I was on at 12:00 on the nose...17 people had purchased. Tried to say I wasn't a friggen robot and now nothing works....I want it! Fukubukuro 4: #fukubukuro
I would have had an extra half a minute for it to go through if it hadn't taken forever to load SOUNDCLOUD. I got the green processing bar, but it failed. Then the new robot captcha refused to reactivate and I never got back to the payment screen again. : (
@WilhelmScreamer the captch screwed me over too I think - order was processing - then it timed out and the captcha unchecked - then I clicked without checking it again - THEN the whole orderr stopped.... :(
@ilovereality Same here, so I went to orders and low and behold, there was an order number. That was hours ago and the cold medicine is not helping, plus I'm on the east coast, but I seem to recall that the order number involved vampires or dracula
There I sat, all broken hearted The fukubukuru I waited for had finally started I refreshed the page, my cache it was cleared Four devices were tried, Irk he just sneered Even my cookies and page history was cleared.
So what should I do from my CST home? Should I stay up for hours endlessly refreshing the page Or go to bed "early" and give up at this stage? I want this red bag with it's contents unknown More fodder for the next mehrican exchange of my own.
A JBL speaker dock may be the best I could wish for Or possibly more readers or Neoprene cases galore But maybe I'll be the "lucky" recipient of a castoff from Mehquarters from the desk of a flask and maybe a paper bag insctuction set for my very own irk mask.
Oh how I want to purchase this offering today The servers refuse to play nice anyway And so I shall sit here and bemoan my luck for my job down on Beltline starts before the suns rises Meh may you have luck in fixing your site...and toss me a bone for my phrases???
@tightwad HEre is the short version of your poem: ------------------ Here you sat all broken hearted ……………….…All meh did was $#%&@ farted ……………….…The server died, nothing sold ……………….…Really meh? This is gettin' old
@jont bath me with a fuku please no matter the amount of times I click buy the checkout window never appears thats just cruel and unusual punishment of which no mehican deserves
I'd really like to purchase one of these in my lifetime. But it seems MEH can't get their servers working any time these come out, and that is beyond disappointing.
Grrrrr! The captcha only gave me a check mark, no numbers to enter. Green loading bar forever, then timed out. Wouldn't let me recheck the box, and then the site went down. Must sleep, but don't want to miss out on the Fuku!
Meh made me really sad this morning.. I finally had a chance at a bag and the server is on the fritz. A fat lot of God that extra hour and a half of sleep would have done me though.
Stupid thing wouldn't work. Been trying since 11pm central. Almost was there. Little green bar was moving across the screen. Almost purchased, then fail. Big fail...... Would not ever load back up. Guess it views me as a robot. meh. :(
Uch, never got confirmation, not in my orders, but a pending charge for $10 (which makes sense since I was trying from laptop and phone) from stripe.com, which is apparently meh? Don't know what to think.
Maybe it bothers me more than it should... Ok it actually bothers me a lot.
When I hear people trying to get multiple Fuku's per household with dozens of tabs refreshing, complaining on social media to the above effect about server issues.
Is it allowed? I suppose and know some good people here have husband/wife accounts. I just feel however if they limit goods to 3 in general to prevent hoarding, it goes against that, but that is just Meh.
@Outofmymind I'm sure that explains a lot of why after two hours they only sold 230 some. Those people are basically launching a grassroots DOS attack.
@givemeyoursoul I have found a tab or 2 at most and let it run it's course without refresh is the best course, but ya people running tons of tabs and refreshing before it has timed out is just a basic dos attack when done by 40,000 people.
@Outofmymind You can only buy 1 fuku, not multiples. If they have multiple accounts I supposed they can get away with it. What I think they were doing was having multiple tabs open at once so that as each tab timed out they could hit refresh and always have at least one tab not timed out to be able to buy if the server came up.
@Kidsandliz Eh? No, the limit was 2, as I found out by accident when trying in multiple tabs in parallel to try and possibly catch the right second when the servers would actually take it. Two went through, the 3rd gave an error saying that I had already ordered 2.
@Kidsandliz Clearly, maybe it wasn't clear I was talking about people who have their account, a SO account, a son account, a daughter account and 5 more for the dogs. Several on this thread and others even said they logged into their wives/husbands account for a 2nd Fuku, or any other item for that matter. I hope they get neoprene coal.
@Outofmymind I missed it this time around, but my husband has his own account, and we both try for fukus. Why not? We're both customers, with VMP, who make independent purchases here. The fact that we share an address is really a non issue.
when the captcha fails and google thinks you're a robot, in firefox and chrome you can reload just the captcha (right click) which... holy hell mine just went through!!!
sorry.. which will let you keep it on the page but solve the robot problem
Got to the order screen again...green bar going again and again and again and again and again and again...thinking of hiring a robot since I will be useless at work tomorrow!
I...think I just...got one! Order confirmed. No friggin way! I seriously never thought this would happen, even if it's a frozen dog turd, this is the happiest day of my life! Sorry dear kids and wife but I must be honest with myself.
@zxinfinity Why, both of course. The sheer joy of anticipation, the shivers of joy between the time you get the package and when you actually get to open it, then the dull settling feeling, like checking a loosing lottery ticket, once you open it to find 5 crappy electronics cases, a crayon, and (at least!) a fuku bag.
@zxinfinity It's like buying a lottery ticket. You get all giddy at the thought of winning. Then they draw the numbers and you see what you got, 2 dollars.
@Nexar Last week I bought a $10 ticket, hadn't bought one in like 6 months. Was a $50 winner. Thought whooohoo, bought 5 more with it. Lost it all. Life is like a box of Cadbury Eggs, you never know which creme you are going to get.
I checked on the cat in the dog crate twice, changed his bedding once, went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack, posted on Facebook, checked email a couple of times. Then I got the green bar and then it kept telling me robots couldn't buy. I had a few browser windows open, finally got through.
Oh, seriously? I finally get it to load and it somehow sold out between when you got it fixed and the browser was able to get it? I should have been in bed right after the rollover. THANKS, MEH!
Yep. My order was actually processing, then the robot thing timed out and everything went to hell from there. Well, sigh, I just wasted two hours, no fuku, but at least it's over.
24 different tabs and a phone all going while my mom sat in the other room with 2 tabs trying the same. It paid off for the both of us didn't it @iluvmingos ?
@JonT I waited two hours, went to the bathroom, and the server came up and sold out in that one minute. I am so sad. Please take pity on my soul. Please.
I had it ordered TWICE - once just after 12 and once more 2 minutes ago and in both cases the "captcha" session expired and I could not re-check it so I had to reload. Not a happy camper but congrats to those that snagged one.
@ilovereality when my captcha expired and I had to reload, after a couple of passes through the green status bar it said that I had already bought it. So check your account.
@hammi99 you do know that if you will be dying shortly there is a line to inherit your fuku… best rewrite your will now to bequeath it so there isn't a fight over it.
verbose-dingy-pump My order was successful but then the site said sold out right after. Now I'm scared they'll take away what's rightfully mine! Don't you take this from me, meh!
I got through the order process and had the endlessly refreshing status bar on two computers. I had given up on both and kept refreshing and hearing funhouse versions of "Something Went Terribly Wrong." My iPad got conscripted into the battle. Then I thought to check meh.com/orders and saw that one of the orders had gone through! I took another swig of my Rojo Bianco and then took the After photo. I wonder what will get here first, my fukubukuro #4 or my 30 Built NY sleeves.
@Kidsandliz I'm guessing it's a hidden (mounted to the monitor?) Mac Mini. Also, @SSteve glad I'm not the only one who likes a portrait oriented monitor.
WTF?!?!?! tried for almost 2 hours and wasnt working all of a sudden it works and goes from 200 something purchases to 1000 something and mine doesnt go through..... you guys suck! :.(
This was by far the most frustrating experience ever. Sold out yet I have been trying to purchase since 12 EST! And yet my 2 hours of non-stop trying leads me to NOTHING. Meh does not describe this feeling I have :(
@unixrab They say such is in the eye of the beholder. Bad news could imply we all hate you, but you made your second purchase. It could also imply we all love you and you didn't manage to get a Fuku. Despite what you deem bad news to be, and my disagreements with you in the past, I would not call either bad news. So what is the good news?
@unixrab missing the f. I suppose congrats then. I do wonder and people have asked before, if you hate all the offerings at Meh, what is in the random bag that you like? Are you a collector of bags, or maybe you have a leak frog fetish.
@unixrab Congratulations and I think you left a letter off your URL. (Sorry for the redundancy. The other comments got posted while I was reading. But that doesn't change my sentiments.)
@SSteve@2many2no@outofmymind Thanks all - I saw the missing f when I posted it... and thought about fixing it, but I decided not to, so only the very offended would take the time to add the "f" and be whisked away to gif land. @outofmymind : I don't hate all the offerings at meh...just 99.4% of them....SO FAR I hang around for the Fuku's and in the hopes that as meh.com ramps up to a million users... the deals will start ROLLING IN To further clarify by way of analogy: I deem Fuku's like powerball tickets... (only way easier to win and way LESS return on my investment). I play the game for $5 and if I win something cool.. fine...but the $$ was just for the entertainment. value - anything more is considered bonus fun.
I have been trying to buy for almost 2 hours!! I never knew what people were taking about with these bags and now I have a chance to get them and your servers are all fucked up! I finally....get somewhere...just to the damn forum?? What the hell?? I'm so sick of the damn somthing went terribly wrong song! I wanted to buy at least 2 of these damn things! I upgraded to VMP status for what....to not be able to buy anything?? It's almost 1am central time. I need some damn sleep!! I have to work in the morning! Get your shit together Meh!! PLEASE!!!
@RogerWilco@capguncowboy@2many2no...more like the tears of an overwoked, underpaid single working mom on very little sleep!! who's only dream is one of those damn bags ;-)...is a bag too much to ask for??? haha
@SSteve helps a little...still sleep deprived...I don't drink coffee, time to start!! Now I just ne Meh to sell coffee...that I cannot buy becuase the servers will be messed up..yet again!! haha
Mine finally came to the order page after almost 2 hours, but then after trying the Captcha about 20 times, I finally got one right.. and then it said they were all sold out :( Pretty disappointed!
