What is your 추운날 먹고싶은 음식 - Food for cold weather?


안녕 메러분!

한국은 요새 날씨가 거의 영도에 가깝게 추워지는거같은데.. 제가 있는곳은 계속 20도 넘다가 요새 잠깐 10도 밑으로 내려갔다고 추워 죽는다고 난리들이네요

It's getting pretty cold in Korea about 32ish. And probably other places in US too.(I'm in FL, yet people find 55 freezing. It's truly amazing what people find to be cold ;)) Anyway, I wanted to provide an opportunity for people to share their favorite winter food or drink here! I'll be translating like a dog so all in meh community can enjoy.

어쨋든 날씨도 추워지고, VMP가입했는데 Meh에서는 쓰레기만 나오고... 또 옆구리까지 시리다면 추울때 먹는 맛있는 음식을 생각해보면서(생각하다가 또 먹고서) 미국의 메러분(A"meh"rican)들과 함께 나눠봐요. 메러분들이 가장 좋아하는 겨울 음식이나 마실것은 뭐가 있나요? 전 개인적으로 붕어빵에 한표! 겨울에 밖에 놔둬서 살짝 얼은 식혜도 끝내줌... 먹고싶네요.


There are a few that I like from Korea. This one is called Boonguhpan(Bass-cake, in translation) It originated from Japan but it's special in different way. It's stuffed with sweetened red bean pasted with probably pancake mix for the breading. Super cheap and yummy, and it's an instant hand warmer when you are roaming in the street of Seoul.

What's your favorite winter food?