Just judging from past “government shutdowns” (AKA, political theater), I suspect that I would not even notice, but for the constant barrage of panicked news stories about it.
Well McCarthy finally grew a pair not because he came to his senses, but because he had no other options. If Gaetz and his group of home grown terrorists try to oust McCarthy from the speaker position, hope the Dems will have the good sense to send a couple of their votes MCarthy’s way to keep him speaker and send Gaetz back to his shithole district in Florida and redirect him to his real interest in life-trying to sleep with underage girls.
I work for a government contractor, so a lot depends on how long it lasts. My project’s client definitely has enough funding for a week, but we’re not sure yet about after that. In the last shutdown, the client had enough funding available for us to work the whole time, so it’s down to how much funding is available this time. My company is good about keeping people working, though, even if it’s non-billable work.
Did you maybe mean affect?
Because the possible [probable?] shutdown may have an effect on some of us, because of it affecting our pay, activities, or our lives in some other ways.
Just saying…
@PhysAssist So the net effect of a shutdown is that many people will be affected due to the prolonged excessively ineffective government budgetary management. That’s unpossible!
It all depends upon how long the shutdown lasts, and how idiotic the jerks want to be in causing it. Every shutdown so far has ended up having the effect of a net increase in spending because of all the overtime and added costs incurred by not doing necessary things on a timely basis, but the increased eventual spending has never translated to a bonus for me down the line. My personal income isn’t drastically impacted by short shutdowns, but anything that causes people to have less to spend is also going to cause a reduction in the sales of the stuff I peddle.
Want to get the shutdowns eliminated? Shut down Customs first, and prohibit container ships from docking and unloading (and Fedex, etc, from processing incoming air shipping) unless there’s bonded space available for the goods to wait until Customs can get to it.
Or we could just elect less party-first partisan hacks and more actual people/constituents/country/constitution-first public servants, not that there is much, if any, chance of that ever being possible.
/giphy realistic cynical
Just judging from past “government shutdowns” (AKA, political theater), I suspect that I would not even notice, but for the constant barrage of panicked news stories about it.
Well McCarthy finally grew a pair not because he came to his senses, but because he had no other options. If Gaetz and his group of home grown terrorists try to oust McCarthy from the speaker position, hope the Dems will have the good sense to send a couple of their votes MCarthy’s way to keep him speaker and send Gaetz back to his shithole district in Florida and redirect him to his real interest in life-trying to sleep with underage girls.
I work for a government contractor, so a lot depends on how long it lasts. My project’s client definitely has enough funding for a week, but we’re not sure yet about after that. In the last shutdown, the client had enough funding available for us to work the whole time, so it’s down to how much funding is available this time. My company is good about keeping people working, though, even if it’s non-billable work.
Did you maybe mean affect?
Because the possible [probable?] shutdown may have an effect on some of us, because of it affecting our pay, activities, or our lives in some other ways.
Just saying…
@PhysAssist So the net effect of a shutdown is that many people will be affected due to the prolonged excessively ineffective government budgetary management. That’s unpossible!

It all depends upon how long the shutdown lasts, and how idiotic the jerks want to be in causing it. Every shutdown so far has ended up having the effect of a net increase in spending because of all the overtime and added costs incurred by not doing necessary things on a timely basis, but the increased eventual spending has never translated to a bonus for me down the line. My personal income isn’t drastically impacted by short shutdowns, but anything that causes people to have less to spend is also going to cause a reduction in the sales of the stuff I peddle.
Want to get the shutdowns eliminated? Shut down Customs first, and prohibit container ships from docking and unloading (and Fedex, etc, from processing incoming air shipping) unless there’s bonded space available for the goods to wait until Customs can get to it.

Or we could just elect less party-first partisan hacks and more actual people/constituents/country/constitution-first public servants, not that there is much, if any, chance of that ever being possible.
/giphy realistic cynical
It will impact all of us financially eventually… but in the short term it won’t hurt me.