@jayman007 The only redeeming factor for me is this.. I live on the east coast, but currenltly I'm in LA for work, and working nights.. so I had only been awake for a few hours when the deal was posted, and I didn't lose any sleep in that 2 hours of trying.. It just gave me something to do for my hours before work.. haha
This is bullshit. Meh, fix your shit. Every fucking time this thing goes up everyone in California flocks and breaks it. No one wants to buy your JBL speakers. Just figure out how to actually keep your servers up for one item launch.
Well, it shows up in my orders. I hope that means I actually got one. I didn't get the confirmation screen. 3 windows and 1 Iphone later, I might have one?? Of course this is my third purchase from meh, this week... My wife is not going to be happy about this.
Tried for almost two hours, kept re-directing me because I was trying to sign in via Amazon. Finally it works, and then it shits me out to the main page where it says sold out.
I was so hopeful after proving I wasn't a robot a half dozen times. I even got the sliding green bar a few times. All I'm lacking is a fuku. Well, a fuku and sleep.
@jont Well, site came back up, and I get an order screen. Click the "I'm not a robot", and it's SOLD OUT! sigh Sad considering how long it sat at the green bar at 12:01am, before sadly timing out!
After 1 hour and 53 minutes I finally got my inconsistent-circular-rainstorm. Now I can finally go to sleep! Yay for sleep deprivation and fukubukuro bags!
Wow. I tried for almost 2 hours and kept getting Somehting is terribly wrong song ....your damn servers messed up now it's sold out? Almost 2 hours i couldve been sleeping!! Real nice. How was anyone even abke to buy anything? ? Here in IL we got the fucking shaft!! So much for VMP status! !
So, I waited, and waited, I clicked reload, I restarted my browser, I babysat the whole thing, and a few minutes ago, it unstuck and gave me a purchase page. I said I wasn't a robot and hit the purchase button and got a sliding green bar...and a "sold out." And now, I am sad.
Honestly, I don't even need the stuff, which I suspect would be fairly "Meh." It's just that I'd love to have the nice red Fukubukuro bag itself. You know, I love you enough to have purchased 3x30 BuiltNY bags. But even before that, I loved you all enough to have hand-knitted you a cunning little hat. A. Cunning. Little. Hat.
Perhaps we could come to an understanding about the bag? There might be another hat in it for yall. Or maybe something nice from Gallifrey One, the big Who convention happening in a few weeks. I'll be there. I know the Tiki Dalek personally. (Seriously! Google it!)
I got the second bag, it was one of my first orders, and my friends were jealous, and looked forward to the next fuku sale. The third bag rolled around (the Theme song bag) and I got another, but all of my friends failed. This bag rolls around, and I snagged it again, with all of my friends trying and failing. I am known to hang out with some mediocre people, but it is go to know that among them, I am the most mediocre, and deserving of random crap.
With all the negativity over people that want a bunch of junk, just wanted to say thanks guys! Missed the last one as it rolled over and managed to break on through this time. Even when it doesn't go my way, it's always a fun time and I'm very much looking forward to the eventual reveal thread.
Well that sucks. Placed my order at midnight and got stuck in greenbar hell, then timed out. Many browsers on my PC, tablet and phone, more greenbar hell, 2 hours later it's sold-out and I am fuku-less. Well, still didn't get the last fuku delivered yet so maybe it's just as well. Major bummer.
I'm wondering now that it is 2AM who at MEH will write me a note for work so that when I walk in late my boss understands and doesn't give me any SHIT.
UNACCEPTABLE. I spent 1 hour and 55 minutes reloading every 10 minutes. Suddenly the site works and everything is sold out.
Now I am 100% serious here: if the founders of Meh think this is sustainable business model they are mistaken. If you can't provide sufficient infrastructure or product in the future, you will lose me as a customer. It is not acceptable to offer a product to hundreds of thousands of people if you have six in stock and your server is a Commodore VIC 20.
Worse yet is, that I paid for a VMP membership but I can't actually buy anything. Why am I paying for free shipping if there is no product to buy? Someone give me the name of a competitor. Copywriting be damned, I can't give these people my money.
@Michaelforman Groupon is a competitor. And @snapster already sold the previous incarnation of this "unsustainable" business model for $110 million. Which reminds me: Woot is also a competitor. Maybe you'll have better luck getting a Bindle of Cucarachas from them.
@SSteve Thank you much! I Just made a large purchase on Woot. I have to say, I like shopping a lot more than playing lottery-like games. I didn't realise that's what Meh was like. I think these other sites are more my speed. Thanks.
@lisaviolet Of course you're not. Thank God you're not. I just wanted you to see me waving to Michael. That's what you get for tagging me, former goat. I think you enjoy it a little too much. ;-p
I was on order page and confirmed that I wasnt a robot, but the button at the bottom that usually says "order this thing already" ( or something like that) was MISSING. So I could only stare at the order page with no way to complete the order. Oh Meh, you are cruel !!!
@JonT I will write you Haikus. I will put meh stickers around Princeton's campus. I waited two hours, went to the bathroom for a second, and the order was gone. Please have mercy on me. Please.
@theco2 It would take a crazy server at insane costs to handle 25,000 people, most of whom are refreshing every second a dozen tabs instead of just letting 1 tab do it's job. It is cost prohibitive for something they are basically giving away to begin with. Maybe it's just me.
@Outofmymind No it's not just you, but people with little understanding of cost vs benefits have been making the same complaints ever since the second BOC.
@kuoh That is true. I do remember what it felt like to fail getting them for years on end , but I don't recall every being quite so mad as some seem. Then again I can't remember what I had for breakfest but I know Tony Stark had gluten free waffles.
@MzSooze I was on my touchpad right at midnight (well, nine) and got right in, order page came up, filled in the I'm not a robot thing and never got the green bar. While I was waiting on that, I turned on the PC and had to try for another hour and forty-five minutes before I lucked out.
Am I the only person hoping to get a couple BuiltNY sleeves? I actually was debating that one before common sense made me realize I had nowhere to put 30 BuiltNY sleeves. But I'm happy for a bag.
Tried for 2 hours on 3 devices ...sorry there are no more...actually thought I might finally get a bag for once. Time to cancel vmp and say goodbye/ meh
@kolme I'm almost positive my Nana has a better server than Meh. This seems to be a reoccuring issue as well. I seem to remember the servers having a stroke during the Christmas VMP giveaway as well. A few times before that too.
The last time I tried this (fu buck aroo), I was rejected, but then got shipped a BoC anyway, so go figure, you're able to hold your breath only so long, right?...
Man, such hate from some people. Gives me a sad. I know I wouldn't do fun stuff I didn't have to if the people I was doing it for cussed me because of their sense of entitlement.
Thank you, Meh, for letting us play the fuku game!
@djslack You should see people on Daily Steals complain when they didn't get picked for a 1 in 5000 reserve item. Then call it rigged. That always makes me laugh.
I refreshed the main page, a page that was the checkout page in two windows, and this forum page, as well as reply back to the hello@mediocre.com email that sent that newsletter yesterday and a guess @jont email which i guessed was jont@mediocre.com and it didn't come back as return to sender so I hope he got my wonderful email about defecating myself and in the end my persistance paid off with my third fuku which hopefully isn't as meh as the 2nd but I am going to expect less so no matter what its better then what I thought
@bakerzdosen What browser do you use? It would be funny if it turns out that e.g. Chrome notices when you post to pages and sends the URL to a spider to put in the queue...
I'm guessing the Fukus were sold out a while ago... It just took 76 minutes to parse the sales.
Also, I love people who feel entitled to get one of these bags, not understanding that thousands or other people feel the same way. Supply does not always match demand. When thousands of people want to do the same thing on a website, you're going to get slowdown. Don't blame Meh's servers... Blame Meh's popularity.
@BillLehecka Nope. Looks like a lot of people bought when I did, a little after quarter to 1, from the posts here. But yeah, I thought there'd at least be 1,700 of them, since that would be 1% of Meh's population.
@BillLehecka I definitely didn't get my order in until right before sellout... I put a batch of brownies in the oven at 11:08 and thought "well, let's check meh" and it's been downhill ever since.
I actually thought they were playing a game... Set all the servers to mining fukucoin at realtime priority, roll over the new item, let fuku sale run all day without a sellout at a rate of one sale every two minutes or so... Lol
@BillLehecka maybe but don’t think so. almost 2 hours of checking but not able to place order until 1:52, sold out @1:53. only about 260 orders made it thru before 1:50 (at least according to the homepage) then the servers came back up fully or enough to handle the load, then gone in minutes
About an hour in I finally saw the purchase pop up but needed to scroll down and accidentally clicked on the meh page in the background and poof, purchase pop up was gone... Luckily I was able to snag one when the servers came back an hour later but feature request @JonT, can you guys make it so you have to click an "X" or cancel button for the purchase pop up to go away so this doesn't happen again?
With 150k+ members, 1143 Fukus and around 2000 clicked meh, no matter how fast Meh can get their servers and the internets to run, there will always be potentially 147k+ guaranteed Fuku-less members. Quit the whining and hope for better luck next time or go buy some lottery tickets with the $5 you saved.
YAY! I managed to get one right before it sold out. All I have to say is after buying 30 of the neoprene sleeves I better not get another box full of them. haha.
I am very sad. I am not a robot, Meh. No fuku; fukmi. Seriously, that's messed up, I got all the way to the buy it button before it crashed and then never went through. I honestly just want the bag, I don't really care if there's anything in it.
Gosh dang. My buddy invited me out to have a beer. I checkin' my beer on the Untappd app, and another buddy replies "Meh Fuku" to my beer checkin. THAT is how I find out about it. Too late though. First fuku I missed. I hate my life.
Hey @snapster By the way, you get a free pass on having mediocre hosting on Fuku days!!!:) If it were a regular day and the servers were slow i'm sure i'd be letting you know, lol.
....... I stayed up.... yet the fucking thing said checked out and all set. Then no orders in the account page. I was excited and now I'm just disappointed. Fuck California.
