@spacemart that may not all indicate “built-in default Weather.apk” - I clicked it, since I mostly use an app or set thereof to look at weather conditions beyond those outside the window, but none of them are Weather.apk. Plenty have pretty decent data selection, especially if you get some of the tools that the local meteorologists like (attend a Skywarn or two, and you’ll probably hear about at least a couple of them). Trusting worthwhile data sources is perhaps a separate issue.
Weatherbug or if there’s a hurricane that I’m watching or other large scale weather, Mike’s Weather Page. It has every kind of radar, graph, satellite, etc that you can imagine!
There is a folktale or urban myth claiming claiming that, inspired by this song, hippies thinking the act as some sort of rock-ref joke, stole gas pump handles from local gas stations during the Woodstock festival
I don’t know if the story is true. If it is, tho I get the joke, … sigh.
Maybe that adolescent “you over there get to pay for my clever irresponsibility” attitude is why the counterculture failed to achieve much toward those political goals that were commonplace in hippie culture.
And maybe that attitude was also related to how the counterculture, so called, faded, for so many, into personal self indulgence.
We have one of these Doppler radar things at the National Weather Service station in the town I live so I go to their website: http://www.weather.gov/pdt/
There used to be a channel on my cable that continuously showed the current local weather radar with a banner that alternated between today’s hourly forecast and the 5 day forecast. It was clear and concise with immediate response time. And certainly easier for my old person’s vision to parse than a phone app.
Of over 1000 cable channels, it was probably the only one that I accessed every day (usually first thing in the morning). Of course my provider dropped it
Sven Sundgaard was a local TV meteorologist, but now he does weather on a YouTube channel. In between, I tend to use my phone’s app https://youtube.com/c/svensundgaard
@themutilator I think that they do it twice an hour, (:18 and :48 ). But not during their pre-recorded reality shows… and not if you have uVerse … and not if it’s during hurricane coverage…
Yeah, the Weather Channel is pretty much useless for finding out your local weather.
I work at a ground based telescope astronomy and optical physics lab. We have three on-site staff Meteorologists with all the sophisticated equipment to measure atmospheric conditions and predicted future events. Personally, I just use a rock I threw outside my window. It tells me everything I need to know about the weather.
WeatherUnderground is close enough. Yes an app. That I check when I went to know how shitty the next week might be . Really it doesn’t matter much. It will be cold. It will snow. Blah blah. Tornado sirens and real weather alerts go out differently than any of the given options
Sometimes I look outside
@awk and sometimes I go outside.
Local news app, twitter or channel, or accuweather app.
https://www.noaa.gov and, like “awk” (first post), using my Mk 1 eyeballs and a window.
@Evansdoor Me too!
NOAA/NWS, the place where ALL the other weather services get their info. Although their new radar page sucks.
Accuweather’s app has a nice little persistent notification on Android. Always keeps me up to date. On Desktop I still use https://weather.gov/.
OH WOW. surprised at the number of phone weather app people. phone weather app is garbage. no wonder so many people don’t trust weathermen
@spacemart that may not all indicate “built-in default Weather.apk” - I clicked it, since I mostly use an app or set thereof to look at weather conditions beyond those outside the window, but none of them are Weather.apk. Plenty have pretty decent data selection, especially if you get some of the tools that the local meteorologists like (attend a Skywarn or two, and you’ll probably hear about at least a couple of them). Trusting worthwhile data sources is perhaps a separate issue.
I don’t. It really doesn’t affect me in a day to day basis much.
I’m such a frikin hermit.
My window
Weatherbug or if there’s a hurricane that I’m watching or other large scale weather, Mike’s Weather Page. It has every kind of radar, graph, satellite, etc that you can imagine!
The pump don’t work cause the vandals took the handles. : )
/youtube Joanie Mitchell Woodstock
@f00l “The pump don’t work cause the vandals took the handles.” – dealing a blow to Roman plumbing?
Actually I had more in mind the section of my video around 1:01 to 1:06 …
I know the weathermen ref in the song.
There is a folktale or urban myth claiming claiming that, inspired by this song, hippies thinking the act as some sort of rock-ref joke, stole gas pump handles from local gas stations during the Woodstock festival
I don’t know if the story is true. If it is, tho I get the joke, … sigh.
Maybe that adolescent “you over there get to pay for my clever irresponsibility” attitude is why the counterculture failed to achieve much toward those political goals that were commonplace in hippie culture.
And maybe that attitude was also related to how the counterculture, so called, faded, for so many, into personal self indulgence.
Mother nature
Dark Skies or Wunderground, depending on platform.
@Thomsenc Oh man, I forgot about that one. Ty for reminding me!
We have one of these Doppler radar things at the National Weather Service station in the town I live so I go to their website: http://www.weather.gov/pdt/
Tempest Weather station
Alexa, what else is it for?
/youtube have you ever seen the rain
I tell Alexa “open big sky”
There used to be a channel on my cable that continuously showed the current local weather radar with a banner that alternated between today’s hourly forecast and the 5 day forecast. It was clear and concise with immediate response time. And certainly easier for my old person’s vision to parse than a phone app.
Of over 1000 cable channels, it was probably the only one that I accessed every day (usually first thing in the morning). Of course my provider dropped it
I ask Alexa
Used to rely on Wunderground, but since Weather Channel bought them out, there’s just fluff, not as accurate, and no good stories/commentaries.
@tandkfanley Funny how weather channel turns information into garbage
Shout out to weather.gov and the Area Forecast Discussions for a discussion of the certainty/uncertainty in their forecasts (example: https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=ILN&issuedby=ILN&product=AFD&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=on)
Sven Sundgaard was a local TV meteorologist, but now he does weather on a YouTube channel. In between, I tend to use my phone’s app
What The Forecast
Dark Sky
@jitc I was coming here to say this! Best weather app evarrrrrr!

@jitc This was my answer until Apple purchased Darksky.
Wait… does the weather channel still tell you the weather? This has not been my experience since the 90s. What happened to ‘weather on the 8s’ ?
@themutilator I think that they do it twice an hour, (:18 and :48 ). But not during their pre-recorded reality shows… and not if you have uVerse … and not if it’s during hurricane coverage…
Yeah, the Weather Channel is pretty much useless for finding out your local weather.
What the Forecast just said:
“This weather is boring. Let’s mold our genitalia out of Play-Doh and show the neighbors.”
I work at a ground based telescope astronomy and optical physics lab. We have three on-site staff Meteorologists with all the sophisticated equipment to measure atmospheric conditions and predicted future events. Personally, I just use a rock I threw outside my window. It tells me everything I need to know about the weather.
I have a weather rock. If it is wet it is or was raining. If it is dry it is not raining. If it feels warm or cold…

/image weather rock
i just check to see if there is a David Lynch Weather Report for the day.
it’s hardly ever correct… but then I am 3,000 miles away
Sail flow
More cast
Tides app
WeatherUnderground is close enough. Yes an app. That I check when I went to know how shitty the next week might be . Really it doesn’t matter much. It will be cold. It will snow. Blah blah. Tornado sirens and real weather alerts go out differently than any of the given options