I can’t say I have ever had tar/asphalt, but a lot of other descriptors that I absolutely adore in a wine aren’t really pleasing sounding. Musty, cigar box, flint/rocks, damp earth, etc.
Worst of all is Sauvignon Blanc “cat piss” aroma, but I am not a fan of that type of wine.
Think of it like an aged cheese. Some of the best I’ve ever had actually smelled like someone opened a gym locker of wet clothes for the first time in weeks.
@elimanningface oh my gosh, I can have fun anywhere my feet land!
I am not too pickey, but I would really enjoy some nice calm blue waters and bright sun right now. Maybe enough time to get scuba certified and go on a dive. Oh la la!
I used to see ads for home wine-making kits and imagined a write-up for the wine: “A refined blend of table grapes and random fruit found in the 'fridge, loving aged 43 days in a plastic barrel. This wine, when opened, exudes an aroma of apple juice and phthalates with a hint of Febreeze and musty Brazil nuts. The first sip delivers a taste of vinegar and pine bark with a top note of vegemite and a lingering hint of asparagus. Pairs well with a large variety of leftovers.”
Which is probably why no one wants me to do their wine write-ups.
I don’t think it’s wine you don’t understand, it’s the wine snobs. Sometimes I think they write write crap like that just to make the rest of us think we aren’t as sophisticated as they are because we “don’t get it”. Well, I don’t get them either…
@mike808@tinamarie1974 I mean, it’s subtle. Unless you’re sniffing Etat Libre D’Orange’s Secretions Magnifiques (I never have, but it’s described as blood and semen heavy).
@sammydog01 I can see that. I was thinking more fatty meats /sausages and charcuterie, which IMO would not be a good pair, compared to a wine with spice and pepper notes and tannins to stand up to the fat.
@mike808@mossygreen@tinamarie1974 Ambergris (sperm whale puke) has been one of the most sought after ingredients of expensive perfume since forever.
From Wikipedia
Ambergris, ambergrease, or grey amber, is a solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish colour produced in the digestive system of sperm whales. Freshly produced ambergris has a marine, fecal odor. It acquires a sweet, earthy scent as it ages, commonly likened to the fragrance of rubbing alcohol without the vaporous chemical astringency. Ambergris has been highly valued by perfumers as a fixative that allows the scent to endure much longer, although it has been mostly replaced by synthetic ambroxan. Dogs are attracted to the smell of ambergris and are sometimes used by ambergris searchers.
@mehcuda67@mike808@tinamarie1974 I bought a perfume based on ambergris after reading a review that talked about its halitosis note. I was simultaneously pleased and disappointed that I didn’t smell it.
Tar can smell pretty good. Like when I smell fresh asphalt or when someone is tarring a roof. Though, I wouldn’t want to be around it for extended periods. (nor drink it)
@medz Yes! I’m mildly sad that they don’t re-tar roads in the summer anymore, kids don’t know what they’re missing. Walking barefoot on it when it’s cooled but still soft, popping bubbles with your toes…
I was prescribed a coal tar ointment for psoriasis many years ago, and I loved it because it smelled like the freight tracks in summer.
Sounds disgusting. I can’t imagine in what world tar and asphalt would be good.
I can’t say I have ever had tar/asphalt, but a lot of other descriptors that I absolutely adore in a wine aren’t really pleasing sounding. Musty, cigar box, flint/rocks, damp earth, etc.
Worst of all is Sauvignon Blanc “cat piss” aroma, but I am not a fan of that type of wine.
Think of it like an aged cheese. Some of the best I’ve ever had actually smelled like someone opened a gym locker of wet clothes for the first time in weeks.
@KNmeh7 I don’t understand cheese either.
@KNmeh7 I like sauvignon blanc…but then it doesnt smell like cat piss to me…
Not a fan of wine, but that description would send me packing!!
@tinamarie1974 where to?
@elimanningface oh my gosh, I can have fun anywhere my feet land!
I am not too pickey, but I would really enjoy some nice calm blue waters and bright sun right now. Maybe enough time to get scuba certified and go on a dive. Oh la la!
@elimanningface @tinamarie1974 don’t forget me! I’ll bring the cooler of cold drinks and snacks and floaties
@elimanningface @moonhat well come on! Company is always welcome!!
/giphy the more the merrier