I sat here refreshing from 12:01 to 2:10am and finally got through the damn captcha and then I still get a sold out message and no order? This is so much worse then fucking up the ceramic mugs right before Christmas. Basically between this and the knives selling out in 2 hours it's starting to feel like you don't care how frustrated we end up so long as you hit your numbers.
Do I feel like a valued customer now? Nope. And it sucks knowing there won't be any sort of attempt to make up for this and offer a second item for those who loyally sat for two hours only to watch your site shit the bed. But hey, you got a Twitter song, so that's something.
If your goal was to take me from feeling excited at being a part of something, at being the kind of customer who enjoys the kind of site that does something like the possum head chronicles, to feeling foolish and frustrated -- congrats, because you succeeded. Who knows maybe my frustration will dissipate tomorrow...or maybe I just become apathetic altogether and simply stop bothering with Meh. But hey, you'll still hit your numbers so who cares about one disgruntled customer right?
@Superjimtendo what ever made you think you were a valued customer? they're here to sell stuff, make money, and experiment to amuse themselves. You have the wrong idea.
@Superjimtendo "But hey, you'll still hit your numbers so who cares about one disgruntled customer right?" Congrats on understanding how business works in the last line of your entitlement hissy fit. Why should they make it up to you because you sat in front of your computer screen for 2 hours? I didn't see the you get extra shit if we sell out disclaimer posted anywhere. Nothing was promised, people need to stop throwing tantrums about sold out items. Do these same people throw a kicking and screaming fit when a store doesn't have an item they wanted?
@wyk3d Superjimtendo is a subscribed member. He is entitled to purchase product. If the company cannot supply product then what is the purpose of a VMP? Is this a game site with a tough-luck attitude or is it an actual shopping site?
@Michaelforman Pretty sure Meh is that first part. Meh is as much if not less of a shopping site as the Pay-to-Win stores on MMOs. But it's kinda more Win-to-Pay.
Methinks somewhere there's a pesky North Korean waiting by his mailbox for a Fukubukuro that was supposed to have my name on it. You guys are just as lame as Sony and CENTCOM.
Threads where people get irrationally upset annoy me, but they also make me happy I'm no longer working in retail.
I knew I had a slim chance of getting a bag, but I made my choice. If only having a tiny chance to get a bag of unknown junk for $5 wasn't worth staying up for, YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE TO BED. There's no way you didn't know thousands of people were doing the same thing as you and that there was only a limited supply.
@pcsdlszr I finally got to do this week's Nightfall last night (stupid Walker thing). I was going to watch the sale or work, but the crash was actually the perfect opportunity for me to play.
Ugh, this makes me sad. I tried to get a fuku for a full half hour last night. Couldn't complete the order. Then, I couldn't even get into the forum to complain. :(
I can't be mad at Meh, but I got the biggest middle finger from the site last night.
I opened it on my phone at 11pm CST to see a shiny fukubukuro just waiting to be purchased. I made it to the checkout and stumbled over the new Google witchcraft captcha and had to resubmit. After about 15 terrible seconds of watching the green bar fill up, it says "something went terribly wrong"!
Now the site is crashing and I can't try again. So I try for nearly 2 hours to reach the checkout screen. Suddenly, at 12:57am, I get in! I notice my office address needed an update and that forced me to reenter my credit card, costing me unknown vital seconds. I press buy and get "sold out while you were checking out".
I've never been so defeated. I then had to go to sleep knowing I might have had a chance if I had just skipped the address and paid immediately. But, maybe it bothers me more than it should.
East coaster here. Clicked at midnight and I thought I would be an adult and stay up until the servers came back on line. So I tried until 1:15AM E and then gave up. I guess I'm still a kid. Nice of you to apologize on Twitter early though....
The last 4 things I tried to buy were sold out within an hour (or a few minutes) of going up for sale. IF 99% of your potential paying customers are turned away because you have nothing up for sale, would that not be considered a flaw in most business models? At this rate, I am not seeing any benefit in continuing a membership for free shipping past the free trial period.
The sold out button should link to a video/song: "You want it... you can't get it... you want it... you can't get it... you want it... you can't get it. You're so sad... we're so sad. You want it... you can't get it. meh."
I tried for an hour and a bit and had to go to bed. Woke up thirty minutes after falling asleep, checked meh on my tablet, and it had sold out. So irritating.
Got one at 12:00 on the dot. Then spent the next hour trying to get into the forums. Woke up to a significant amount of butthurt on the forums. Meh. Everyone knows, or should know, that there are only going to be about 1,000 or so FukUs that 50,000 people are going to try to get. Hardware issues aside, there were going to be 49,000 disappointed people. I'm not sure where the sense of entitlement is coming from. I've only been coming here for like 3 months, but it was pretty clear from day 1:
Limited quantities at bargain sub-basement prices
Shit goes on sale at 12AM ET
Good shit sells out
No one has an advantage (except for maybe people that have multiple computers at their disposal to make parallel requests.)
If I didn't get one was I going to lose sleep? No. At this point my primary reason for getting one is the fun of the competition.
I got to the order screen right at midnight super pumped. Clicked buy got green progress bar for 5 minutes before it gave me an error that "something went wrong" Tried again and it was a massive fail of refreshing for 30 minutes before I went to bed unhappy. What could have been an awesome first Fuku for me turned out very meh...
Once again failing to win a Fuku brings out the bitterness in the "entitled." They're gonna take their five bucks and never shop here again! Suck it up assholes! The world doesn't rotate around you! I didn't get one either and my life has not been ruined. Next up, the Fuku winners who whine about the horrible stuff they got for five bucks.
@Teripie As a BOC veteran, the disappointment in missing them makes finally getting them so much sweeter. As to whining about horrible stuff, I'm a hoarder so stuff is never horrible. Whoop!
@joelmw you'll get no sympathy from me goat... take it like a goat! It's your fault you weren't here and it's your fault the system wasn't working and it's your fault the servers crashed and it's your fault the forum <li> command is messed up and it's your fault for @jont
@Thumperchick@Kidsandliz Thanks. They were just looking--and not because there was anything especially wrong. Indeed, I'm in a pool for a drug test and it may turn out that I'm too healthy (well, for someone with my disease, for the purposes of testing this fancy new enzyme). I'm not sure whether I should be hoping that I'm just sick enough or not. ;-) More fundamentally, I was just trying to fend of @unixrab. A fool's errand if there ever was.
@unixrab It's my fault. Taking it. Such a horrible thing that your silly command isn't working. Speaking of whining. I would happily take the blame for @JonT, but that belongs to his parents and himself, I think. Do go ahead and blame me, though. Yaknow, I was looking for an appropriate picture, and I stumbled across Varys. Unfortunately, there's very little that you two have in common. You could stand to learn a thing or two from him, IMGO.
@joelmw If I'm any game of thrones character.... I'm
Tyrion is pretty much universally despised for telling people stuff that they don't want to hear.....he's definitely the "troll" of the small council ...and machiavellian Though no where near as machiavellian as Littlefinger. As for Varys .. I'm happy to keep my "root & stem thank you very much!
@unixrab It's hard not to love Tyrion. But in his defense, he quite often holds his tongue. Not begging any comparisons, mind you. Just throwing that out there. ;-)
@unixrab I figure you more for Jamie Lannister - you start out as an insufferable ass, but show yourself to be more than a one trick pony, with depth and intelligence that is easily missed on the first pass. I hope that's reading as a compliment, because I mean it that way. If someone only sees your product posts, it's easy to miss the rest, but the rest makes the product posts much less irritating.
@Thumperchick Total compliment... I considered it before I posted, even asked my wife about it... and Jaime came up, but he gets way to ...uh... sentimental or soft as things progress in the books/HBO series... I'm just not that way. Tyrion pisses off a lot of people and he's just saying what's there... That being said.. if there was a morph of Tyrion, Twyin & Jaime that's probably be close. @joelmw I know everyone who watches the series loves Tyrion...I wasn't talking about us as the viewers... I was seeing it through the eyes of Tywin, Geoffrey, The Hound, Aria, Sansa, Cercie Catlyn, Rob, Ned et al. How they see and interact with Tyrion.
@jeffdoh No, no, it's Bath.
i cant purchase either :(
:( First Razer shit the bed, now Meh.
Please raise MaxClients and ServerLimit.
mysterious-distracting-engine OOOOOHHHHH YEA BABY!!!!! got the fuku#3 and got a
@ehanda wow, i wish i could english
I would have had an extra half a minute for it to go through if it hadn't taken forever to load SOUNDCLOUD. I got the green processing bar, but it failed. Then the new robot captcha refused to reactivate and I never got back to the payment screen again. : (
@darksaber99999 Right there with you. Mobile and computer both not working.
@darksaber99999 same here. stupid captcha.
@darksaber99999 Check meh.com/orders. I had the same experience and it turned out my order went through.
@darksaber99999 same here... the green bar gave me false hope, but at least I gave it a good try.
I love purple.
Still trying to buy...
The server is really shitting the bed this time.
I blame @zacatac and all of the other eastcoasters.
I got the stupid robot button at 12:00 and NOTHING. This sucks.
I pinky swear I'm not a robot...now shut up and take my money!!!!!
Managed to click the robot checkbox, got the moving green bar. Then timeout! :D
I like purple.
More people have clicked meh than have bought a fuku.
@JazzyJosh It takes the meh, but not the buy it.
If this doesn't get my order through I don't know what will... BATH!
got one right at roll over!!! who hoo.....!
Yeah, clicking the BUY IT button just makes my screen dim. No joy. ;^;
It's not sold out yet, so please put me down for one. Got past the captcha at 12:00 on the dot, but then just never got the confirmation. Thank you.
Also you mention the Penny Arcade Fukubukaru, here is mine from them.
I never saw the confirmation screen but then after a few minutes of waiting I checked the "my orders" page there it was. Success!
@boc Same here. shivering-noted-bobcat Woo-Hoo!!
I blame the capatcha
@WilhelmScreamer the captch screwed me over too I think - order was processing - then it timed out and the captcha unchecked - then I clicked without checking it again - THEN the whole orderr stopped.... :(
@ilovereality Same here. :(
@ilovereality Same here, so I went to orders and low and behold, there was an order number. That was hours ago and the cold medicine is not helping, plus I'm on the east coast, but I seem to recall that the order number involved vampires or dracula
Tried for an hour and a half, just stops working. Not good meh....
