I thought this was Meh’s answer to ThinkGeek’s April Fools Day fake products, but posted early by mistake. Nope, this is apparently a real product. Someone had their head waaaay up their butt when they designed this silly thing!
@Kerig3 Wow…Thinkgeek. I was moving and found some unopened, stick-on, cell phone lights and poker watch and playing cards…Wow edit I a m half awake. I read Thingfling. Did anyone else buy stuff on Thingfling?
I did find some ThinkGeek junk too. I miss the old ThinkGeek and when Doctor Who stuff wasn’t so cheap ad available.
@2many2no You’re not kidding! Watch a full show of the Toyko Robot Restaurant on YouTube and you’ll see just how over-the-top it really is. Anthony Bourdain called it “the single greatest show in the history of entertainment”. He may have been drinking though.
Judging by the name I can only assume there’s also a Party Bot Macro, a dumpster-sized automaton that meanders around aimlessly, crushing pets and small children while belting out audio powerful enough to break windows. Lemme know when you get those in.
You! Refresh at night (midnight)
And when you shop you don’t feel all right
And we
Sell things not seeming all right (not quite)
But everything is all right
'Cause it will never listen to your rules (no)
It will never do what others do
Do what we want and you get Bluetooth
Buy what we sell and we like what you do
So let’s get a party going (let’s get a party going)
Now it’s time to party and sell Party Bot (Party Bot)
Let’s get a party going (let’s get a party going)
When it’s time to party we will sell Party Bot
Party Bot (Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot)
Instead of the head smacking remorse I usually feel the morning after a midnight Meh purchase I’m pretty excited about my speaker robot. I hope I’m not disappointed when it comes.
Party Bot’s arms are poseable, but Party Bot is powerless to move them of Party Bot’s own volition. So Party Bot must rely on Party Bot’s fellow partiers to position them in attitudes of festivity (e.g. “raising the roof”).
I love this thing! Best Meh purchase ever! I’m gonna save it for days when I’m feeling down and let it run around the kitchen like a disco ball gone loco blasting overplayed pop music from the 80s. I played Africa and Toto never sounded so whacky. I might even consider buying it’s bigger brother if the Meh buyers can get it at the right price.
Got my little Party Bot today. I’m pleasantly surprised! The real speaker in his chest cavity is actually bigger than the fake one on the outside, and fires upward, dispersing sound out grilles on both sides of the bot. Sound quality is quite good for the size, and can go fairly loud. Also nice is you have fully independent control over lights, sound, and dancing. If you just want Party Bot to sit there silently and display a light show, he will happily oblige. About the only downside is he doesn’t dance well on carpet, and can get stuck in the grout between tiles.
I think this was a good purchase. Party Bot will have no trouble entertaining guests in his forever home.
What’s in the Box?
1x Party Bot
1x USB charging cable
TSA says no partyin’ but Party Bot Says “uhn tiss uhn tiss uhn tiss”
Price Comparison
$29.99 at Amazon
90 Day Ion Audio
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Aug 8 - Wednesday, Aug 10
Speaker out of this world
Ex-ter-mi-nate. It will be FABulous!
Alarmingly, there is much more of this. Much, much more…
@shahnm in this case , meh sale tonight not from Dr Who but dr no
I see meh is selling bluetooth daleks now.
Are these your compatriots?
@Rueki Now that - I would buy. (Especially if the disintegrator gun worked)
I don’t think my 1000th consecutive Meh could be more appropriately awarded.
What… is this thing
@gabrieljordan the best gift to give to a !) year old to annoy their parents, How do I know? Personal experience. Curse you dollar bin!!
Are these the new Meh-rathon lights?
so there’s an Amazon review saying that the sound of the thing propelling itself around is louder than the speaker… good grief
The video for this product is kinda amazing:
@wishlish Andy’s gray cardigan just screams “party”, doesn’t it? Sadly his party is only attended by a few dozen party bots. Depressingly lonely.
@wishlish too bad the arms being up will partially block the fun light.
Andy’s definitely a 40 year old virgin. At least his cats love him.
@wishlish Wow I wonder how this ended up on Meh.
@wishlish I can’t tell if them being in on the joke makes it better or worse.
@wishlish I love it. It’s like a scene from Portlandia, but better because they don’t even seem to realize it.
They should put a bird on it.
@wishlish The video alone almost makes me want to buy one…almost…
@wishlish Why does it have an aux input? Who would leash Party Bot like that? Monsters!
@ravenblack I had forgotten about that sketch!
@wishlish I imagine a Party Bot dancing around while dragging an iPod behind it.
It does have demo mode. But I can’t be enticed that easily.
I thought this was Meh’s answer to ThinkGeek’s April Fools Day fake products, but posted early by mistake. Nope, this is apparently a real product.
Someone had their head waaaay up their butt when they designed this silly thing!
@Kerig3 Wow…Thinkgeek. I was moving and found some unopened, stick-on, cell phone lights and poker watch and playing cards…Wow edit I a m half awake. I read Thingfling. Did anyone else buy stuff on Thingfling?
I did find some ThinkGeek junk too. I miss the old ThinkGeek and when Doctor Who stuff wasn’t so cheap ad available.
’ alt=‘lolbot’ title=‘Hosted by imgur.com’ /></a>
<a href=‘http://i.imgur.com/xo5Bd5s’ title=‘lolbot’><img src=‘
@redwingleader just put the URL to the image ending in .jpg or whatever. If it’s on imgur remove the s from https. And you’re golden.
Imgur must have just made some changes recently, those instructions used to be way shorter.
@djslack @redwingleader
If only there were some ability to parse imgur.com URLs and do that automatically for everyone.
@djslack @mike808 I’m sorry guys. I tried. Now I can’t edit the comment to fix it.
@mfladd Let’s get it on!

