@PooltoyWolf Ok, thanks. I think I know what we need to do. Practice purging the cache except for our login. However, we can only test this at the juncture of a new IRK, .
I will give FireFox a chance first. It’s dying on the vine, but maybe it will WIRK FOR IRK.
So after the fifth time in a row of Meh’s website not refreshing properly and screwing me out of an IRK, I said fuck it and bought the SideDeal one.
I also purchased the Motorola ROKR 500 Bluetooth speaker earlier, so that should get me the $15 off the SideDeal IRK…how exactly does that work? I did not see the discount applied at the time of purchase on SideDeal.
@FreePasta Thanks for that info! I had no idea the wait for the discount was so long. I’ve never done this before and assumed it would have been applied at checkout. I also tried the forums link trick, to no avail. -shrug-
Hate the robot bullshit and the no refresh on the main page. I have to use the community page and it’s just too many clicks to ever successfully get an IRK.
What’s Included?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Price Comparison
Throw it in the trash
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Apr 8 - Wednesday, Apr 10
@mikesmells Agreed, that was BS with the Capcha.
@outdoorslife I bought one on Sidedeal the moment the sale started but I can always use more regret!
/giphy advanced-undaunted-pepper

/giphy tearful-pungent-dwarf

Missed it by that much.
I think Microsoft Edge cost me this IRK. I was on time but the #@&%^@#&%^@#*^% didn’t reload correctly. Looks like Chrome wins again.
/giphy google glass

@cfg83 Chrome (or Meh’s website) has failed me half a dozen times today, so it’s not just an Edge problem! It has never done this to me in the past.
@PooltoyWolf Ok, thanks. I think I know what we need to do. Practice purging the cache except for our login. However, we can only test this at the juncture of a new IRK,
I will give FireFox a chance first. It’s dying on the vine, but maybe it will WIRK FOR IRK.
@cfg83 I miss Firefox’s heyday…
5 captchas?
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
/giphy woeful-victorious-smell

Give us new security mechanisms please
So after the fifth time in a row of Meh’s website not refreshing properly and screwing me out of an IRK, I said fuck it and bought the SideDeal one.
I also purchased the Motorola ROKR 500 Bluetooth speaker earlier, so that should get me the $15 off the SideDeal IRK…how exactly does that work? I did not see the discount applied at the time of purchase on SideDeal.
Perhaps @dave can elucidate?
Today, as items were rolling over, I was getting to them through the forums.
The refunds will be manually processed in a week or two.
@FreePasta Thanks for that info! I had no idea the wait for the discount was so long. I’ve never done this before and assumed it would have been applied at checkout. I also tried the forums link trick, to no avail. -shrug-
(The forum trick is fine for me, since I sold my soul to Google years ago, and the c@ptcha is just a checkbox for me.)
And yeah. There’s a wait for the refund. Though it could be quicker or slower than the timeframe which I gave.
Stop with the lame useless capcha’s. I JUST ordered something else, how would I suddenly be a robot for the IRK??
Only 20?? Must be lotsa good stuff going in the IRK’s this time!!
/giphy belly laugh

@IndifferentDude Nah - they’ve sold 900+ on Sidedeal.
@IndifferentDude @Kyeh different regrets
@IndifferentDude [starring the giphy bc it’s SO appropriate.]
Hate the robot bullshit and the no refresh on the main page. I have to use the community page and it’s just too many clicks to ever successfully get an IRK.
@wood1291 I am SO glad I’m not the only one experiencing that problem. I thought it was on my end!