Got there when this was a thing but that damn captcha got me too... damn captcha...

poignant-aggressive-cherry! Right at the change... Just now made it into the forum......
WTF, can't buy. I'm on east coast and woke up because 2 year old woke up and I want to go back to bed!!!!
Been trying since it rolled over. Was really looking forward to getting one. Been trying for almost two hours. Would really like one.
I WANT ITTTTTTTTTT.........sadmonkey...
Bag of meh? Nonetheless, I would like to order one.
Ma asked why I'm shouting in the basement. I supplied Meh's contact info. Sorry.
I can get into the forums but no the order page... Go figure
I even penned a poem for them:
Fukubukuro 4, a new hope: #fukubukuro
There I sat, all broken hearted
The fukubukuru I waited for had finally started
I refreshed the page, my cache it was cleared
Four devices were tried, Irk he just sneered
Even my cookies and page history was cleared.
So what should I do from my CST home?
Should I stay up for hours endlessly refreshing the page
Or go to bed "early" and give up at this stage?
I want this red bag with it's contents unknown
More fodder for the next mehrican exchange of my own.
A JBL speaker dock may be the best I could wish for
Or possibly more readers or Neoprene cases galore
But maybe I'll be the "lucky" recipient
of a castoff from Mehquarters from the desk of a flask
and maybe a paper bag insctuction set for my very own irk mask.
Oh how I want to purchase this offering today
The servers refuse to play nice anyway
And so I shall sit here and bemoan my luck
for my job down on Beltline starts before the suns rises
Meh may you have luck in fixing your site...and toss me a bone for my phrases???
@tightwad N-i-i-i-ce. Good luck!
@tightwad HEre is the short version of your poem: ------------------ Here you sat all broken hearted ……………….…All meh did was $#%&@ farted ……………….…The server died, nothing sold ……………….…Really meh? This is gettin' old
@tightwad That being said, despite the endless refresh green bar and then a timed out error message I managed to get one. I was very lucky.
I love purple.
I want one still!
@shortman did you get one?
damn, im still trying and nada. this east coaster is fixing to retire.
@jont bath me with a fuku please no matter the amount of times I click buy the checkout window never appears thats just cruel and unusual punishment of which no mehican deserves
A few more people have managed to order...why not me??? Why not the CST guys!
I'd really like to purchase one of these in my lifetime. But it seems MEH can't get their servers working any time these come out, and that is beyond disappointing.
uughh... I have tried since it went up and captcha. F5 key can't handle this torture no moe'
Wow when I have problems just trying to comment into the forums, you know their servers are fried.
C'mon, troops. Get in there! Maybe they won't sell out now that Meh has broken the pattern.
Dammit! I'm not a robot. I'M NOT A ROBOT! /sob
Grrrrr! The captcha only gave me a check mark, no numbers to enter. Green loading bar forever, then timed out. Wouldn't let me recheck the box, and then the site went down. Must sleep, but don't want to miss out on the Fuku!
@anabsa I will bet five bucks you got one. Check meh.com/orders
I love purple.
I keep on going, so obsessed,
won't give F5 the slightest rest.
Almost 2 hours and still not able to get through. An update would be AWESOME.
This sucks, I can't stay up any longer.
I'm starting to think that Meh's goal is to see how far we will go before we break from the pressure.
Almost two hours in and I've only gotten one green bar of death (with the Captcha that eventually timed out.)
Edit: Just as I type that, I get two more green bar of death opportunities. Here goes nothing...
Meh made me really sad this morning.. I finally had a chance at a bag and the server is on the fritz. A fat lot of God that extra hour and a half of sleep would have done me though.
Stupid thing wouldn't work. Been trying since 11pm central. Almost was there. Little green bar was moving across the screen. Almost purchased, then fail. Big fail...... Would not ever load back up. Guess it views me as a robot. meh. :(
@SSGoten Appears to be working now, if you haven't got one yet. Be swift and may your button fly straight.
@Outofmymind nope. Sold out.
I love purple.
Uch, never got confirmation, not in my orders, but a pending charge for $10 (which makes sense since I was trying from laptop and phone) from stripe.com, which is apparently meh? Don't know what to think.
Maybe it bothers me more than it should... Ok it actually bothers me a lot.
When I hear people trying to get multiple Fuku's per household with dozens of tabs refreshing, complaining on social media to the above effect about server issues.
Is it allowed? I suppose and know some good people here have husband/wife accounts. I just feel however if they limit goods to 3 in general to prevent hoarding, it goes against that, but that is just Meh.
@Outofmymind I'm sure that explains a lot of why after two hours they only sold 230 some. Those people are basically launching a grassroots DOS attack.
@givemeyoursoul I have found a tab or 2 at most and let it run it's course without refresh is the best course, but ya people running tons of tabs and refreshing before it has timed out is just a basic dos attack when done by 40,000 people.
@givemeyoursoul If by "Those people" you mean literally everyone trying to get on at once, then yes.
@Outofmymind You can only buy 1 fuku, not multiples. If they have multiple accounts I supposed they can get away with it. What I think they were doing was having multiple tabs open at once so that as each tab timed out they could hit refresh and always have at least one tab not timed out to be able to buy if the server came up.
@Kidsandliz Eh? No, the limit was 2, as I found out by accident when trying in multiple tabs in parallel to try and possibly catch the right second when the servers would actually take it. Two went through, the 3rd gave an error saying that I had already ordered 2.
@michabailey No, the limit is 1. One of your orders will be cancelled just like with @chillface. Brace yourself.
@Kidsandliz Clearly, maybe it wasn't clear I was talking about people who have their account, a SO account, a son account, a daughter account and 5 more for the dogs. Several on this thread and others even said they logged into their wives/husbands account for a 2nd Fuku, or any other item for that matter. I hope they get neoprene coal.
@Outofmymind I missed it this time around, but my husband has his own account, and we both try for fukus. Why not? We're both customers, with VMP, who make independent purchases here. The fact that we share an address is really a non issue.
Yay! got the order page! now just waiting for the green bar to stop bar-ing.
I like purple.
mine keeps telling me its the wrong password :(
when the captcha fails and google thinks you're a robot, in firefox and chrome you can reload just the captcha (right click) which...
holy hell mine just went through!!!
sorry.. which will let you keep it on the page but solve the robot problem
Yeah, that's about right.
@jason LOL
I got one. I feel irrationally happy about this. Cheer up sucker! One minute before sellout. I feel way too happy about getting random stuff.
didactic-valiant-bison
According to the picture, this fuku came from the moon!
Got to the order screen again...green bar going again and again and again and again and again and again...thinking of hiring a robot since I will be useless at work tomorrow!
@tightwad YAY!!! relevant-fertile-corsair
@tightwad - No! you promised no robots! (and congrats).
@tightwad ...so the poetry paid off!
@2many2no only because it helped me stay awake a bit longer
I like purple.
Holy moly that deserves a risky-agonizing-sandwich after that wait
woo, finally!
webbed-boorish-snow. What did I just let myself in for?
@Durago think of it like a gift from you to you, you never know what youre gonna get(fuku bag is in most orders though)
woo hoo! Got one, my first-- after much reloading. Glad my free VMP was able to have its cherry popped for such a questionable purchase. ;)
I like purple.
@Barney Don't you mean love? What is this like thing?
@MEHcus @Barney has moods just like anyone else. See?
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes pudgy-vapid-roof GOT IT AFTER 1:30 HOURS OF CLICKING THE BUY IT BUTTON!!!!!! errr.... I mean.... meh... what ever
Finally, success! Keep trying everyone!
I...think I just...got one! Order confirmed. No friggin way! I seriously never thought this would happen, even if it's a frozen dog turd, this is the happiest day of my life! Sorry dear kids and wife but I must be honest with myself.
boastful-smoggy-necromancer: I guess they're proud to have brought the servers back from the dead.
Meh! I finally made it in here
dizzy-subdued-lark - be gentle, it's my first time. i can't wait to be completely under-whelmed!
@mitchkramez i forgot to include the image... it was late...
Ahh! Finally got it to work!!!!
first meh, first #fukubukuro, am i in for a treat or complete and total disappointment?
@zxinfinity yes!
@zxinfinity Why, both of course. The sheer joy of anticipation, the shivers of joy between the time you get the package and when you actually get to open it, then the dull settling feeling, like checking a loosing lottery ticket, once you open it to find 5 crappy electronics cases, a crayon, and (at least!) a fuku bag.
@zxinfinity It's like buying a lottery ticket. You get all giddy at the thought of winning. Then they draw the numbers and you see what you got, 2 dollars.
@Nexar Last week I bought a $10 ticket, hadn't bought one in like 6 months. Was a $50 winner. Thought whooohoo, bought 5 more with it. Lost it all. Life is like a box of Cadbury Eggs, you never know which creme you are going to get.
Got it!

cheap-old-pleasure
What an appropriate order number.
thanks guys! east coaster signin off
movable-gawky-carbon YESSSSSSS! FINALLY!!!!

@a Loving your link.
@a me three
Got through, finally! My order number includes "discouraged hamster," which is how I was feeling. Running in the endless wheel...
And soldout already...dayum!
They gone
It only makes me want it more.
Hail to the king, baby.
BTW, order placed at 12:01. Didn't have to wait long. Sorry to those that did.
I'm depressed now. :(
Sat and tried until now, and it says sold out. bleh!!
outstanding-hesitant-tulip at 1:51 am et. for a while there i was dodging invisible jabs. i never even had to enter recaptcha numbers.

@JazzyJosh wow you actually made it to the it worked screen, that's rare even if you do get one.
Tried continually for over an hour and fifty minutes before I got one!
peculiar-discouraged-hornet. Never give up. Strangely calm but screaming inside. (oops. Just sold out. You unfortunate robots can give up now)
113 minutes later ... :)
wtf, after trying for 2 hours and now it says my zip code doesn't match. what the fuck
Yessssssssssssssss. I even managed to sneak in a Taco Bell run to compound my poor life choices.
Got something, hope it was worth the hour of hitting ctrl R over and over again
After almost two hours, I got my guiltless-irreverent-amusement for the night. Woo... I mean, meh.
