4TAGGING @Thumperchick @ChadP
@sammydog01 @barney @themeerkat @jasongb @raptorgorawr @booogerbrain @gr8mick1 @djslack
hmm weird, it seems like i was just commenting about this last week
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Everyone who’s posted so far is all set. Thanks for the tag!
@Thumperchick Thanks!
@Thumperchick thank you!
My last one hasn’t even shipped yet.
@sammydog01 now the only question is
will the irk arrive first or will santa arrive first?
@communist Could be a mehrathon with cat butts instead of irks. You never know.
@communist @sammydog01 that would irk me.
Looks like I am first, for once?
Well damn, wasn’t expecting this, but ok!

I have not even bothered with the last couple, each irk i got had a bag, a bunch of wristbands for some type of activity tracker, and then only one other absolutely useless thing. Last time it was a roll of pretty wrapping paper but they had bent it in the middle to cram in a box.
Who knows, maybe this time I’ll get something semi-useable.
Once again!!!
@booogerbrain all set!
My turn!

I see y’all jumped on my flask tat idea…does imaginary in my head count? Asking for a friend…
@Thumperchick thanks!
@TheMeerkat all set!
Did this get capped? I can’t remember. I still want to get a little Irk tattoo, but with the pandemic happening, that sort of thing has been off the table since last March. Even if the tattoo joints are open, I’m high-risk for covid (emphysema and diabetic) so I have to wait until it’s safe.
@Pony it was closed. Chadp had a time limit of when it needed to be done by. Not sure if he’ll open it again at a later date.
@RiotDemon Bummer. Maybe he could open it for us crusty old kickstarter folks sometime.