@steyseas it was an option in the past, no longer available. You actually pay a monthly fee for the free shipping. The people that are grandfathered in, if they purposely cancel, they can’t get it back.
you’ve only placed 2 orders in 77 days of Meh.mbership, so 5 dolla a month may not be all that great for you, honestly it just encourages you to buy crap you don’t need, at least if you are me.
( confused yet )
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Write into support and see if they can do it for you: https://meh.com/support
/giphy too bad

/giphy dancing golf guy

How do you get free shipping here? A plan? Tired of paying shipping every time I order something new…
@steyseas it was an option in the past, no longer available. You actually pay a monthly fee for the free shipping. The people that are grandfathered in, if they purposely cancel, they can’t get it back.
@RiotDemon Thank you much
@steyseas There may be a new plan coming. They’ve done one at morningsave.com.
Those of us still paying $5 a month for “free” shipping have a little V shield/badge/thing by our user names. Like RiotDemon and me.
@craigthom show-off
@Ignorant says the “K” Meh.mber
@Yoda_Daenerys was hoping someone would notice that lovely K.
@Ignorant does K give you permanent V rights?
/youtube you have to let the lower class know
you’ve only placed 2 orders in 77 days of Meh.mbership, so 5 dolla a month may not be all that great for you, honestly it just encourages you to buy crap you don’t need, at least if you are me.