I think I got one! Unless the fukubukuro is a lie >__>
The site finally loaded just in time for it to tell me it was out when I clicked the final purchase button.
@dubloe7 Same here. Clicked purchase and said it was sold out. Bummed.
Woohoo! detailed-replete-woodpecker
I'm a natty python, apparently. My staying up an extra two hours paid off, I guess. Time to get some sleep!
Just happened to wake up. Had browsers running on both my iPad and iMac and...........BOOYAH!!! Now back to bed.
argh. went to pay after trying for an hour and a half and then it said sold out.
Got it! Worked on refreshing and getting things working for almost two hours, but I'm sure it will be worth it. I mean this is Meh, right?
Gruesome-burgundy-spy! Yay! Took a helluva long time but finally got one! Oh wait...meh!
I love purple.
Whew! I feel like I really earned this one. Thank you, meh, for all of your hard work to make this happen.
Now, if I can just avoid that "other thing", I'll be so happy.
Accidentally got two... meh, I'll take 'em both, one for each of the hours I spent hearing Irk tell me something went terribly, terribly wrong.
Wait, where will I put them when my 3x 30 packs of Built NY neoprene sleeves come in?!
@chillface Friendly advice: don't get too excited. They'll probably cancel one.
@SSteve Why do you say that? I also ended up ordering 2, and then the third attempt told me that 2's the limit.
@SSteve You were right. They stole one from me. BUT WHY?!
@chillface Because one is the limit.
@SSteve I am so crying into my beer tonight over this.
I just sat here clicking for almost two fucking hours, and the minute the site works again it says sold out? Fucking bullshit,
wtf. site refused to let me buy anything and now it's sold out? WHY WON'T YOU TAKE MY MONEY????
@NervousPotato Because they took mine first. Cool handle, BTW.
Drat, I got as far as the order screen finally and then they were all gone. :( Oh well.
Going to be useless at work tomorrow, but 1 hour and 50 minutes later, I can say ghostly-nasty-bedroom!
@snichola wear your meh shirt to shirt, people will understand
Got one. If this isn't 150 Built NY sleeves shipped in another Built NY sleeve, I will be disappointed.
I checked on the cat in the dog crate twice, changed his bedding once, went to the kitchen and grabbed a snack, posted on Facebook, checked email a couple of times. Then I got the green bar and then it kept telling me robots couldn't buy. I had a few browser windows open, finally got through.
And it's way past my bedtime.
@lisaviolet Nighty-night!
I love purple.
Incredibly disappointed. Patiently waiting nearly two hours, and they're gone. :-(
Notorius-Vital-Scarecrow, nabbed one seconds before they were gone!
Sold out. Wowsers. exemplary-translucent-mead
Hardest I've ever worked to spend money. Please be extra super awesome. Like a Korean sign stuffed in a pillow or something equally fabulous.
Woohoo! Right under the radar!
Just happened to wake up. Had browsers running on both my iPad and iMac and...........BOOYAH!!! Now back to bed.
In for 1!
Oh, seriously? I finally get it to load and it somehow sold out between when you got it fixed and the browser was able to get it? I should have been in bed right after the rollover. THANKS, MEH!
Same here
Sold out by the time the checkout page finally loaded... meh.
Yep. My order was actually processing, then the robot thing timed out and everything went to hell from there. Well, sigh, I just wasted two hours, no fuku, but at least it's over.
@joelmw I blame @joe--- oh, wait. Nevermind.
@joelmw Have you checked meh.com/orders? I had similar symptoms and it turned out my order had gone through. I didn't even get a chance to blame you.
@SSteve Sigh. Yeah. No joy there.
Praise #yeesus
got one devious-annoyed-coyote
and sold out less than ten minutes after it started working again
Herrroooooo dere.....LET ME IN!!! I rike fo to pulchase fukubukuro. Why yew no rike fo me to buy?
24 different tabs and a phone all going while my mom sat in the other room with 2 tabs trying the same. It paid off for the both of us didn't it @iluvmingos ?
@Mj11jM Moms are the bestest!
@Mj11jM Yes, it did!
Got in at the last second, phew!
Congratulations North Dakota, you won, sold out and not one of you bought one :D
@mehybe I bet the two guys who live in North Dakota are kicking themselves
@OSUBrit I would guess we will not know until spring when SAR can go in and thaw them out.
Kept trying to click the captcha and finally got through... to sold
2 hours of refreshing and it sold out, cool.
Possessive-silent-twist explains my last 2 hours fairly well.
Got one after much refreshing. Just in time, too, apparently.
nurturing-late-form so apt!
@JonT I waited two hours, went to the bathroom, and the server came up and sold out in that one minute. I am so sad. Please take pity on my soul. Please.
I cant believe I stayed up this late to get the 'Sold out while you were ordering' message. Sad trombone
I had it ordered TWICE - once just after 12 and once more 2 minutes ago and in both cases the "captcha" session expired and I could not re-check it so I had to reload. Not a happy camper but congrats to those that snagged one.
@ilovereality when my captcha expired and I had to reload, after a couple of passes through the green status bar it said that I had already bought it. So check your account.
OMG i got one! i think i was the last because it was sold out right after i got it!!!!!!!! OMG, i can die in peace now.
@hammi99 you do know that if you will be dying shortly there is a line to inherit your fuku… best rewrite your will now to bequeath it so there isn't a fight over it.
fuckin bullshit
I am no longer a virgin. operative-insane-woodchuck.
@TimWalter Possum Head Chronicles Season 2 winner?
They like me. They really like me.
Goodnight, all!
fuck this site
well.. that was fun. bitter-abject-protest
My order was successful but then the site said sold out right after. Now I'm scared they'll take away what's rightfully mine! Don't you take this from me, meh!
Wow. That was close, managed to snag one.
I got through the order process and had the endlessly refreshing status bar on two computers. I had given up on both and kept refreshing and hearing funhouse versions of "Something Went Terribly Wrong." My iPad got conscripted into the battle. Then I thought to check meh.com/orders and saw that one of the orders had gone through! I took another swig of my Rojo Bianco and then took the After photo. I wonder what will get here first, my fukubukuro #4 or my 30 Built NY sleeves.
BTW, snarky-cranky-okra:
@SSteve Your computer stash photo is too funny. What kind of computer is the one with the big screen on the far right?
@Kidsandliz I'm guessing it's a hidden (mounted to the monitor?) Mac Mini. Also, @SSteve glad I'm not the only one who likes a portrait oriented monitor.
@SSteve Model-M keyboards FTW. You can thank me later.
@Kidsandliz @wilstev It's just an external monitor for the MacBook Pro. All my second monitors are portrait.
wrecked-glistening-afternoon wow crazy
Something went terribly right. I got one right before it being changed to sold out on the page.
2 hrs of trying to login... finally get to login once it sold out. bath-shit-taco-handstand
hell yea.....after 2 hours of refreshing on every device with every browser possible, I finally got it on using google chrome on my iphone
better be pretty crappy
Something went terribly wrong over and over and I ended up with nothing. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
wow that was messed up. Got stuck on "oops"
I got Fukued
@ksuwildkat Same here. And then, during the "Oops," it sold out.
didn't work tried for over 30 mins....
WTF?!?!?! tried for almost 2 hours and wasnt working all of a sudden it works and goes from 200 something purchases to 1000 something and mine doesnt go through.....
you guys suck! :.(
Meh. I guess it's finally time for bed
In right before the buzzer, apparently! My first fukubukuro. Ready to be disappointed...
VMP worth nothing
@joseongmin <---------this guy... (/gal?) I LIKE
Argh! Two hours of trying to buy and now it's gone.
damn it
it was too few.
i tried to buy fukubukuro about 1.5 hours, but I could't buy it.
Woo Hoo, people missed out and are pissed! Just like the good ol' days!
@BillLehecka Not all of us can be King BOC, but sometimes a few of us get lucky.
This was by far the most frustrating experience ever. Sold out yet I have been trying to purchase since 12 EST! And yet my 2 hours of non-stop trying leads me to NOTHING. Meh does not describe this feeling I have :(
Third straight time not getting a bag after being around since 9 PM Pacific. This is absurd.
I have "bad news"
@unixrab They say such is in the eye of the beholder. Bad news could imply we all hate you, but you made your second purchase. It could also imply we all love you and you didn't manage to get a Fuku. Despite what you deem bad news to be, and my disagreements with you in the past, I would not call either bad news. So what is the good news?
@Outofmymind eh....well...um..
so sorryhttp://media.giphy.com/media/11TByAFT5hDTQk/giphy.gi
@unixrab missing the f. I suppose congrats then. I do wonder and people have asked before, if you hate all the offerings at Meh, what is in the random bag that you like? Are you a collector of bags, or maybe you have a leak frog fetish.
@unixrab But yours cost an extra $5.00 BTW, your URL is missing an "f" but I'm never gonna give an f2u because I kinda like having you around.
@unixrab Congratulations and I think you left a letter off your URL. (Sorry for the redundancy. The other comments got posted while I was reading. But that doesn't change my sentiments.)
@SSteve @2many2no @outofmymind Thanks all - I saw the missing f when I posted it... and thought about fixing it, but I decided not to, so only the very offended would take the time to add the "f" and be whisked away to gif land. @outofmymind : I don't hate all the offerings at meh...just 99.4% of them....SO FAR I hang around for the Fuku's and in the hopes that as meh.com ramps up to a million users... the deals will start ROLLING IN To further clarify by way of analogy: I deem Fuku's like powerball tickets... (only way easier to win and way LESS return on my investment). I play the game for $5 and if I win something cool.. fine...but the $$ was just for the entertainment. value - anything more is considered bonus fun.
@unixrab
I have been trying to buy for almost 2 hours!! I never knew what people were taking about with these bags and now I have a chance to get them and your servers are all fucked up! I finally....get somewhere...just to the damn forum?? What the hell?? I'm so sick of the damn somthing went terribly wrong song! I wanted to buy at least 2 of these damn things! I upgraded to VMP status for what....to not be able to buy anything?? It's almost 1am central time. I need some damn sleep!! I have to work in the morning! Get your shit together Meh!! PLEASE!!!
