on it …
(Nah, I don’t wear catshirts everyday. Only on days that end in ‘y’.)
@lordbowen I was totally offended by that shirt.
@sammydog01 I’m not totally offended, but it’s not a shirt I’d ever wear.
And on the topic of offending others …
Also, yikes!
It’s up!
@narfcake Yep, but slow. Also, top-20 page is borked, even before the meltdown.
@ACraigL Yeah, I noticed that. That happened at the turnover last night already, so I’m guessing some issues were already cropping up.
(I sent a text to @del last night about it – unless the phones were down too.)
@narfcake I guess the absence of Go Sports! created a digital black hole.
Wait…we’re talking to Woot again?
@RedHot Yes but we’re wearing our “I miss the old Woot” t-shirts in protest.
@RedHot https://shirt.woot.com/offers/i-miss-the-old-woot
"The servers are still being sluggish so we’re delaying the launch of Day 5 for a bit. sorry about that."
Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue.
Pretty good price for the premium.
@sammydog01 True.
/8ball Do I need another shirt I probably won’t ever wear?
Reply hazy try again
Wow, looks like their team has changed quite a bit since you left.
@mflassy I see SHIT keys instead of shift keys …
Also I’m surprised the imprint still exists on that keyboard. It only took two months before the Logitech at work started wearing off.
@narfcake Ha! That’s my keyboard. Arjun defaced it after I mistakenly brought a label maker to work for the cereal bar. So more amazing is the labels he went crazy with haven’t come off yet!
It’s a test for “Net Neutrality”…
@gfreek Did we pass?
@narfcake FYI I bought some Ladies Standard shirts- black tags- and compared them to the white tag ones. The black tagged ones are narrower in the hips and a tad bit longer (although that may be progressive laundry shrinkage). My butt is a size larger than my boobs and the black label shirts still fit better than the white tag ones. Waaay too much butt room in the old ones. And no sleeve poufs like with the men’s shirts. I’m pleased.