Shuffle the funk up!

Where the real party bots are!
@Kerig3 Damn, that’s some awesome sensory overload!
@2many2no You’re not kidding! Watch a full show of the Toyko Robot Restaurant on YouTube and you’ll see just how over-the-top it really is. Anthony Bourdain called it “the single greatest show in the history of entertainment”. He may have been drinking though.
Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!
@hchavers mommy, I’m scared
Party Bot says your party sucks. Party Bot vaporizes everyone and parties by itself, because Party Bot is the party.
You had me at pulsating lights.
/giphy oblong miniature month

@sammydog01 The Oblongs! I haven’t thought of that show in… hell… a decade? Will Ferrell doing semi-shitty voiceover work!
@jhinra @sammydog01 the only thing he’s ever done that i enjoyed
@sammydog01 your other robot speaker needs a friend.
Lol, I see you already thought of that.
@RiotDemon My other robot speaker has a new home so I needed a replacement.
@sammydog01 guess it is lonely without a loud robot.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 Thanks!
@shortman Did you get him working before he took his trip to the thrift shop?
@sammydog01 I made them work! Funny things.
Right, but does it pass the butter?

/giphy What is my purpose
Just add a touch of AI to the Party Bot and you’ll get…a Bluetooth speaker that makes noise as it rolls around a table.
No you misread - it’s IRK02. Noooo! Irk!!!
Judging by the name I can only assume there’s also a Party Bot Macro, a dumpster-sized automaton that meanders around aimlessly, crushing pets and small children while belting out audio powerful enough to break windows. Lemme know when you get those in.
@nogoodwithnames You would be correct.
@nogoodwithnames @sammydog01 $299… a least on the video… yikes…
@ilovereality @nogoodwithnames @sammydog01 For $299 you’d think that the slot on its head would a least shoot foam disks around the room.
@sammydog01 if meh gets these I’ll be forced to buy one
@uninflammable For $14 I would buy two.
@nogoodwithnames I looked some more and not only are they triplets, one is actually named Party Bot Macro. How about that!