@Purplefroggie sorry, i know it's frustrating, but I promise to think of you while i open my bags. both of them. Cheer up, sucker.
@capguncowboy your comments are sweet like the tears of children. mmmmm
@Purplefroggie we need to talk
@RogerWilco @capguncowboy like the tears of evil children after they get justly punished.
@Purplefroggie Look at the bright side: when you do get through they only let you buy one.
@purplefroggie this ol @capguncowboy he lie. You can only buy one!
@Kidsandliz unless you have two accounts :)
@capguncowboy HA!!
@RogerWilco @capguncowboy @2many2no...more like the tears of an overwoked, underpaid single working mom on very little sleep!! who's only dream is one of those damn bags ;-)...is a bag too much to ask for??? haha
@Kidsandliz thanks I feel a tiny bit better :-)
@capguncowboy ooooh slick one.... I cannot afford two VMP status' though, can barely afford one!! :-
@SSteve helps a little...still sleep deprived...I don't drink coffee, time to start!! Now I just ne Meh to sell coffee...that I cannot buy becuase the servers will be messed up..yet again!! haha
@unixrab :-) I am a little more stable and sane now...just a little..I think..maybe not ...no I am ...am I? I will ask the voices in my head..... haha
@Headly pretty muuch only episode of that show I have ever seen is Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo!! haha
unzipped-fun-grandmother Need I say more?
@sparkle_motion Oooohhhh.... naughty Grams. Gross.
Didn't get one. But I feel I'd enjoy my 60 Neoprene cases a little more. Maybe.
Edit: bath
@Sunbun what on earth are you going to do with 60 neoprene cases? Resell?
@Kidsandliz @Sunbun I am giving them away to the poor people I had to beg to buy $4 box of girl scout cookies for my 7 yr old as a thank you gift!
Mine finally came to the order page after almost 2 hours, but then after trying the Captcha about 20 times, I finally got one right.. and then it said they were all sold out :( Pretty disappointed!
@kadagan I had the same meh-perience and feeling equally disappointed.
@jayman007 The only redeeming factor for me is this.. I live on the east coast, but currenltly I'm in LA for work, and working nights.. so I had only been awake for a few hours when the deal was posted, and I didn't lose any sleep in that 2 hours of trying.. It just gave me something to do for my hours before work.. haha
@jont bath?
I escaped Captcha Hell and all I got was a sold out notice. :(
Also that whole luck thing, I stepped out of the shower just as the servers decided not to crap out again.
This is bullshit. Meh, fix your shit. Every fucking time this thing goes up everyone in California flocks and breaks it. No one wants to buy your JBL speakers. Just figure out how to actually keep your servers up for one item launch.
@Acets Let me guess: you are in North Dakota.
I got one within seconds of the sale going live. My wife didn't get hers until 1:55 am. She couldn't even log in until then.
Tried non stop from 12pm Est, Yup no life. Tried on phone, tablet, pc and three different isps... Never made it past robot captcha..
Wow, got one! Glad I hung in there! Pumped but tired, 'nite all! Gray-Big-Nail over and out!
The last round of Woot BOC's were truly garbage, hoping for some good booty from Meh!
I love purple.
Ohhh yeah. Got it done. Now back to sleep.
Well, it shows up in my orders. I hope that means I actually got one. I didn't get the confirmation screen. 3 windows and 1 Iphone later, I might have one?? Of course this is my third purchase from meh, this week... My wife is not going to be happy about this.
@Club33NOS
bah fuck this. stupid captcha is impossible to figure out
Only an hour and 52 minutes after roll over and I got my order in finally. worthy-fractured-land Now I must sleep.
textured-lyrical-pilsner ... I love pilsner... and IPA...and double IPA. going to wake the wife and "tell her" of my victory. good meh to all.
ditsy-technical-daughter. Sounds about right, she is.
Woohoo! uppity-rocky-note. I'll post an update once it's in.
Tried to buy it from Midnight until now. It FINALLY loads and I can get to the purchase screen but it says they're already sold out.
Regretting getting VMP after this shit show.
Tried for almost two hours, kept re-directing me because I was trying to sign in via Amazon. Finally it works, and then it shits me out to the main page where it says sold out.
I was so hopeful after proving I wasn't a robot a half dozen times. I even got the sliding green bar a few times. All I'm lacking is a fuku. Well, a fuku and sleep.
I like purple.
sold out right as I checked it, and my phone messed up the original order at 12:00. ULTRA MEH.
I would give up my VMP membership and give you all up to $20 just for that bag too. For real
I sincerely feel bad for anyone who stayed up and didn't get one. :(
@christinerenee especially those poor, poor east coasters. Bless their hearts.
Wow...that took some effort. I now feel like a crude-wary-goblin.
persistence paid off... now this east coaster can go to sleep and dream of the wonderful goodies that will be fukubukuro'ed upon me.
After ten years on that other site and now a good number of days here, I finally got a bag of ... fuku!
Was called a robot after captia verified, green bar just mocking me along the way. Oh well, 2 hours down the drain and Fuku streak broken. :'|
@BabyBear On the up side have "new" credit card info saved after my old one was replaced last week. So all set if it back-to-back fuku's.
@BabyBear check your orders you may have lucked in despite the rubbish on the screen. Said I was timed out and I got one.
I like purple.
I think I got one. Totally radical, dude. To the max.
Awesome! diligent-melodious-picture
@rshiggs Quite diligent, apparently.
To everyone that is disappointed about not getting a fuku, please blame @joelmw.
@grum It's not meh's fault you are actually a robot, bro.
@gnol Yeah. That's my parents' fault, actually. They're dead now. Thanks.
@grum Yeah, "dad," whatever.
Another fuk u from meh. Thanks for the captcha bullshit
I was refreshing every once in a while as to not spam their site, but it was sold out upon refresh... meh pls.
kept saying are you a robot and then its not in my orders!!
@jont Well, site came back up, and I get an order screen. Click the "I'm not a robot", and it's SOLD OUT! sigh Sad considering how long it sat at the green bar at 12:01am, before sadly timing out!
I like purple.
Thanks for one gf wanted the d and had ample time to provide :)
Finally. It better be worth all the trouble, Meh, or else I'll... um. Well, nothing, really.
After 1 hour and 53 minutes I finally got my inconsistent-circular-rainstorm. Now I can finally go to sleep! Yay for sleep deprivation and fukubukuro bags!
Wow. I tried for almost 2 hours and kept getting Somehting is terribly wrong song ....your damn servers messed up now it's sold out? Almost 2 hours i couldve been sleeping!! Real nice. How was anyone even abke to buy anything? ? Here in IL we got the fucking shaft!! So much for VMP status! !
homeless-shocking-stick That's just wrong...or is it?
Reloaded page at 12:00:01, tried to buy, got stuck at 'not a robot stage' by 12:00:15.
As soon as the site unfucks itself, I will be a former Very Meh Person.
Dear Meh,
So, I waited, and waited, I clicked reload, I restarted my browser, I babysat the whole thing, and a few minutes ago, it unstuck and gave me a purchase page. I said I wasn't a robot and hit the purchase button and got a sliding green bar...and a "sold out." And now, I am sad.
Honestly, I don't even need the stuff, which I suspect would be fairly "Meh." It's just that I'd love to have the nice red Fukubukuro bag itself. You know, I love you enough to have purchased 3x30 BuiltNY bags. But even before that, I loved you all enough to have hand-knitted you a cunning little hat. A. Cunning. Little. Hat.
Perhaps we could come to an understanding about the bag? There might be another hat in it for yall. Or maybe something nice from Gallifrey One, the big Who convention happening in a few weeks. I'll be there. I know the Tiki Dalek personally. (Seriously! Google it!)
I like purple.
I got the second bag, it was one of my first orders, and my friends were jealous, and looked forward to the next fuku sale. The third bag rolled around (the Theme song bag) and I got another, but all of my friends failed. This bag rolls around, and I snagged it again, with all of my friends trying and failing. I am known to hang out with some mediocre people, but it is go to know that among them, I am the most mediocre, and deserving of random crap.
With all the negativity over people that want a bunch of junk, just wanted to say thanks guys! Missed the last one as it rolled over and managed to break on through this time. Even when it doesn't go my way, it's always a fun time and I'm very much looking forward to the eventual reveal thread.
Well that sucks. Placed my order at midnight and got stuck in greenbar hell, then timed out. Many browsers on my PC, tablet and phone, more greenbar hell, 2 hours later it's sold-out and I am fuku-less. Well, still didn't get the last fuku delivered yet so maybe it's just as well. Major bummer.
@heartny Did you check meh.com/orders to be sure?
@BillLehecka Yes, several times. New new fuku :-(
@heartny contact halp@meh.com about your missing fuku 3
I like purple.
FINALLY.... meh.
Well that was effed up. Kept refreshing for 1.5 hrs non stop, drove 10min and sold out. Shitty
I'm wondering now that it is 2AM who at MEH will write me a note for work so that when I walk in late my boss understands and doesn't give me any SHIT.
Frown - Tried so hard, and failed so hard.
UNACCEPTABLE. I spent 1 hour and 55 minutes reloading every 10 minutes. Suddenly the site works and everything is sold out.
Now I am 100% serious here: if the founders of Meh think this is sustainable business model they are mistaken. If you can't provide sufficient infrastructure or product in the future, you will lose me as a customer. It is not acceptable to offer a product to hundreds of thousands of people if you have six in stock and your server is a Commodore VIC 20.
Worse yet is, that I paid for a VMP membership but I can't actually buy anything. Why am I paying for free shipping if there is no product to buy? Someone give me the name of a competitor. Copywriting be damned, I can't give these people my money.
@Michaelforman I cherish you...
@Michaelforman Not sure if your post was meant to be funny, but damn, I enjoyed it.
@Michaelforman You were that cranky dad on That '70s Show, right? Yeah. You were.
@Michaelforman Groupon is a competitor. And @snapster already sold the previous incarnation of this "unsustainable" business model for $110 million. Which reminds me: Woot is also a competitor. Maybe you'll have better luck getting a Bindle of Cucarachas from them.
@Michaelforman entertaining post, 7/10. trust me, it's a sustainable business without your patronage.
