I had an open running mole
5I was fixing a tire on my Prius this afternoon when a mole came scurrying through my legs headed for the street. First time in my life that I’ve seen a real mole live or otherwise. I wasn’t wearing gloves so I left it alone and didn’t try to pick it up.
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My dermatologist says to never pick at a mole.
@therealjrn I guess it was good to leave it alone then. But I figure the cats are gonna get anyway. if not the snakes
@therealjrn That’s what I thought when I read the title!

So I had an open running mole today
@cranky1950 Last time I had mole I had the runs all day too.
I want to hear more about this Prius.
@therealjrn Nothing special just your average eveyday almost used up Prius. It had a flat tire and I was plugging it.
@cranky1950 what year?
@RiotDemon Oh 2005 the 2nd gen. It’s a nice car.
@cranky1950 me too. Mine has seen better days, unfortunately.
@RiotDemon Get a couple of hundred thousand miles on them and they’ve all seen better days.
@cranky1950 I think mine has around 165k. Had to redo the battery around 10k ago. Did the water pump in the traditional motor and the hybrid coolant pump last year. Now I am having some issue with the brakes. It was my dad’s car and I wasn’t ready to let it go.
@RiotDemon I bought mine 2 years ago with 156 on it. It’s got 220k on it now and all I’ve done is change oil and tires. I have to do the water pumps and the battery cooling fan this spring.
@cranky1950 was the battery redone before you bought it?
@RiotDemon No it’s still got the original traction battery.
@cranky1950 I wonder why some are prone to breaking. I was told 150k is usually the breaking point. I’m guessing since my hybrid coolant pump was having issues, it messed up the battery.
@RiotDemon I don’t know, If the pump went bad and the inverter overheated and shorted that would effect the battery. All I know is I’m not anxious to move up to the lithium models.
@cranky1950 I like the car, but the maintenance cost sucks.
@RiotDemon I do all my own maintenance so the cost is minimal. It’s no worse than owning an English car.
Better check the engine. I hear that a Prius uses moles as a back-up power source.
@daveinwarsh No the battery has moles, but then they all do.
@cranky1950 Moles? I thought it was hamsters on exercise wheels.
@Kidsandliz No. They switched to hamsters later.
The moles kept complaining that all they could smell was molasses…
Always refer to mine as hamsters or gerbils running in the engine.
@daveinwarsh You really know it is Squarryls!

@Calabama oooh, nicely looped.
@daveinwarsh I saw what you did there…
Yeah, the only ones I have seen in the daylight have been in my pool… evidently they like to take a dip at night, but are crappy swimmers. Needless to say, they were scooped out before the grandkids (or the wife!) could see them.
@chienfou They can’t run worth a damn either. They’re kinda funny to watch, they kind of roll.
I question my sanity for first clicking on this thread and second for reading it!
@mikibell So what did your sanity say?
@cranky1950 turns out, my sanity is on vacation!
When I was young our cats (barn cats) would leave us moles and mice on the front porch. I suppose these were gifts but I’m not sure what holiday they were celebrating.
@RedHot gives new meaning to holy mole-y?
A Mole & a Prius walk into a bar with jumper cables.
The bartender sizes them up and says “Well, I suppose I’ll serve you as long as you don’t start something”.
Are you sure it was a real mole? Did it give you an Avogadro constant?
( Wiki definition of the Ac:
In chemistry and physics, the Avogadro constant (named after the scientist Amedeo Avogadro) is the number of constituent particles, usually atoms or molecules, that are contained in the amount of substance given by one mole. )
@rockblossom It was only one so powers of 10 never entered into the situation.
When we lived in Washington state, the cat brought in a few moles through the cat door. Neither I nor the mole were pleased.