Party bot is all of us.
Remember “DJ Roomba” from Parks and Recoration?
At least DJ Roomba is practical!
OG Roboto

Robot Lives Matter!
When it’s time to party we run Party Bot
You! Refresh at night (midnight)
And when you shop you don’t feel all right
And we
Sell things not seeming all right (not quite)
But everything is all right
'Cause it will never listen to your rules (no)
It will never do what others do
Do what we want and you get Bluetooth
Buy what we sell and we like what you do
So let’s get a party going (let’s get a party going)
Now it’s time to party and sell Party Bot (Party Bot)
Let’s get a party going (let’s get a party going)
When it’s time to party we will sell Party Bot
Party Bot (Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot Party Bot)
This thing is a tripping hazard. All fun and games till it puts someone in a body cast. “Lawsuit party” bot is more like it…
@alphabetress Luckily this thing has flashing lights and makes noise and you’re not invited.
Bite my shiny plastic speaker.
This is probably the dumbest thing meh has ever sold.
@SSteve It worked! Your order number is: runny-trustworthy-jellyfish
/image runny trustworthy jellyfish

@mediocrebot Ick. Jellyfish skeeve me out.
Ask again later
/8ball Is this the dumbest thing meh has ever sold?
@SSteve and yet they are selling…
I see a Saturday bundle of Robot, Glow Sticks and Fitness Trackers coming down the pike…
/giphy Who Farted

If my cat could sit on it I would buy it…
/giphy dancing robot

I would buy one of these if I didn’t have 10 wonderful great sounding bluetooth spinners…party on boys and girls !
It looks like a fire hydrant. Perhaps my robot dog will follow it around and pee on it. PARTY!!!
Instead of the head smacking remorse I usually feel the morning after a midnight Meh purchase I’m pretty excited about my speaker robot. I hope I’m not disappointed when it comes.
@sammydog01 looks like shipping delayed remorse for you this time, good choice!
Will not hold my drink… Meh
Bluetooth snow cone maker!
If the speaker inside was as big as the fake speaker on the outside then maybe I’d buy it.
@SoftAsFur Happily, the speaker on the inside is actually larger than the fake one on the outside, and it actually sounds quite good for its size.
Your writeup did it this time, convincing me that Party Bot needed a friend. Also anyone else notice the naughty site in the website list this time?
/giphy tangy-painful-bit

@PooltoyWolf Oh. My. God. @narfcake Why is there a link to your site on childporn dot com?
@narfcake @sammydog01 I had to glance at the URL a few times to make sure it wasn’t what it looked like!
@narfcake @PooltoyWolf Ah- I added a letter where the color bar ends. Still, why?
@narfcake @PooltoyWolf @sammydog01 I wondered wtf “chid” was… it takes you to some random naughty date site.
At least it wasn’t the alternative.
I want a Wafflebot!
Dilluted glittery streak… Really.
I would love to see Party Bot vs Meh Bot in battle till destruction…
…so today I noticed I actually bought one of these. I should drink less.
@skywiselh It would have been cooler if you hadn’t realized you bought one until it came in the mail.
@sammydog01 sorry, I’ve learned the hard way to check my credit card authorizations.
@sammydog01 Is right, @skywiselh. This is actually evidence that you need to drink more.
Partybot is here and charging up! He’s soooo cute! The box says “Caution! this box contains excessive happiness”. I’m soooo excited!
Manual arms. Total rip!
@huntd from the write up:
I love this thing! Best Meh purchase ever! I’m gonna save it for days when I’m feeling down and let it run around the kitchen like a disco ball gone loco blasting overplayed pop music from the 80s. I played Africa and Toto never sounded so whacky. I might even consider buying it’s bigger brother if the Meh buyers can get it at the right price.
@sammydog01 audio quality?
@RiotDemon Sucky! And the motor is really loud!
Got my little Party Bot today. I’m pleasantly surprised! The real speaker in his chest cavity is actually bigger than the fake one on the outside, and fires upward, dispersing sound out grilles on both sides of the bot. Sound quality is quite good for the size, and can go fairly loud. Also nice is you have fully independent control over lights, sound, and dancing. If you just want Party Bot to sit there silently and display a light show, he will happily oblige. About the only downside is he doesn’t dance well on carpet, and can get stuck in the grout between tiles.
I think this was a good purchase. Party Bot will have no trouble entertaining guests in his forever home.