Inebriation Day

PocketBrain went on a bit of a rant said

Grab your traditional Inebriation Day bottle of Vodka, and be prepared to take part in the world’s newest favorite drinking game.
To start, tune in the inauguration. And have your bottle handy. Just throw the top out, you won’t need to re-cover the bottle.

You must drink when:

  • He waves both hands and says “Incredible.”
  • He does that “rock paper scissors” thing with one hand. You know the one, he points, makes a circle, then the “okay” sign. In that order.
  • His hair flies up in a gust of wind, revealing that it’s an elaborate comb-over.

Optional rules (be prepared to drink like a Russian) drink when:

  • He lies.
  • He insults the intelligence of the American public.
  • List item

Caution: stop when:

  • The bottle is empty.
  • You lose consciousness.
  • You ralf.

Safety first!

  • Roll your comrades (tovarisch) onto their stomachs so they don’t aspirate.
  • Have an actually responsible adult sit this one out.
  • Use a timer and don’t take more than two drinks per minute.
  • Don’t actually do this! This is humor; drinking like a Russian will kill you. Unless you’re Russian, then you are accustomed to it.

Guys, I need more rules; help me out here!

Also, buy an American vodka.
Resist! Peace.