I miss you, @HELLOALICE
11I don't even care that it's way overdue, or that i'm not next on the totem pôle of absorbtion levels.
Good god typing on this tablet sucks and I don't even know what I was originally trying to respond to, and maybe just sell more meeps at this point?! Sorry, Alice.
- 2 comments, 12 replies
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@HELLOALICE I'm so confused. Did you go somewhere?
@JonT Is that from Twelve Chairs?
@DrunkCat It's "Tradition" from Fiddler on the Roof
I totally miss you @HELLOALICE. All those shared chuckles at silly gifs and matching meh face clicks we never communicated about. I wonder how may other people miss you like I do.
@denboy @helloalice is one of the most articulate posters on meh.com's forums. She is missed.
@denboy am I being punked
@HELLOALICE I don't know. I just kinda hopped on and threw some sarcasm onto the page. This whole site name has me setting my bar real low.
@HELLOALICE Pretty sure I punked myself? So I had this crazy mead tasting the night I posted this, and I definitely drank a lot of mead, but I wasn't crazy drunk or anything — I took a nice walk around town afterward, I felt awesome the next morning. But I did a lot of inexplicable things in my sleep? This post was the least explicable of the lot, so… maybe be proud of that? Probably not. Anyway I was just going to let this thread go mysteriously up in the dust, but I don't want a solid character from the mehverse feeling punked. And therein lies the grain of truth in this cryptic nonsense! Your oft caps-lock-fueled posts are quite enjoyable, and I feel like they've dwindled in their numbers, so there's that… why it was as high on the priority list as 'find the kitten my neighbor abandoned in my apartment', I got nothing. (Of course there really was no kitten, guys).
@HELLOALICE So I am being punked :(
For a moment
I felt special
@HELLOALICE Not at all! As I said, I genuinely have missed your posts lately, I just have no idea why I felt the need to express that so bizarrely after drinking many meads and contentedly crawling into bed.
@HELLOALICE This reminds me, were you able to find a better job than what brought you to Buffalo?