A decent list of descriptors: http://winefolly.com/tips/wine-descriptions-chart-infographic/
I used to see ads for home wine-making kits and imagined a write-up for the wine: “A refined blend of table grapes and random fruit found in the 'fridge, loving aged 43 days in a plastic barrel. This wine, when opened, exudes an aroma of apple juice and phthalates with a hint of Febreeze and musty Brazil nuts. The first sip delivers a taste of vinegar and pine bark with a top note of vegemite and a lingering hint of asparagus. Pairs well with a large variety of leftovers.”
Which is probably why no one wants me to do their wine write-ups.
Oh, and, wine is okay with not being understood.

I would never buy wine with that type of description.
I don’t think it’s wine you don’t understand, it’s the wine snobs. Sometimes I think they write write crap like that just to make the rest of us think we aren’t as sophisticated as they are because we “don’t get it”. Well, I don’t get them either…
/giphy wine snob

It sounds like a wine for a cheese and fruit board, and not for a steak dinner. Definitely a red.
If you eat foods that are complemented by those other foods and smells, then this might be a wine you’d drink with them.
Another favorite wine term is “barnyard”.

@mike808 Fecal and sweat notes are a big thing in perfumery too.
@mike808 @mossygreen nnnnnoooooooo, really? OMG
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 I mean, it’s subtle. Unless you’re sniffing Etat Libre D’Orange’s Secretions Magnifiques (I never have, but it’s described as blood and semen heavy).
@mike808 @mossygreen omg, I had no idea. I learned something new today!
@mossygreen @tinamarie1974
Let me guess, don’t ask how you know what that smells like for reference.
@mike808 @mossygreen I mean, I would assume most if not all of us (?) know what blood and semen smells like.
@sammydog01 I can see that. I was thinking more fatty meats /sausages and charcuterie, which IMO would not be a good pair, compared to a wine with spice and pepper notes and tannins to stand up to the fat.
@mike808 @mossygreen @tinamarie1974 Ambergris (sperm whale puke) has been one of the most sought after ingredients of expensive perfume since forever.
From Wikipedia
@mehcuda67 @mike808 @tinamarie1974 I bought a perfume based on ambergris after reading a review that talked about its halitosis note. I was simultaneously pleased and disappointed that I didn’t smell it.
@mike808 @mossygreen @tinamarie1974 Well aren’t we a tough customer!
That would make a memorable product review.
I don’t understand wine either, but I love the smell of tar and asphalt. Would I drink it? Maybe. Would I wear it as a fragrance? Definitely.

/image diesel cologne
@ybmuG Bvlgari Black looks like a hockey puck and smells like a new toy with rubber wheels!

/image bvlgari black eau de toilette
That sounds more like an ohnophile thing.

/giphy Freudian slip?
@chienfou just a bad pun with insufficient investment in a proper setup. When I really work at it I can get a full Freudian petticoat.
Tar can smell pretty good. Like when I smell fresh asphalt or when someone is tarring a roof. Though, I wouldn’t want to be around it for extended periods. (nor drink it)
@medz Yes! I’m mildly sad that they don’t re-tar roads in the summer anymore, kids don’t know what they’re missing. Walking barefoot on it when it’s cooled but still soft, popping bubbles with your toes…
I was prescribed a coal tar ointment for psoriasis many years ago, and I loved it because it smelled like the freight tracks in summer.
Ahh, the memories… sniff, sniff.

@mike808 Ditto
The description doesn’t appeal to me at all, honestly.
Can’t really see anyone dying to wine and dine with that beverage ever.