@SSteve Thank you much! I Just made a large purchase on Woot. I have to say, I like shopping a lot more than playing lottery-like games. I didn't realise that's what Meh was like. I think these other sites are more my speed. Thanks.
@Michaelforman Blame @joelmw. He's the scapegoat this month, everything is his fault.
@lisaviolet @Michaelforman It'd be cool if you stayed, sorry for the hassles (and, truly, I feel your pain), but if you must go, farewell, man.
@joelmw I'm not leaving.


@lisaviolet Of course you're not. Thank God you're not. I just wanted you to see me waving to Michael. That's what you get for tagging me, former goat. I think you enjoy it a little too much. ;-p
@joelmw
hem hem hem!!!
I was on order page and confirmed that I wasnt a robot, but the button at the bottom that usually says "order this thing already" ( or something like that) was MISSING. So I could only stare at the order page with no way to complete the order. Oh Meh, you are cruel !!!
@StacieCollado Same here. I haz sad
@StacieCollado That proves you're a robot. I'm sorry to be the one to break the news.
@JonT I will write you Haikus. I will put meh stickers around Princeton's campus. I waited two hours, went to the bathroom for a second, and the order was gone. Please have mercy on me. Please.
hallelujah! praise the lord of indifference!!!
Got one! And it only took an hour & 45 minutes of frenetic refreshes.
Thank you, meh.
i'll bet someone gets a pallet of built ny cases....lol
@bullrocky I'll take whatever they send me! I might regret saying that later...
Wow, that was an hour wasted. I'll say this about amazon; they keep me happier than meh.
Lucked out and ordered before it went from 333 sold to sold out! Offhand-psychedlic-vanilla!
Wow was refreshing from 12 am till 1:52 am and I finally got it! My first fukubukuro emotional-curt-twig! My tiredness at work will be worth it?
@apexfactor ohhh Curt... Thought I saw something else. :'|
@BabyBear your vision must be shot from staring at a blank screen for too long. :|
Got one after trying for an hour and forty-five minutes. Once the server started working 800 sold in just a few minutes. Crazy.
Dear Meh,
Please sell yourself to Amazon so people can actually rely on something....Love ya!
@photomasta Noooooo! They just need a better server.
@theco2 It would take a crazy server at insane costs to handle 25,000 people, most of whom are refreshing every second a dozen tabs instead of just letting 1 tab do it's job. It is cost prohibitive for something they are basically giving away to begin with. Maybe it's just me.
@Outofmymind @theco2 I thought the server held up pretty well during the entire DOS attack. There was even an occasional Terribly Wrong video.
@Outofmymind No it's not just you, but people with little understanding of cost vs benefits have been making the same complaints ever since the second BOC.
@kuoh That is true. I do remember what it felt like to fail getting them for years on end , but I don't recall every being quite so mad as some seem. Then again I can't remember what I had for breakfest but I know Tony Stark had gluten free waffles.
@photomasta If it was a good experience, they couldn't call it "meh" anymore. I prefer the brokenness.
@photomasta You die. You go to hell and you die.
vengeful-exemplary-brass, order went thru at 12:02 am EST. I am excited as this is my first successful attempt at the Fukubukuro.
I received the errors as well, but checked My Orders just for the heck of it, was surprised when I saw the order was placed.
@MzSooze That is when mine went through… we both were very, very lucky.
@MzSooze I was on my touchpad right at midnight (well, nine) and got right in, order page came up, filled in the I'm not a robot thing and never got the green bar. While I was waiting on that, I turned on the PC and had to try for another hour and forty-five minutes before I lucked out.
I love purple.
Froze for an hour, then sold out. I'm sad now :,(
Am I the only person hoping to get a couple BuiltNY sleeves? I actually was debating that one before common sense made me realize I had nowhere to put 30 BuiltNY sleeves. But I'm happy for a bag.
Meh (and their servers) let me down again.
At least tell us what sh!t you are putting in the sacks so we know what disappointing crap we aren't going to get.
@iggy71 Just keep watching the forums for Fuku#4 Reveal thread. (It'll take a few weeks to show up, with shipping backlogs and SnailPost.)
@andrewpatrick We blame the goat. We don't verbally abuse the goat. I think you should apologize to @joelmw. And then blame him.
@andrewpatrick Yuck. Bad form old sport, bad form.
@SSteve I think @andrewpatrick should acknowledge he was wrong but the goat deserves no apologies
@SSteve @RedHot Ah, but you err. I think @andrewpatrick gets me. Back at ya, buddy. Sorry for the delay.
@andrewpatrick It's all in the game, man. Sorry that it sucks sometimes. Better luck next time.
Tried for 2 hours on 3 devices ...sorry there are no more...actually thought I might finally get a bag for once. Time to cancel vmp and say goodbye/ meh
@bams81 Ditto. Two hours I will never get back. At least I have my 3 devices. But no fuku :-(
@heartny BI GUYZ!
Divided-purple-cannon! Order confirmed at 1:52 and when I went back to the page... They were sold out. Bless my mediocre stars.
@Codaflowers Barney loves purple.
@Codaflowers I love purple.
brawny-blighted-goblin. If I don't get a brawny, blighted goblin in my fuku, I will be severely disappointed.
@peaceetc Prepare to be disappointed then.
The sales stats area needs a new line:
... five minutes after the server came back from its 76-minute lunch break.
Wow, that was a complete disaster. For the first time I'm actually completely and utterly disappointed in Meh. So... congrats, I guess?
@mms334 same, i guess this is what happens when running the server out of your grandmas basement : /
@kolme I'm almost positive my Nana has a better server than Meh. This seems to be a reoccuring issue as well. I seem to remember the servers having a stroke during the Christmas VMP giveaway as well. A few times before that too.
@mms334 now you've got the idea
The last time I tried this (fu buck aroo), I was rejected, but then got shipped a BoC anyway, so go figure, you're able to hold your breath only so long, right?...
Man, such hate from some people. Gives me a sad. I know I wouldn't do fun stuff I didn't have to if the people I was doing it for cussed me because of their sense of entitlement.
Thank you, Meh, for letting us play the fuku game!
@djslack agreed, I actually got one - but I hadn't for years - (the kickstarter can't count)
@djslack You should see people on Daily Steals complain when they didn't get picked for a 1 in 5000 reserve item. Then call it rigged. That always makes me laugh.
@djslack It's actually a lot easier (though just as time consuming) than trying for a BOC. And those heve been kind of crappy recently.
It may be the best game around.
@djslack "entitled" is exactly right.
2 hours of trying to get through and ended up with a sold out. :'( meh. Maybe next time
I crushed it! Got my order in on the 12 o'clock minute. Yup!
@Stallion I played with fire, mine went in at 12:01am ET
I refreshed the main page, a page that was the checkout page in two windows, and this forum page, as well as reply back to the hello@mediocre.com email that sent that newsletter yesterday and a guess @jont email which i guessed was jont@mediocre.com and it didn't come back as return to sender so I hope he got my wonderful email about defecating myself and in the end my persistance paid off with my third fuku which hopefully isn't as meh as the 2nd but I am going to expect less so no matter what its better then what I thought
The impressive thing is that I googled my order number only a few minutes after posting it here and the top hit was...
This page. Impressive they'd indexed the page that fast.
@bakerzdosen What browser do you use? It would be funny if it turns out that e.g. Chrome notices when you post to pages and sends the URL to a spider to put in the queue...
I'm guessing the Fukus were sold out a while ago... It just took 76 minutes to parse the sales.
Also, I love people who feel entitled to get one of these bags, not understanding that thousands or other people feel the same way. Supply does not always match demand. When thousands of people want to do the same thing on a website, you're going to get slowdown. Don't blame Meh's servers... Blame Meh's popularity.
@BillLehecka Nope. Looks like a lot of people bought when I did, a little after quarter to 1, from the posts here. But yeah, I thought there'd at least be 1,700 of them, since that would be 1% of Meh's population.
@BillLehecka I definitely didn't get my order in until right before sellout... I put a batch of brownies in the oven at 11:08 and thought "well, let's check meh" and it's been downhill ever since.
I actually thought they were playing a game... Set all the servers to mining fukucoin at realtime priority, roll over the new item, let fuku sale run all day without a sellout at a rate of one sale every two minutes or so... Lol
@BillLehecka maybe but don’t think so. almost 2 hours of checking but not able to place order until 1:52, sold out @1:53. only about 260 orders made it thru before 1:50 (at least according to the homepage) then the servers came back up fully or enough to handle the load, then gone in minutes
I feel like my dog died. I kept trying to refresh it and it never was alive. Sold out and gone for good.
Same with me I want it to!
Well that was TOTALLY meh. It's like I stepped back in time to Woot's first years of crashing servers...good times.
@kc5rbq and nno, I didn't get one after fighting for an hour. :(
About an hour in I finally saw the purchase pop up but needed to scroll down and accidentally clicked on the meh page in the background and poof, purchase pop up was gone... Luckily I was able to snag one when the servers came back an hour later but feature request @JonT, can you guys make it so you have to click an "X" or cancel button for the purchase pop up to go away so this doesn't happen again?
With 150k+ members, 1143 Fukus and around 2000 clicked meh, no matter how fast Meh can get their servers and the internets to run, there will always be potentially 147k+ guaranteed Fuku-less members. Quit the whining and hope for better luck next time or go buy some lottery tickets with the $5 you saved.
YAY! I managed to get one right before it sold out. All I have to say is after buying 30 of the neoprene sleeves I better not get another box full of them. haha.
I am very sad.
I am not a robot, Meh.
No fuku; fukmi.
Seriously, that's messed up, I got all the way to the buy it button before it crashed and then never went through. I honestly just want the bag, I don't really care if there's anything in it.
Fuk u, bukuro banzai - that was a ridiculous exercise of oops-oops-oopses, Google reload errors, and things gone terribly wrong x-(
Gosh dang. My buddy invited me out to have a beer. I checkin' my beer on the Untappd app, and another buddy replies "Meh Fuku" to my beer checkin. THAT is how I find out about it. Too late though. First fuku I missed. I hate my life.
