I fuku'd myself. Beer Edition.


So, I spent about 10 hours in Boston yesterday. Proof:

How's that for 'seeing the sights'? I actually saw no sights. I popped into a beer store at @becca's recommendation:

i may have gotten there 90 minutes before opening. I was worried about traffic and I thought they opened an hour before they did. No matter, I got to stroll through Lewis Wharf and go to Starbucks. Three times.
Below, you'll check out the text version of my haul. I did not photo the actual beers.

Because I'm shipping them to myself! Why wrap them up and check them as luggage when I can overpay to have a guy wrap them up and break Massachusetts state law by shipping alcohol to me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I performed a SELF BEER FUKU.

To be fair, a true self fuku would have been to let the bottle guy pick out bottles and not tell me and just run the card. Maybe next time. So, Northeasterners, how did I do? I call upon @brhfl, @becca, @sohmageek to weigh in and tell me how the heck I did. Also, tag other NE'ers that I didn't feel like looking up.