@ironcheftoni I was passing through on my way home from dropping off the load of stuff I’d taken to Phoenix Fan Fusion. We’re not doing AKon this year. I’ll be passing through again on Tuesday evening on my way to Origins in Columbus, and then coming back on the following Tuesday - but I hope to be south of I-20 before Noon.
If you visited a brick & mortar (sorry to spell it out; took me too long to figure that out) and you’re posting about it on meh, THEN WHY DO THEY HAVE MORNINGSAVE SHIRTS ON, HUH?!!!1!1??
I bought a Mediocritee that I’d been wanting, though.
@werehatrack Which one? Pics or Ban!
@yakkoTDI Strange Women Lying In Ponds Distributing Swords.
@werehatrack @yakkoTDI
Oooohhh one of my favorite MP bits!
Skip to 1:20 if you must but the rest is equally brilliant!
I assume every single thing in this picture is a speaker dock until proven otherwise
@spitfire6006006 or a knife
@spitfire6006006 Or
plastic"microfiber" sheets. Unless it is candy corn.@rockblossom @spitfire6006006 If you squint really hard, over on the right, there are some of the equally infamous rayon-“from”-bamboo sheets as well.
@rockblossom @spitfire6006006 @werehatrack
what?.. no 'as seen on TV"?
@chienfou @rockblossom @spitfire6006006 @werehatrack

Ok…what is in the glass case??
@somf69 Prob stroopwafels.
@ircon96 @somf69 if it’s the case by the fire extinguisher, looks like sunglasses.
@somf69 @stolicat Daelmans makes sunglasses now? Talk about expanding the brand!
Are you in town for A-Kon?
@ironcheftoni I was passing through on my way home from dropping off the load of stuff I’d taken to Phoenix Fan Fusion. We’re not doing AKon this year. I’ll be passing through again on Tuesday evening on my way to Origins in Columbus, and then coming back on the following Tuesday - but I hope to be south of I-20 before Noon.
If you visited a brick & mortar (sorry to spell it out; took me too long to figure that out) and you’re posting about it on meh, THEN WHY DO THEY HAVE MORNINGSAVE SHIRTS ON, HUH?!!!1!1??
/image riddle me this batman

Although now I want to go. dang it.
@stinks They are wearing Morningsave shirts because it wasn’t Topless Tuesday, silly.
Note: Due to local regulations, it is never Topless Tuesday in Plano.
SO where is this one Located??
@mycya4me In Plano, Texas.
Were they selling any Cuisinart?
@Kyeh They certainly had lots of Cuisinart, but I was not paying any attention to what was being courted off to the checkout.