Invisible Galactic Goat checking in from the treetop


Greetings Earthlings! It’s your horrible April Goat checking in for a quick “Howdy do!” and to thank all previous Goats for pitching in while I’ve been taking care of family business.

I’m in a very deep in a rural part of the country, and to get a single signal bar I have to hike about 1/2 mile up a hill behind Mom’s house, then climb a tree to break the canopy. From here I manage to get a relatively stable single signal bar. Tomorrow I’ll run a rope over a branch so I can just hoist my hotspot enabled phone up the tree and use my tablet to do some business.

As shared previously, my stepdad passed on Wednesday. I had to catch a red eye early Thursday to help Mom TCB. Funeral home and florist Thursday to arrange burial, notification of friends and family etc. Friday was the marathon 4 1/2 hour viewing. This morning was the memorial, followed by procession to the cemetery and burial ceremony.

It’s been raining cats and dogs ever since I arrived. The storm front chased me during my 2 hour commute from the airport on Thursday morning and decided to settle here for the duration. Nearly 2 inches last night alone. Thunderstorms and strong winds all day today. The cemetery was a mud hole. Particularly challenging ceremony, to say the least.

Anyhoo, I am going to stay on here through Tuesday to help Mom TCB all the legal stuff, and hope to catch a flight home Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. Wish I was in the position to stay another week, as this will be the first time in decades Mom will wake up in an empty house. I’m positive this will be a very difficult transition for her.

Thank you again to all the Goats who’s kindness and compassion compelled them to pitch in during my absence. And to the entire community for the overwhelming outpouring of condolences and prayers. To you all, thank you, thank you, ten thousand times thank you!

I will do my best to check in soon!

Humbly indebted,

Galactic Goat