@aolshove@PHRoG we’re all matchy matchy! Well sans the Frankie. I love how you snuck him in there. it’s like an IRK measuring contest! How big is yours??? I’m off to paint with glass now. Also I need more sleep or caffeine. Have fun stalking the timers. Who am I kidding like I won’t be looking at more shite to buy?
Switched to Chrome to avoid picking out the random pics, worked great up until the last two events, now I’m catching them again and missing every kit…sigh
@primeletters An apt gif since I was able to score one from the mother site on Monday. What’s the general vibe about talking about woot.amazon over here?
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Price Comparison
Throw it in the trash
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Aug 29 - Friday, Sep 2
why is there a limit
@sn1zz I wonder if they didn’t put a limit how many they would sell?
@sn1zz To make it fair for all the little people…
@sunnysideup22 oh probably millions for $5 i would get 100 of them if not more
@ybmuG we all are little greedy ppl.
My precious its mine!!!
Yeah Buddy!
/giphy gleaming-clingy-mink
Oh yeah, that’s the perfect giphy for the conspicuous consumption that an IRK represents
Well I tried and failed!
@jayman007 It’s an IRK. You didn’t get one, you WON!
/giphy winning
Crap, uhh I mean yeah!
/giphy vertical-grandiose-bedbug
Tractors and they are out. Sigh
rats - green bar green bar green bar sold out
@jmhsrv Yep. Me too.
Got one again!
I think this may be the first time I have one that I haven’t received yet when I got another.
/giphy squealing-blotchy-whale
@eric1024 i thought you got 2 in one day for a second
@eric1024 I bought one today, had one delivered today, and have another on the way! WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE
/giphy incompetent-reasonable-expansion
This is my second in two weeks. What a rush!
@tazzsmom Same!
sweet success!!!
I clicked so fast it accused me of being a bot and made me do a captcha. Sold out. Meh.
I installed CAPTCHA to save my fellow robots from wasting money on this crap.
Damn-- went to thank a twitch viewer for a gifted sub, turned to my second monitor, missed it.
@caffeineguy no good deed goes un…uh, who am I kidding, you dodged a bullet here!
Stairs when there were none in the picture. Boo to CAPTin CHAnce wins again!
I try on my laptop, I try on my phone, I try on my iPad… Nothing.
WTF? I made it in time but got the error “You don’t have permission to purchase this.”
This is starting to piss me off.
@Darnitol I’m with you. Its ridic. And I don’t think they really exist at all.
@Darnitol it’s VMP only hour. Only old school VMP members can buy right now. That’s what the little Members Only doll on the buy button means.
@Darnitol @PHRoG It’s 'mehmbers" only, not just VMP. So now they are including the poor $4.99 folks too! I fell less special.
@Darnitol @Kyser_Soze wait, what?
/giphy not so special now
Was lucky this time. Hope there is a Joe creation in it!
Argh…couldn’t figure out why it was showing shipping…
I was logged into another accounAnd too slow to switch back.
EVERY. FRIGGIN. TIME. What do I have to do to get who knows what around here?? I WANT TO INSTANTLY REGRET!
YAYY!!! I’ve been trying for three months and I just got my first one! Excited AF
@bblood I’ve been trying for years. Bleah
@gwen2k Don’t give up!
Got one! Woo hoo! And NO robot test! I’m looking forward to the regret ‘cause I’m just happy to get one.
I’ve had my share… I guess…
@aolshove one lucky bastard you are
@aolshove samsies.
@aolshove how did I miss the stress tardigrade?! That looks awesome
@PHRoG I’m not worthy!!
@aolshove wow! did you get anything decent in all those IRKs?
@aolshove @PHRoG WHO R YOU PEOPLE!!!
@aolshove @sn1zz
To quote Liam Neeson: But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career.
That being extremely repetitive tasks with various electronic devices.
/giphy particular set of skills
And what was the reason they aren’t aloud to spike the ball after a touchdown?
@aolshove @PHRoG we’re all matchy matchy! Well sans the Frankie. I love how you snuck him in there. it’s like an IRK measuring contest! How big is yours??? I’m off to paint with glass now. Also I need more sleep or caffeine. Have fun stalking the timers. Who am I kidding like I won’t be looking at more shite to buy?
/giphy trained-radical-mime
Got mine for the day!
/giphy malignant-menacing-vegetable
/giphy fist pump
Switched to Chrome to avoid picking out the random pics, worked great up until the last two events, now I’m catching them again and missing every kit…sigh
I’m a member with no regrets today.
/giphy misanthropic-smiling-thread
@primeletters An apt gif since I was able to score one from the mother site on Monday. What’s the general vibe about talking about woot.amazon over here?
They like us…they REALLY like us
never have i with such anticipation opened a box with a new toilet brush inside
My tracking info says it’s 6"x4"x1". Are they sending me a “my condolences” card?
@primeletters Same here. And FedEx says less than 1 pound. I’m preparing myself for true regret this time.
@plymouthdave @primeletters That is a holding size and weight. They all will say that. What you actually get will vary widely.