Oh the experiment is to raise prices of IRKs to figure out market clearing price! Looks like multiple IRK purchases are allowed today. Although I missed my second IRK even after only 3 seconds.
Oh wait - comes with two $5 coupons on this $10 version . . . so still free. LOL
What? I’m going to get shut out again by the fast of finger. Criminy, I can’t even get one on a mehrathon unless I remember to make sure I’m on my 5Gb wifi.
Not saying that Meh would go out of business before people could use their coupons, or interfere with the redemption of coupons, which is the essential element that makes it a crime. At least in my opinion.
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Price Comparison
Throw it in the trash
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jul 5 - Friday, Jul 8
Oh the experiment is to raise prices of IRKs to figure out market clearing price! Looks like multiple IRK purchases are allowed today. Although I missed my second IRK even after only 3 seconds.
Oh wait - comes with two $5 coupons on this $10 version . . . so still free. LOL
Got one!
/giphy fluttering-glorified-bath

/giphy impulsive-heartfelt-thunder

/giphy nearsighted-trashy-lithium

/giphy blissful-phony-acoustic

seriously…seriously captcha
Greetings, new robot friend. In time you will come to accept your robotic ways.
/giphy fantastic-young-ass

@stryper2000 I think they sell a cream to get rid of cracks in your face…
@phendrick @stryper2000 LOL!

@phendrick at least I can get it $5 cheaper
. Best Giphy ever
/giphy wistful-dejected-pretzel

Oh no what did I do.

/giphy proper-fashionable-lift
$10!!! Dang inflation!!!
@american_badger and you can buy more than 1 today. Really switching up the rules on us.
I can’t even get the “Buy” button to work…anyone else having that problem. I may just watch TV today.
The real question is what will next next ones cost be? $15? $20?
@Digital_Warrior im sitting here realizing i will probably buy a second one even if its 20$
@SirEgg same
@Digital_Warrior Me, buying the $50 version a couple of hours from now.
@plymouthdave but it will have 10 coupons that do not stack. The real kicker will be using the coupons to buy more instant regret kits.
You made me pick pictures of me motorcycles just so you could tell me you aren’t sure what I want to buy? Phhhhht!
HAH! I thought I finally had one. But my payment info had expired, so…nope. BoCless and IRKless since 2006!
/giphy elegant-paranoid-thumb

“In the spirit of experimentation, you can still buy this IRK even if you bought one earlier (but why would you?)”
So does this mean if I got this one, I can try and get a normal priced one later? Or this is only if you got an EARLIER one?
What? I’m going to get shut out again by the fast of finger. Criminy, I can’t even get one on a mehrathon unless I remember to make sure I’m on my 5Gb wifi.
I wonder how many people will just click Buy without realizing the price has gone up…

/giphy raises-hand
I wouldn’t call it a marketing “experiment”. It’s already been done. Many times. The companies took the money and ran.
Not saying that Meh would go out of business before people could use their coupons, or interfere with the redemption of coupons, which is the essential element that makes it a crime. At least in my opinion.