Hey @snapster By the way, you get a free pass on having mediocre hosting on Fuku days!!!:) If it were a regular day and the servers were slow i'm sure i'd be letting you know, lol.
I can now go to sleep.
WOO HOO! Got it!
Wild-gothic-shrimp is pretty good, but I've yet to top yesterday's tonal-domineering-zebra. Yeah... Don't look that one up at work.
All I want is the bag. :'(
@vlotty same here
....... I stayed up.... yet the fucking thing said checked out and all set. Then no orders in the account page. I was excited and now I'm just disappointed. Fuck California.
I sat here refreshing from 12:01 to 2:10am and finally got through the damn captcha and then I still get a sold out message and no order? This is so much worse then fucking up the ceramic mugs right before Christmas. Basically between this and the knives selling out in 2 hours it's starting to feel like you don't care how frustrated we end up so long as you hit your numbers.
Do I feel like a valued customer now? Nope. And it sucks knowing there won't be any sort of attempt to make up for this and offer a second item for those who loyally sat for two hours only to watch your site shit the bed. But hey, you got a Twitter song, so that's something.
If your goal was to take me from feeling excited at being a part of something, at being the kind of customer who enjoys the kind of site that does something like the possum head chronicles, to feeling foolish and frustrated -- congrats, because you succeeded. Who knows maybe my frustration will dissipate tomorrow...or maybe I just become apathetic altogether and simply stop bothering with Meh. But hey, you'll still hit your numbers so who cares about one disgruntled customer right?
@Superjimtendo what ever made you think you were a valued customer? they're here to sell stuff, make money, and experiment to amuse themselves. You have the wrong idea.
@Superjimtendo "or maybe I just become apathetic altogether and simply stop bothering with Meh." THAT is a humorous line.
@Superjimtendo Don't listen to the naysayers. All 170,000 of us are valued customers, it's just that on Fuku days, some of us are pigeons...
but most of us are statues.
@Superjimtendo "But hey, you'll still hit your numbers so who cares about one disgruntled customer right?" Congrats on understanding how business works in the last line of your entitlement hissy fit. Why should they make it up to you because you sat in front of your computer screen for 2 hours? I didn't see the you get extra shit if we sell out disclaimer posted anywhere. Nothing was promised, people need to stop throwing tantrums about sold out items. Do these same people throw a kicking and screaming fit when a store doesn't have an item they wanted?
@wyk3d Superjimtendo is a subscribed member. He is entitled to purchase product. If the company cannot supply product then what is the purpose of a VMP? Is this a game site with a tough-luck attitude or is it an actual shopping site?
@Superjimtendo
@Michaelforman Pretty sure Meh is that first part. Meh is as much if not less of a shopping site as the Pay-to-Win stores on MMOs. But it's kinda more Win-to-Pay.
Methinks somewhere there's a pesky North Korean waiting by his mailbox for a Fukubukuro that was supposed to have my name on it. You guys are just as lame as Sony and CENTCOM.
Threads where people get irrationally upset annoy me, but they also make me happy I'm no longer working in retail.
I knew I had a slim chance of getting a bag, but I made my choice. If only having a tiny chance to get a bag of unknown junk for $5 wasn't worth staying up for, YOU SHOULD HAVE GONE TO BED. There's no way you didn't know thousands of people were doing the same thing as you and that there was only a limited supply.
Honed my multitasking abilities tonight with the F5 and taking out the Vex simultaneously.... it was no small feat! Lost to the Vex, got the bag!!
@pcsdlszr I finally got to do this week's Nightfall last night (stupid Walker thing). I was going to watch the sale or work, but the crash was actually the perfect opportunity for me to play.
Ugh, this makes me sad. I tried to get a fuku for a full half hour last night. Couldn't complete the order. Then, I couldn't even get into the forum to complain. :(
I can't be mad at Meh, but I got the biggest middle finger from the site last night.
I opened it on my phone at 11pm CST to see a shiny fukubukuro just waiting to be purchased. I made it to the checkout and stumbled over the new Google witchcraft captcha and had to resubmit. After about 15 terrible seconds of watching the green bar fill up, it says "something went terribly wrong"!
Now the site is crashing and I can't try again. So I try for nearly 2 hours to reach the checkout screen. Suddenly, at 12:57am, I get in! I notice my office address needed an update and that forced me to reenter my credit card, costing me unknown vital seconds. I press buy and get "sold out while you were checking out".
I've never been so defeated. I then had to go to sleep knowing I might have had a chance if I had just skipped the address and paid immediately. But, maybe it bothers me more than it should.
@tonylegrone We've all been there... time heals all wounds.
I like purple.
East coaster here. Clicked at midnight and I thought I would be an adult and stay up until the servers came back on line. So I tried until 1:15AM E and then gave up. I guess I'm still a kid. Nice of you to apologize on Twitter early though....
The last 4 things I tried to buy were sold out within an hour (or a few minutes) of going up for sale. IF 99% of your potential paying customers are turned away because you have nothing up for sale, would that not be considered a flaw in most business models? At this rate, I am not seeing any benefit in continuing a membership for free shipping past the free trial period.
@Steve7654 NOW YOU'RE THINKIN!!!!!
The sold out button should link to a video/song: "You want it... you can't get it... you want it... you can't get it... you want it... you can't get it. You're so sad... we're so sad. You want it... you can't get it. meh."
@rubythedog
I tried for an hour and a bit and had to go to bed. Woke up thirty minutes after falling asleep, checked meh on my tablet, and it had sold out. So irritating.
Woke to lots of butthurt on the forums
Got one at 12:00 on the dot. Then spent the next hour trying to get into the forums. Woke up to a significant amount of butthurt on the forums. Meh. Everyone knows, or should know, that there are only going to be about 1,000 or so FukUs that 50,000 people are going to try to get. Hardware issues aside, there were going to be 49,000 disappointed people. I'm not sure where the sense of entitlement is coming from. I've only been coming here for like 3 months, but it was pretty clear from day 1:
If I didn't get one was I going to lose sleep? No. At this point my primary reason for getting one is the fun of the competition.
I got to the order screen right at midnight super pumped. Clicked buy got green progress bar for 5 minutes before it gave me an error that "something went wrong" Tried again and it was a massive fail of refreshing for 30 minutes before I went to bed unhappy. What could have been an awesome first Fuku for me turned out very meh...
@gold644 did you check your orders screen?
I like purple.
“As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.”
― Andy Warhol
Once again failing to win a Fuku brings out the bitterness in the "entitled." They're gonna take their five bucks and never shop here again! Suck it up assholes! The world doesn't rotate around you! I didn't get one either and my life has not been ruined.

Next up, the Fuku winners who whine about the horrible stuff they got for five bucks.
@Teripie Well, making fun of the stuff in the bag o crap, er fuku is part of the fun, as long as people don't take themselves too seriously.
@Teripie As a BOC veteran, the disappointment in missing them makes finally getting them so much sweeter. As to whining about horrible stuff, I'm a hoarder so stuff is never horrible. Whoop!
Holy goat! Meh is over run with toddlers... D:
I must blame @joelmw .
@Keyeno YES! That goat is NOT doing his job here Fuku's are the Black Friday for scapegoats... ...step it up @joelmw
@unixrab There's only 4 mentions of @Joelmw (now 5) on this thread alone of 400+ replies. This needs fixed. :<
@Keyeno clearly - @joelmw is not taking his job srsly
@Keyeno
@Keyeno The awesome thing is that I had no idea of the five mentions that did occur. So sad.
@unixrab You just don't get this. Was shit fucked up? Yes it was.
@joelmw oh... but the rest of us found a way... shoddy work Sir.
@unixrab See above.
@unixrab For the record, I spent part of the day on Propofol and a strong (legally-administered) narcotic. And I slept.
@joelmw you'll get no sympathy from me goat... take it like a goat! It's your fault you weren't here and it's your fault the system wasn't working and it's your fault the servers crashed and it's your fault the forum
command is messed up and it's your fault for @jont@joelmw Hope you are feeling bette and nothing bad was wrong.
@joelmw Hope you feel better soon.
@Thumperchick @Kidsandliz Thanks. They were just looking--and not because there was anything especially wrong. Indeed, I'm in a pool for a drug test and it may turn out that I'm too healthy (well, for someone with my disease, for the purposes of testing this fancy new enzyme). I'm not sure whether I should be hoping that I'm just sick enough or not. ;-) More fundamentally, I was just trying to fend of @unixrab. A fool's errand if there ever was.
@unixrab It's my fault. Taking it. Such a horrible thing that your silly command isn't working. Speaking of whining. I would happily take the blame for @JonT, but that belongs to his parents and himself, I think. Do go ahead and blame me, though. Yaknow, I was looking for an appropriate picture, and I stumbled across Varys. Unfortunately, there's very little that you two have in common. You could stand to learn a thing or two from him, IMGO.
@joelmw If I'm any game of thrones character.... I'm
Tyrion is pretty much universally despised for telling people stuff that they don't want to hear.....he's definitely the "troll" of the small council ...and machiavellian Though no where near as machiavellian as Littlefinger. As for Varys .. I'm happy to keep my "root & stem thank you very much!
@unixrab It's hard not to love Tyrion. But in his defense, he quite often holds his tongue. Not begging any comparisons, mind you. Just throwing that out there. ;-)
@unixrab I figure you more for Jamie Lannister - you start out as an insufferable ass, but show yourself to be more than a one trick pony, with depth and intelligence that is easily missed on the first pass. I hope that's reading as a compliment, because I mean it that way. If someone only sees your product posts, it's easy to miss the rest, but the rest makes the product posts much less irritating.
@Thumperchick Total compliment... I considered it before I posted, even asked my wife about it... and Jaime came up, but he gets way to ...uh... sentimental or soft as things progress in the books/HBO series... I'm just not that way. Tyrion pisses off a lot of people and he's just saying what's there... That being said.. if there was a morph of Tyrion, Twyin & Jaime that's probably be close. @joelmw I know everyone who watches the series loves Tyrion...I wasn't talking about us as the viewers... I was seeing it through the eyes of Tywin, Geoffrey, The Hound, Aria, Sansa, Cercie Catlyn, Rob, Ned et al. How they see and interact with Tyrion.