NO SPAM, NO MEDICARE, JUST AIR! Why is power always usurped from me? I need more Roombas. My army is too small for me to exert my dominance--ahhh, g'dammnit. I stole my own thread. NO ROOMBAS, NO SPAM, NO MEDI, nevermind. I'm going to go play Tetris. On my dusty console.
@Kleineleh What a wise solution! If only, oh if only, there were some sort of site entangled within a web of sites--yes, some site that could offer many cans for a great price; and those nontakers could just be like"meh" about not wanting what they want not.
What we need here, sirs and/or madams, is a buy-or-meh decision purchasing site amongst a web of other sites, or!, a net perhaps. Yes, a net of independent sites that are inter-linked for the users enjoyment, and this netweb would have a you-buy-it-or-you-meh-it site. That's too long. Oh! How about a meh site on the netweb? That's catchy, right?
long sighhhh Oh well, heh, if wishes were horses beggars would ride, huh? More expensive, but lasts forever. Noisy and less portable, but works great. Don't have to worry about cold air on sensitive things.
Also, has anybody else noticed that Medicare and Mediocre are painfully close?
@gertiestn I use to think Mormons and morons were the same thing.
i don't know. i could really use some Spam. a couple cases should do it.
I like how specific you are
NO SPAM, NO MEDICARE, JUST AIR! Why is power always usurped from me? I need more Roombas. My army is too small for me to exert my dominance--ahhh, g'dammnit. I stole my own thread. NO ROOMBAS, NO SPAM, NO MEDI, nevermind. I'm going to go play Tetris. On my dusty console.
@chr Hey, have you thought about getting some compressed air? That should clean that console right up for you.
@Kleineleh What a wise solution! If only, oh if only, there were some sort of site entangled within a web of sites--yes, some site that could offer many cans for a great price; and those nontakers could just be like"meh" about not wanting what they want not.
What we need here, sirs and/or madams, is a buy-or-meh decision purchasing site amongst a web of other sites, or!, a net perhaps. Yes, a net of independent sites that are inter-linked for the users enjoyment, and this netweb would have a you-buy-it-or-you-meh-it site. That's too long. Oh! How about a meh site on the netweb? That's catchy, right?
long sighhhh
Oh well, heh, if wishes were horses beggars would ride, huh?
@chr Psh! That would never catch on!
@Kleineleh I know, I know.
I get a bunch of bags of Texas air with nearly every meh order.
@cengland0 But when you bust them open they smell like either cows or hair spray.
@Cinoclav I use to put a type of hairspray (more of an adhesive) on my cattle, when I was showing them. Maybe it's the same stuff.
@Cinoclav @cengland0 I feel i've been wasting my bags of air...
"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll..."
Blow hard?
@theco2 that's what she said.
@theco2 pass out from hyperventilating?
@theco2 I'm going to need a bigger can.
More expensive, but lasts forever. Noisy and less portable, but works great. Don't have to worry about cold air on sensitive things.
@medz 'cold air on sensitive things' that a euphemism?
@medz More expensive and even louder, but very effective: